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The Echidna of Terrorism: Final Chapter-Ultimate solution?

some revelations regarding the subject, which was totally missing from OP.

Current Afghanistan is controlled by Iran loyalist, northern alliance who's hate for Pakistan is not a secret.

...........more to come.
We all know that Russia,Iran and other countries are waging proxy wars in Pakistan via Afghanistan,it is also clearly discussed in counter terrorism policy draft issued by Government of Pakistan,however the draft lacked to discuss the controversial role of US and drone strike issues,the draft also lacked clear observation and decision in case of TTP,also governance issues etc
So,why should I waste my time and discuss Iran,russia etc and beat same old lines when it is already discussed in draft policy issued in Islamabad? it is useless for me then to discuss already recognized and discussed points.
One more point:The report is mainly focused on TTP and Pakistan's counter terrorism policy rather then Afghanistan's war.
However,some points of counter terrorism policy draft issued by government of Pakistan under the heading of counter terrorism model of PML-N and are discussed/recalled/highlighted under the heading of lapses that Iran, Russia and other foreign elements are involved in proxy wars.
Readers can see the report.
The question arises here that why I have focused on US role,Taliban's role,it's relationship with Al-qaida and Pakistan's foreign policy in case of India more then Iran,Russia and other players?
The answer is simple: Because TTP is challenging our writ and constitution along with other terrorists outfits,where as US role appears controversial,you can read the New York times Newspaper and other authentic papers.
And these so called ghost organizations are getting out of control day by day,and our regime is unable to create clear policy and clearly confused till now to handle them ,we have thus lost millions of civilians, armymen,dollars etc due to such 'ghost organizations funded by foreign elements etc.
Where as far as Al-qaida is concerned it's clear influence was visible in Lal masjid seige case,how major threat appeared and was later on resolved.
@Slav Defence

What do you think the political leaders / public almost bending over backwards for " peace at all costs " is aiming for ? The answer to your question " what is that we are seeking with the militants " , lies in this . Just analyze the attitudes , actions and statements of the political leadership and military's complete radio silence and you will understand what are we aiming at . You assume that they are not serious and aiming to demonize the terrorists through " peace talks " , which isn't right . They aren't thinking along the same patterns , though it would have made more sense and reduce the influence of Taliban propaganda , by a relatively large extent - the conspiracy theorists would have again ruined those " efforts " , the Lal Mosque siege is a great example since people still believe that the Govt's talks were " engineered to fail ".
First of all it was my suggestion mate,not assumption-that is,to use peace settlements as a tool against them.
Now,coming to the question which you have raised of our interest with militants?
In order to understand the scenario,we must place missing pieces of puzzles of past events to resolve current situation.
And the piece which we are ignoring actually is United State's role in war of terror and sudden change in her attitude,as well as her biased policy in case of Pakistan which has resulted to complete silence in army sectors while our civil regime is divided into two mindsets.
After so called 9/11 catastrophe,we have experienced of US aggressive attitude as a result of which US attacked Afghanistan with an objective of complete annhilation of those talibans which they have raised,nourished and funded along talibans along with Pakistan,Saudi Arab and other hegemoney players against Soviets...
The very same united States after 10 years changed her attitude and seek tried to arrange peace settlements with very same talibans.
At the same time,when Pakistan approaches to militants which consists of not only TTP-the Umberella organization but it's allies too,the very same US targets their leaders at crucial times of peace settlements and APC in past which not only hinders but justifies and support TTP's anti-state actions,thus they succeed to gain support at every level,which is extremely dangerous.
Meanwhile on the other hand,our civil regime is divided into two classes:

-The one who persistently support US because they are unable to halt US from drone strikes,includes PML-N
-while the other one which is effected due to US controversial role and is influenced by present event is continuously favouring peace settlement as they recognize US responsible for this,which included provential government ie KPK.
This thinking is getting strength day by day that US will leave Afghanistan leaving Pakistan behind in mess,which is also a major reason which is bending civil regime towards peace settlements thus hindering TTP's brutal attitude and anti-state action as well.
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Remember @Secur it is not Amreeka's fault... if we are expecting them to support us in such case,but it is our fault,as it is obvious that they will engieneer such strategies which will provide safeguards to American and only American interests,expecting them to think of our benefits is complete stupidity and foolishness.It is our regime's fault,weakness and corruption which has brought us to such deplorable conditions,and we are unable to sustain present situation between militancy and US influence.
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@Slav Defence

The whole nation is ready to blame everything on a third hand or " foreign country " so it doesn't matter here . They work for their interest like any other country but we do not , we work for imaginary Muslim brotherhood . We all assume certain things in our arguments and replies , nothing to defend or be sensitive of . You know what you are doing ? You are assuming here that the Govt of Pakistan has the wisdom and far seeing ability to actually use this tool against them , with all due respect , this is a fallacy again , I believe that it can be , to some extent , but that is negated by the fact that nation of Pakistan is highly radicalized and confused to the core - always ready to create conspiracy theories . Do you still think that in the presence of majority people with such mindset who will blame their Govt/Military before blaming terrorists , this strategy , if there , would have worked ? Nah .

The attitudes , actions and statements of the political parties in power and even those in opposition are conveying a very gloomy picture , they want the " peace talks " to succeed " at all costs " , even if it means going against things the state stands for . This leniency and carefulness and the policy of appeasement which is nothing short of cowardice is beyond me . Do you not get it ? There's no genius involved here as you assume . Today , the Ch.Nisar himself said how Taliban have around 37 groups and how talking to each one of them is simply not possible , so what if one doesn't agree with main TTP chief if he ever decides to make peace ? Who provides the guarantee that the terrorist will honor any deal ? Did they do it in Swat ? Is our nation blind and deaf not to see the outcome of that ? What then ? You have the same result again . The Americans can leave whenever they want , dont you get it ? They do not live in Afghanistan , they are safe far away in mainland thousands of miles away . Your position is different and hence they can change their stances and do things , you shouldn't .

Believe it or not , the nation is confused , it doesn't recognize its friends and enemies , it doesn't even acknowledge that its enemies are the same people it once trained and flourished with an extremist ideology .
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Nai Nai @secur,no no....
Do not conclude from my above analysis that I am assuming my civil regime to be 'smart enough to understand current mess' nor I am considering them 'far sighted' to engineer better policies.
I told you earlier that it was my suggestion only that government must take such such steps rather then 'government is taking' or 'government has taken',it is very sad if you think that I am too dumb to expect from my civil regime to be capable enough to resolve such mess.
And what?wisdom? Our civil regime and wisdom?
Mate,how can these two words co exists together?eh?
Wisdom and Pakistani politicians are two entirely different words,our civil regime,which mainly consists of characterless,thirdclass individuals with no common sense,how can I expect that they are intellectual enough to sort out this labyrinth?
My above analysis pointed out towards current confusion created,and how our regime is not in a condition to stop US drones and her influence on one side,while on other side,it is unable to create proper policy in case of growing insurgencies in Pakistan,
the overall summary of my entire analysis is that our regime has failed to recover lapses and is in a state of confusion,that is why we are unable to sustain current situation.
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