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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

The latest IED attack. Wounded soldiers no dead. At least 250 kg bomb.

I think the PKK is moving the fight to the cities because their mountain fighters have been almost completely disabled to the point where they can't attack those outposts anymore. Too many of them have died in Iraq and Syria and now many have been killed in Turkish Air Force raids. They do not have the supplies and infrastructure to mount attacks like they used to so now they are relying heavily on IED's and using teenagers in the cities as canon fodder.

They as a whole are so desperate that their militants are crying and they have to bring out fake pictures and propaganda to get attention from the international community. Cizre massacre my ***. Every Time they lose they call it a massacre.

'(PKK) Terrorist, who tried to launch a rocket, kills himself'

Polise saldıran terörist kendini vurdu - GÜNCEL Haberleri
He tried to split the country instead he ended up splitting himself.
I think the PKK is moving the fight to the cities because their mountain fighters have been almost completely disabled to the point where they can't attack those outposts anymore. Too many of them have died in Iraq and Syria and now many have been killed in Turkish Air Force raids. They do not have the supplies and infrastructure to mount attacks like they used to so now they are relying heavily on IED's and using teenagers in the cities as canon fodder.

They as a whole are so desperate that their militants are crying and they have to bring out fake pictures and propaganda to get attention from the international community. Cizre massacre my ***. Every Time they lose they call it a massacre.

He tried to split the country instead he ended up splitting himself.

Nah bro, they still can attack that way but it's stupid and cost too much effort. They will only do that if the reward is high or if it's needed after many losses. And yes, the fact that they're entrenched in three countries (four if you count Iran) isn't helping them at all but they can still shift back some manpower while claiming we're fighting ISIS, why is Turkey attacking us.

One attack that kills dozens is bad, 10 smaller attacks every week feels worse. You get the feeling of ''again?'' and ''how can they attack in X, that's a calm province'' etc.

- Spread out fighters in smaller groups to create more discomfort/chaos and appear bigger/stronger. Smaller groups can also operate easier. Search soft spots to target and attack; traffic police/gendarme/off-duty personnel or plant IED's with help from locals
- Urban warfare has the same tactic as above + entrenching themselves for war to maximize our casualties as well as PR effort (see Cizre)
- Attacks on outposts and operations in ''kirsal'' are hindered by pre-planned IED's and entrenched positions/bunkers etc.

This is why they declare these ''security zones'' so they can do a quick check with intel and hit said positions to make the fighting for ground troops easier.
As you can see that bomb is placed with the help of municipality of that city, they placed maybe one year ago. Mark the place and when the time come. Boom nothing else, so this called peace negotiations is history. The Kurds have to choice site, ther is no middle way.

Gov. must form assassination units up as soon as possible against those so-called parliaments, civilians, hdp, ypgh etc. Those targets more valuable than the other pigs who are walking and living on the mountains.

Those pigs are controlling and manipulating armed militants of pkk hiding behind of weak laws.
You are right that they deserve nothing less than those cavemen imo but they are indeed valuable targets to reach goals of PKK so with such logic/action plan you would be serving them instead yourself, your people.
PKK, HDP'li vekilleri öldürecekti! - GÜNCEL Haberleri

The latest IED attack. Wounded soldiers no dead. At least 250 kg bomb.

Çok şükür...
May Allah protect all our heroes.
? What that ?
Sure not Shorland. Kind of light armoured Jeep style vehicle

It´s is not Clear if Shorland or Ural.

I can not imagine that a Shorland has a suitable Protection against explosives.

2 Polis Officers KIA - 2 Injured & survived.

NOTHING about refugee crisis; our friend CEM and Rebbeca Harms visited ex - CIZRE Major who made public PKK Propaganda on PKK-TV broadcasting from EUROPE !

CEM wants that a "CEASEFIRE " !



NOTHING about refugee crisis; our friend CEM and Rebbeca Harms visited ex - CIZRE Major who made public PKK Propaganda on PKK-TV broadcasting from EUROPE !

CEM wants that a "CEASEFIRE " !



I don't understand how there are no protests from Germans against these people.
They get paid by the German tax payers, and this is how they keep wasting their time on things that are irrelevant to Germany?
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