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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

If TUNCELI is cleaned we will be prepared for the FUTURE !

TUNCELİ'DE ÇOK SAYIDA PKK'LI ÖLDÜRÜLDÜ ! 50 sözü geciyor ?......


Got News from KARS Digor,
local sourced confirmed me that almost 2500 People who NOW Claim to be " Ethnic Armenian" are in the mountains.

Tunceli'de çok sayıda PKK'lı öldürüldü !
Would they be worth a "Camel" in Arap countries ? Those stinking crabbed monkeys ?

Interesting most code names are "Armenian"


Humanist democrat SIVAS 'li CEM in CIZRE , he will watch ceasefire and wants be intermediate


After lost 123 "Mehmetcik" 1196 number doesn't make me feel better but however we avenge them.
Everyday one of 'em.
One day all of 'em.

It is clear from the videos that they are only shooting armed people. It's all lies if they say we kill civilians but you know how the saying goes "tell a lie enough times and eventually everyone will believe it".

Yes my friend. TSK, Mehmetcik very fastidious on this issue.
Tunceli is their door and source for BLACK SEA REGION, that's the reason why I always pointed on it

İstihbarat raporlarına göre; Karadeniz’e sevk edilen terörist grupların daha önce çekildiği açıklanan Tunceli’den gönderildiği, grupların Erzincan Kemah üzerinden Tokat-Rize, Gümüşhane-Giresun ve Samsun bölgelerine aktarıldığı ortaya çıktı.Karadeniz bölgesinin geri çekilme sürecinde tamamen boşaltıldığı yönündeki kamuoyu algısını bozmamak amacıyla PKK’nın faaliyetlerini gizlilik içerisinde yürüttüğünün altı çizildi.

“PKK Karadeniz bölgesinde yığınak yapıyor”.. - Ahmet TAKAN



35 les in Tunceli

60 in Haftanin / Iraq

PKK'nın kaybı Karayılan'ın telsiz konuşmasında

Todays numbers

35 PKK killed in Tunceli
65 PKK killed in Iraq

Üstad kalb kalbe karsidir, ayni anda ayni seyi yazdik.:tup: @cabatli_53
-Muş: 1 PKK captured alive !
-5000 new younger TC patriot Kurdish "Korucu" forces are coming to fight against PKK !




"Korucu"+Turkish Army side by side

They will become more and more better if the FETULLAH ci traitors will be cleaned from all insitutions. Hakan and President RTE were so often traitored and it was only work of patriots, who never differentiated between "Good and bad guys due to Foreign classification" and for sure God's decision that they survived. MIT will make a quantum jump if they will get some more technical innovations. They are on the way , you can follow in foreign media.

@cabatli_53 üstad cok güzel paylasim. Ders filmi gibi. Korucular bana kizilderili SCOUT lari animsatti. Bu insanlara Devlet güclü destek vermeli ve cok iyi disiplin altina almali. O saglanirsa haberlesme telsizleri dijital olmali. Hem güvenlik hem menzil acisindan iyi olur.
Hatta biraz ileri gidiyorum ama Laser isaretci üzerinde egitim verilip onlara teslim edilebilir.

More evidence HDP = PKK

Skandal ! HDP'li Başkanın aracından çıkanlar şok etti !

Drink Whiskey at the Bosfor and vote HDP traitor Turkish citizens !

Tunceli is their heart , their soul, their symbol and backbone. It was always.

PKK'ya dev darbe: 4 ton patlayıcı ele geçirildi

Anecdote years ago from an officer who was in Dersim at Atatürk time :

" They shot 3 of my platoon in mid of the "Ayyildiz of their caps" with Mavzers, we followed them and found in a village hiding between trembling women and childre. We only arrested the male terrorists we could identify. We left the innocents , women and children and gave them from our erzak. The killer traitors we transported to court!"

That is a true story !
Mit çok iyi sızdı bunların içine, aldıkları nefesten korkar oldular, hakan fidan'ın göreve geldiği gün, iranlı ajan diye eleştirenlerle, bu adamların korkuları pek de farklı değil nedense..

O görseldeki o.c. Hollanda da alt düzey psikopat bir uyusturucu cete elemani ,
Barzani bayragi fake ve Hollanda bayragi ters.
Yazik cok sayida "Türk" gecinen kisi ve siyasetci milyarlik rabt ugruna bunlarla ve yabanci hükümetlerle isbirligi yapiyor.
Anlasilan canlari co yanmis......

Devlet bunlarin basina 300 Milyon EURO ödül koydu.

Renk kategorisine göre siniflandirildilar.

Bazilarini paketlemek bile bosa caba, ya domuzlara yem olur ve parcalari bulunmaz ya da ibreti alem icin
domuz bagi ile bir yerde bulunurlar !

Private Military Contractors

Hunting has begun

"As long as there is man, there will be violence."
"As long as there is violence, there will be war."
"And as long as there is war... we will always have a job."

Turkish Army `kills at least 55` in new airstrikes on Kurdish rebels: Report | Zee News

Last Updated: Saturday, September 19, 2015 - 19:16

Ankara: Turkish fighter jets carried out a new barrage of cross-border airstrikes this week against Kurdish militants in northern Iraq, killing at least 55 rebels, state-run Anatolia news agency reported on Saturday.

The strikes by F-16 and F-4 jets targeted caves, houses and camps used by the militant Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), Anatolia said, citing unnamed security sources.

"At least 55 to 60 terrorists" were killed in the operation, which destroyed munitions depots, the report added.

Turkish security forces and the outlawed PKK have traded fire on a near daily basis since a two-year-old ceasefire fell apart in late July with Ankara`s launch of a two-pronged "anti-terror" offensive against Islamic State jihadists in Syria and the jihadists` Kurdish foes.

The bulk of the government`s firepower has been reserved for airstrikes on PKK bases in northern Iraq or in Turkey`s predominantly Kurdish southeast, to which the rebels have responded with a string of bloody attacks on the security forces.

Around 150 soldiers and police have been killed in PKK bombings and shootings since the return to open conflict, compared with around 1,100 in the rebel camp, according to pro-government media.

The PKK does not give figures for its dead, making it impossible to confirm the government`s claims to be inflicting huge losses.

With the tit-for-tat attacks showing no sign of abating in the run up to November 1 parliamentary elections, the government has announced plans to boost a controversial pro-government "Village Guard" militia.

"Following instructions from our Prime Minister (Ahmet Davutoglu) we will advertise for 5,000 `village guardians` in the press," Interior Minister Selami Altinok was quoted by NTV broadcaster as saying.

Created towards the end of the 1980s to contain the PKK, the militia currently numbers around 70,000 men and women, who draw a government salary.

Human rights groups have repeatedly called for the force, which has been tainted by allegations of violent crime and drug smuggling, to be disbanded.

Of the around 5,000 militia members to have been implicated in wrongdoing, only 900 have faced legal action, according to official figures.

The battle between the state and PKK will take centre stage at an anti-terrorism rally in Istanbul Sunday to be addressed by Erdogan.

The president`s critics accuse him of reigniting a three-decade conflict with the PKK to curry nationalist support for his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the upcoming election.

Some 40,000 people have died since the PKK took up arms in 1984 seeking an independent state for Turkey`s Kurdish minority. The rebels have since refocused their demands on securing greater autonomy and cultural rights.

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