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The christianization of India Sino-Tibetan people

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You seem to be oblivious on Christian history, the church was initially anti science, initial western medicine evolved from ancient Egyptians, Babylonians and Greeks system
The Asclepius medical symbol is adapted from Greek god of healing and the serpent ??


At the time when missionaries came to China, its already different. Nevertheless we need to be vigilant to bad elements of Christianity. I encourage you to dig her shitt, and expose it.

Buddha born in Nepal of course his thinking was influence by the culture in that region. Reincarnation enforce the notion of one deed can't be erase in your life time, your deed have eternity effect whether it's be good or bad depend on your action. This just a form to encourage people to do good and avoid bad behavior because you may pay the price or get the reward in the next life.

Nepal is a worse shitt hole than India.
Nepal is a worse shitt hole than India.

2,500 yrs back Nepal, India and China (and the middle East) were highly civilized countries and the west, aka Europe was evolving from the caves

You need to give credit to present day Nepal for giving a great reformer , the Buddha
At the time when missionaries came to China, its already different. Nevertheless we need to be vigilant to bad elements of Christianity. I encourage you to dig her shitt, and expose it.

Nepal is a worse shitt hole than India.

Christian is commit the worse violent act on mankind in Christian history, even the bible contradict whatever they were tried to preach. Bible advocate slavery, stone women to death because of infidelity, killed the non believer and converse them to Christianity. Christian have as much a checker past compare to Muslim.
Christian is commit the worse violent act on mankind in Christian history, even the bible contradict whatever they were tried to preach. Bible advocate slavery, stone women to death because af infidelity, killed the non believer and converse them to Christianity. Christian have as much a checker past compare to Muslim.

That is right. All Islamic barbaric behavior came from Bible old testament and Islam is actually very much less violent compared to old testament Bible. What you say is correct. And Christianity may revert to the past. So please help us to expose more of the church. Also expose all the sex scandals...etc.

2,500 yrs back Nepal, India and China (and the middle East) were highly civilized countries and the west, aka Europe was evolving from the caves

You need to give credit to present day Nepal for giving a great reformer , the Buddha

Yes Buddha is a great man. I hate to admit but Chinese culture and me myself own Buddha a lot, and that is Indian culture. If there is no Buddhism, a large part of me is gone. I wonder why Indian is so different from the righteous advocated by Buddhism.

Actually I can assimilate in Indian culture if Indians really practice what Buddha is teaching. Unfortunately, I see Indians completely different.
@INDIC If what you said is true (which is not), people will be flocking to India to learn Ch'an. But they don't. These people go to China, Japan and Korea instead. The Buddhism of Thai, Viet, Cambodia is the lower form of Buddhism which came from India.

All the Zen writing, Koan (公案) were in Han (Kanji), written by the Chinese Ch'an master and the Japanese. There is no correlation of Zen and India.

People flock to India to learn Dhyana a part of wider Yoga practices, Zen or Ch'an is from Japan and China which was derived from Indian Dhayana, a practice known to Indians for 5000 years.
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That is right. All Islamic barbaric behavior came from Bible old testament and Islam is actually very much less violent compared to old testament Bible. What you say is correct. And Christianity may revert to the past. So please help us to expose more of the church. Also expose all the sex scandals...etc.

No matter what religion you believe in, everyone of us is part of this world and it come down to can human being tolerate other believe, their race, their religion? Can human not be greedy, less violent, less judgmental, treat people with respect and equal? These are the behaviors human being capable of conducting one self for the benefit to all but human act totally opposite of the good quality, the survival of the fitness effect, you will do what best for you on the demise of other.

Yes Buddha is a great man. I hate to admit but Chinese culture and me myself own Buddha a lot, and that is Indian culture. If there is no Buddhism, a large part of me is gone. I wonder why Indian is so different from the righteous advocated by Buddhism.

Actually I can assimilate in Indian culture if Indians really practice what Buddha is teaching. Unfortunately, I see Indians completely different.
Buddhism isn't offshoot of Hinduism. Buddha reject Hindu because he a wise man and a radical thinker in his time, Hindu only oppress and discriminate against the population not an inclusive religion.

To comment on Buddhism and Hinduism, you first need to practice one of these two. :girl_wacko:
To comment on Buddhism and Hinduism, you first need to practice one of these two. :girl_wacko:

I don't practice Buddhism because I never was a Buddhist, I can comment on this subject because the information available for everyone to inquire or learn from.
I don't practice Buddhism because I never was a Buddhist, I can comment on this subject because the information available for everyone to inquire or learn from.

You certainly have no information and writing things based on your imagination. :sarcastic:
You certainly have no information and writing things based on your imagination. :sarcastic:

Hindu practice of caste system is a imagination? what about worshiping the cow as god, monkey, rat as god? this is the information available for all on the internet. Buddha teaching of self meditation is a form of imagination?
Hindu practice of caste system is a imagination? what about worshiping the cow as god, monkey, rat as god? this is the information available for all on the internet. Buddha teaching of self meditation is a form of imagination?

As I told you need to practice one of these two religion to make comparison.
These are bad things. Christianity has reformed since 30 years War and at beginning of 19th century, she has completed her transformation from a intolerant sect to a group that build hospitals and schools.

Christianity has already transformed for 200 years. The rise in China and Singapore (probably everywhere else in western colonies) education got a lot to do with missionary schools.

Lol... Christian population is increasing, but its decreasing in its stronghold in the west. Europe, US or UK. Wherever, Christianity is decreasing. How many people go to church?
Indian soft power like Yoga is doing a great job there :D Beatles came to India for spiritual advice, and not to Vatican :P
Finally, this troll made me to troll :'(
People flock to India to learn Dhyana a part of wider Yoga practices, Zen or Ch'an is from Japan and China which was derived from Indian Dhayana, a practice known to Indians for 5000 years.

LOL, stop stealing other's achievement, one doesn't need to reinvent the wheel to build a new car. The only similarity between Chan and Dhayana is doing meditation.
And stop spreading your shameless lie, vedic civilization is only 3500 years when Aryan migrated to south asia. Dhayana is probably around 2000 years.
LOL, stop stealing other's achievement, one doesn't need to reinvent the wheel to build a new car. The only similarity between Chan and Dhayana is doing meditation.
And stop spreading your shameless lie, vedic civilization is only 3500 years when Aryan migrated to south asia. Dhayana is probably around 2000 years.

Are you claiming Dhyana wasn't introduced into China from India, I am not interested in another fake version of your history. :girl_wacko:

These are the 5000 years old seals from Indian valley civilization as a proof that Dhyana was practiced even 5000 years ago. ;)

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