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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Tunceli'de 14 bölge özel güvenlik bölgesi ilan edildi - Milliyet.com.tr

TUNCELİ Valiliği tarafından akşam saatlerinde yapılan yazılı açıklamada, kent merkezinde 7, Ovacık ve Hozat İlçeleri'nde 2, Çemişgezek, Mazgirt ve Nazimiye İlçeleri'nde de 1'er bölge olmak üzere toplam 14 bölgenin özel güvenlik bölgesi ilan edildiğini duyurdu

Tunceli'de PKK'ya ağır darbe | GAZETE VATAN

The title is the typical stuff from out media where anything is a heavy blow but here are some parts I selected out;

Tunceli’nin Ovacık İlçesi’nin Otlubahçe ile Aslıca Köyü arasındaki sık ormanlık alanda PKK’lıların yuvalandığı istihbaratını değerlendiren güvenlik güçleri 16 Eylül çarşamba harekete geçti. Aynı gün öğleden sonra havalanan keşif uçağı, PKK’lı teröristlerin bulunduğu yeri tam olarak saptadı. Üslerin havalanan 2 F-16 savaş uçağı, saat 17.15 ile 17.40 arasında PKK’lıların bulunduğu bölgede 6 hedefi vurdu.

Tunceli’de şehit olan Özel Harakıt polisi Aydın Nazıllioğlu’nun adı verilon operasyonda, bombardımanın ardından havalanan keşif uçağı, bombalardan kurtulup kaçan teröristlerin bulunduğu yerleri saptadı ve bu kez taarruz helikopterleri devreye girdi. Helikopterlerden atılan roket ve 20 milimetrik toplarla bu noktalar ateş altına alınırken, bölgeye Sikorsky helikopterlerle indirilen jandarma komando timleri teröristlerin kaçış noktalarını tuttu. Saat 20.30 ve 21.09 arasında yine F- 16 savaş uçağı teröristlerin bulunduğu belirlenen 3 hedefi daha vurdu. Buradan kaçtığı belirlenen 4 terörist de taarruz helikopterleri tarafından ateş altına alındı.

Operasyonla ilgili açıklama yapan güvenlik yetkilileri 30- 35 kişilik PKK’lı grubun etkisiz hale getirildiğini, yine aynı bölgeye 22 Ağustos’ta yapılan hava operasyonunda 22 hedefin vurulduğunu, teröristlerin yaz mevsiminde kullandığı 14 barınma merkezinin imha edildiğini, ağır makineli tefek mevzileri ve keskin nişancı mevzilerinin kullanılmaz hale getirildiğini söyledi.

Nokta operasyon dedigin budur... yoksa olmuyor.
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Tunceli kazinirsa , bu is cok ama cok söner.......

O görseldeki o.c. Hollanda da alt düzey psikopat bir uyusturucu cete elemani ,
Barzani bayragi fake ve Hollanda bayragi ters.
Yazik cok sayida "Türk" gecinen kisi ve siyasetci milyarlik rabt ugruna bunlarla ve yabanci hükümetlerle isbirligi yapiyor.
Anlasilan canlari co yanmis......

Devlet bunlarin basina 300 Milyon EURO ödül koydu.

Renk kategorisine göre siniflandirildilar.

Bazilarini paketlemek bile bosa caba, ya domuzlara yem olur ve parcalari bulunmaz ya da ibreti alem icin
domuz bagi ile bir yerde bulunurlar !

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''Teröristi ihbar edene ödül'' sisteminde ayrıntılar belli oldu

They operated so Long in Syria and North Iraq. We will pay , that's game. Money Counts !
If they Play unfair they know that this also has a Price !

Shot and kill, take the reward. Easier then drug trafficking and working for Mafia or others...:big_boss: 300 Million EURO is a very huge BUDGET !

Mossad played the similar game when hunting ASSASINATORS worldwide

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@Hurshid Celebi

Bro, do you have any additional info about the ''guvenli bolge'' stuff? I'm comparing it to what Israel faced with Hezbollah but can't find much info on it since are guys are tight lipped as usual.

As for rewards, gerekilen hamle. Let them make money that way rather than with smuggling or drugs :).
After all, Tayyip did a good job of making more votes for his party for the second election. Just look at pdf members in Turkish section, these days.
@Hurshid Celebi

Bro, do you have any additional info about the ''guvenli bolge'' stuff? I'm comparing it to what Israel faced with Hezbollah but can't find much info on it since are guys are tight lipped as usual.

As for rewards, gerekilen hamle. Let them make money that way rather than with smuggling or drugs :).

Be sure, we will have successs there. Be sure
After all, Tayyip did a good job of making more votes for his party for the second election. Just look at pdf members in Turkish section, these days.
After all these years, your racist rhetoric against Turks has not changed; you will claim you just hate Erdogan. I for one despise him, but there are people who like him. He will go someday, but racist bigots(like erdo) and your self will always exist.

Unless you are willing to atleast explain why he will gain more votes, i will have to assume you are just trolling; this is no place for one liners.

After all these years, your racist rhetoric against Turks has not changed; you will claim you just hate Erdogan. I for one despise him, but there are people who like him. He will go someday, but racist bigots(like erdo) and your self will always exist.

Unless you are willing to atleast explain why he will gain more votes, i will have to assume you are just trolling; this is no place for one liners.


Don't worry about him, all he ever does in this section is troll. He has a condition known as "buttfury", caused by his intense jealousy of Turks. His comment is actually pretty ironic - he's lecturing Turks on voting when his own country can't even hold a real election and is still run by a dictator.
Yes we will exist forever and protect our Country and never be traitors and illoyal.

We will never kill even "so called dictators", dictator assanination is forbidden and an UN crime .

BUT RTE is even not a dictator. He is learning, he was elected and a young and unexperienced;

he had no real Chance against CIA and other controlled so called "Minorities" bur in in real LIFE

RULERS. Fetullahcilar, SABATEY s (SABATAY) ci ------now come on what happened to the GIPSYs who rules TÜRKIYE in secret paying BILLIONS ?

Sabetaycis ( no real Jews) ?? Come on and discuss please !!
Yes we will exist forever and protect our Country and never be traitors and illoyal.

We will never kill even "so called dictators", dictator assanination is forbidden and an UN crime .

BUT RTE is even not a dictator. He is learning, he was elected and a young and unexperienced;

he had no real Chance against CIA and other controlled so called "Minorities" bur in in real LIFE

RULERS. Fetullahcilar, SABATEY s (SABATAY) ci ------now come on what happened to the GIPSYs who rules TÜRKIYE in secret paying BILLIONS ?

Sabetaycis ( no real Jews) ?? Come on and discuss please !!

How can you blame anyone other than akp/erdogan & feto dogs for current terror problems?
They took out the Kemalist generals who didn't bow to islamists, they turned imrali into a damn hotel.
And now you're going to blame the Jews and CIA?
How can you blame anyone other than akp/erdogan & feto dogs for current terror problems?
They took out the Kemalist generals who didn't bow to islamists, they turned imrali into a damn hotel.
And now you're going to blame the Jews and CIA?

In fact you are the one who are blaming jews, BOP projesi and talking trash.
yesterday evening a suicid eattack.

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