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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

The time of Ciller was pathetic time of Turkiye. In 90's we were lack in everything and weak. But She had more balls than Tayyip. She has made many critic moves and made very important decisions. Our current defense industry is based on her decisions. She was corrupt but better and brave than Tayyip. Her anti-terror policies brought western-southwestern lands back to control of state. Massive operations have done while she was in power. That time those sattes were helping and aiding pkk. Nothing has changed so far. Bringing thoes hostile states up, makes no sens for me.

However we cant compare current time of Turkiye with 90's. There are a lot differences. That time we had gov.'s which were calling it as "terror" now we have a gov. calling it "kurdish issue". Even current TSK much more stronger than TSK of 90's.

But we have a coward gov. which believes giving everything what pkk demands may solve this problem. This is our problem and this time we are loosing. The situation in Eastern and Southeastern Turkiye is so different than what you hear and watch from tv.

But if you gave 'em 400 parliamentarian, Terror of pkk will stop. :undecided:

Cizre... Cizre is the perfect sample and proof of fallen policy of akp. They have known that pkk deploying huge amount of weapons and milita power in cities especially Cizre and Hakkari. They have known end of the story we may have a lot causalities but they just let 'em do what they would to do.

your problem lies somewhere else.. frist complain about no anti terror operations , and when anti terror operation are done than you find something else to complain..

so its true our goverment is not so hard its slow and soft.. they made errors.. but now this operation has to be made until no terrorist exists any more..

the real things we lack is:

propaganda institute
-anti pkk propaganda in and abroad
media we should not allow certain things even in germany the media tells everytime the same thing all are the same and under control of the goverment
school system
- less vacation
- special lessons..
-maybe school until 16 clock
-keep them busy and teach them what you want and not pkk want
better documentations in turkish and kurdish
series about iraq war and PKK war etc

special laws
anti PKK supporter laws
strenghten police
it should be impossible to hit a cop
molotov cocktails are weapons and you can shoot them
give the operations under mit and military control without politics
no hdp get them all

and so on
Update :

Tunceli 17

Eruh 6

Pervari 3

Hakkari 5

Van 2 = Total executed rats -yesterday- 33

TUNCELI Region -


Cumhuriyet interviewed Remzi Kartal in Europe :

R. Kartal :

1. Time for autonomy has come

2. We will never stop Walking to our Targets

3. If Erdogan wins Türkiye will loose and more Daglica's will happen !

Cumhuriyet Gazetesi - Erdoğan kazanırsa Türkiye kaybeder

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wet dreams.

thats why they have a party like HDP. in the Parlament.
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It is clear from the videos that they are only shooting armed people. It's all lies if they say we kill civilians but you know how the saying goes "tell a lie enough times and eventually everyone will believe it".

KCK: We are ready for mutual consolidated ceasefire
ANF | Ajansa Nûçeyan a Firatê

The biggest PKK stronghold is in Syria. We should keep fighting until the FSA is ready to take over PYD controlled areas, after all the whole world wants a unified Syria right? So they should not have any issues with this. :D

Take Attention to the HILAL !

Live "somewhere" at the front at TT 21:00, just got from a friend in Action.

Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilal!
Kahraman ırkıma bir gül; ne bu şiddet, bu celal?
Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helal...
Hakkıdır, Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklal.

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