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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

What does he gargle? I can't understand gargling I am not dutch...

Hollanda kanalından ilginç PKK videosu - Video 7
This is literally what he said:)

Everywhere in the southeastern city's of turkey you come across districts who have changed in fortresses.
This is İdil (shows the city) where days long have been fought, Also in this district are young people preparing for war with everything what comes with it.

The Turkish government claims to only kill militants in there operations. Civilians are "spared" . In Idıl it is seen how difficult it is to distinguish the militants and civilians because who doesn't Cary weapons helps with building of fortifications. The feeling that the state has targeted all Kurds is "widely supported"

6 weeks ago this was a normal residential area. You see here that everyone is fortified in there own camps.. This could very wel lead to a civil war.

This took me a while ;)
This is literally what he said:)

Everywhere in the southeastern city's of turkey you come across districts who have changed in fortresses.
This is İdil (shows the city) where days long have been fought, Also in this district are young people preparing for war with everything what comes with it.

The Turkish government claims to only kill militants in there operations. Civilians are "spared" . In Idıl it is seen how difficult it is to distinguish the militants and civilians because who doesn't Cary weapons helps with building of fortifications. The feeling that the state has targeted all Kurds is "widely supported"

6 weeks ago this was a normal residential area. You see here that everyone is fortified in there own camps.. This could very wel lead to a civil war.

This took me a while ;)
Thank you :)
birde bu ayilarla mi ugrasacagiz?o_O


bunun altindaki yorum beni oldurdu....

Anası bunu doğurmamış sıçmış amk oğlu

Erklärungen von Davutoglu in einem Fernsehinterview

Ministerpräsident Ahmet Davutoglu hat in einem Fernsehinterview den Terror in der Türkei bewertet. Davutoglu sagte, nicht der Staat sei in die 90er Jahre zurückgekehrt sondern die Terrororganisation PKK. Die HDP rief Davutoglu dazu auf, keine Heuchelei zu betreiben, die HDP befände sich in einer Zwickmühle zwischen der Existenz als politischer Bewegung und einer Terrorlegitimität. Weiter sagte Davutoglu, PKK und ihre Elemente würden statt den demokratischen Weg die Methode in Syrien bevorzugen und versuchen einen Einflussbereich in der Türkei aufzubauen. Davutoglu sagte, Ziel sei eine Entwaffnung der PKK und die demokratische Diskussion ihrer Demokratisierungsforderungen, wofür die entsprechenden Schritte gemeinsam unternommen werden müssten. Ferner sagte Ministerpräsident Davutoglu, man sei entschlossen im Kampf gegen den Terror die Sicherheit der Zivilbevölkerung zu wahren. Der Staat sei nicht in die 90er Jahre zurückgekehrt, sondern die Terrororganisation PKK. Die Ankündigung der PKK die Waffen niederlegen zu wollen habe die Waffenlords und Drogenschmuggler verunsichert. Man wisse welcher Geheimdienst im Nordirak mit wem und was besprochen habe und wer mittels PKK die Türkei schwächen wolle, sagte Davutoglu ferner.


What/whom does he mean?
Turkish soldier killed in Kurdish rebel attack: Security source | Zee News

Diyarbakir: A Turkish soldier was killed in southeastern Diyarbakir province in a new attack blamed on the rebel Kurdistan Workers` Party (PKK), a security source said.

Sergeant Mehmet Ali Sarak, 25, came under fire from PKK militants with automatic rifles while on his way to his Army base in the Silvan district of Diyarbakir, the source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Sarak, who was in civilian clothing when he was shot, died instantly, said the source, who added that an security operation was then launched to track down the assailants.

In a statement published on its website, the Turkish Army confirmed the death of the soldier and denounced a "despicable attack" conducted by "traitors devoid of any humanity."

Separately Turkish war planes on Wednesday carried out a new barrage of cross-border airstrikes against Kurdish militants in northern Iraq, destroying munitions depots and caves used by the PKK, the Army said.

Ankara launched a major "anti-terrorist" campaign against the PKK in late July, aimed at flushing it out of its strongholds in southeastern Turkey and northern Iraq.

The group has hit back hard, killing dozens of police and soldiers in almost daily bomb and shooting attacks.

Nearly 150 soldiers and police have been killed in attacks since July blamed on the PKK compared with more than 1,000 rebels, according to pro-government media.

The escalation has shattered a two-year-ceasefire which had raised hopes of an end to the PKK`s three-decade insurgency, in which more than 40,000 people have been killed.

Turkish soldier killed in Kurdish rebel attack: Security source | Zee News

Diyarbakir: A Turkish soldier was killed in southeastern Diyarbakir province in a new attack blamed on the rebel Kurdistan Workers` Party (PKK), a security source said.

Sergeant Mehmet Ali Sarak, 25, came under fire from PKK militants with automatic rifles while on his way to his Army base in the Silvan district of Diyarbakir, the source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Sarak, who was in civilian clothing when he was shot, died instantly, said the source, who added that an security operation was then launched to track down the assailants.

In a statement published on its website, the Turkish Army confirmed the death of the soldier and denounced a "despicable attack" conducted by "traitors devoid of any humanity."

Separately Turkish war planes on Wednesday carried out a new barrage of cross-border airstrikes against Kurdish militants in northern Iraq, destroying munitions depots and caves used by the PKK, the Army said.

Ankara launched a major "anti-terrorist" campaign against the PKK in late July, aimed at flushing it out of its strongholds in southeastern Turkey and northern Iraq.

The group has hit back hard, killing dozens of police and soldiers in almost daily bomb and shooting attacks.

Nearly 150 soldiers and police have been killed in attacks since July blamed on the PKK compared with more than 1,000 rebels, according to pro-government media.

The escalation has shattered a two-year-ceasefire which had raised hopes of an end to the PKK`s three-decade insurgency, in which more than 40,000 people have been killed.


şehit Mehmet Ali Sarak
Allah Rahmet Eylesin

Erklärungen von Davutoglu in einem Fernsehinterview

Ministerpräsident Ahmet Davutoglu hat in einem Fernsehinterview den Terror in der Türkei bewertet. Davutoglu sagte, nicht der Staat sei in die 90er Jahre zurückgekehrt sondern die Terrororganisation PKK. Die HDP rief Davutoglu dazu auf, keine Heuchelei zu betreiben, die HDP befände sich in einer Zwickmühle zwischen der Existenz als politischer Bewegung und einer Terrorlegitimität. Weiter sagte Davutoglu, PKK und ihre Elemente würden statt den demokratischen Weg die Methode in Syrien bevorzugen und versuchen einen Einflussbereich in der Türkei aufzubauen. Davutoglu sagte, Ziel sei eine Entwaffnung der PKK und die demokratische Diskussion ihrer Demokratisierungsforderungen, wofür die entsprechenden Schritte gemeinsam unternommen werden müssten. Ferner sagte Ministerpräsident Davutoglu, man sei entschlossen im Kampf gegen den Terror die Sicherheit der Zivilbevölkerung zu wahren. Der Staat sei nicht in die 90er Jahre zurückgekehrt, sondern die Terrororganisation PKK. Die Ankündigung der PKK die Waffen niederlegen zu wollen habe die Waffenlords und Drogenschmuggler verunsichert. Man wisse welcher Geheimdienst im Nordirak mit wem und was besprochen habe und wer mittels PKK die Türkei schwächen wolle, sagte Davutoglu ferner.


What/whom does he mean?

@Hurshid Celebi @Kebapçı Erhan @xenon54
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