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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

How are negotiations going on RR engine IP transfer? I can understand both sides: ofc Turkey wants as much tech transfer as they can get, and RR wants to release as little as possible (don't want direct competition, especially in ME sales).

P.S. Turkey has taken the long hard road w/ indigenous engine development, but if you come out the other side you'll be much better for it. In S. Korea, they just got off-the-shelf GE F 414 for the KF-X (license built); they figured it was too much money and way too much time to make their own. But this can possibly affect export, if US doesn't like a country and tries to block the sale (like w/ FA-50 and Uzbekistan). Turkey ofc won't have that issue.
There are issues since the government wants to shift co-production from Kale to a new BMC owned company and the Brits dont like that because its partially a Qatari owned company
There are issues since the government wants to shift co-production from Kale to a new BMC owned company and the Brits dont like that because its partially a Qatari owned company
No. According to TEI CEO, SSM will open a tender. All the rights of the engine will belong to SSM. TR Motor (which BMC is a part of) will be an overseeing company, but it's unknown what role TR motor will take specifically and how hands on it will be in the production. We'll have to wait for the tender and it's conditions to figure out what the roadmap is.

Where did you read that the production was shifted from RR Joint venture (TAEC) to TR Motor?
No. According to TEI CEO, SSM will open a tender. All the rights of the engine will belong to SSM. TR Motor (which BMC is a part of) will be an overseeing company, but it's unknown what role TR motor will take specifically and how hands on it will be in the production. We'll have to wait for the tender and it's conditions to figure out what the roadmap is.

Where did you read that the production was shifted from RR Joint venture (TAEC) to TR Motor?


It is clear that BMC would win the tender. Erdogan is going to be a very rich man by the way.
The information provided in my post comes from both this article and interview with TEI CEO. Not sure what you are trying to say here (other than your smearing attempt).

1. If BMC is involved in TFX engine “tender”, RR will/could reject his offer to Turkey, because Qatar is shareholder of BMC. In this matter Erdogan risks the project if he continues to prefer a company which is high related to him (Ethem Sancak).

2. Companies like BMC or Baykar (owned by his son in law) get many assignments. And much more as aspected plus, they increase the production substantially. Kirpi as an example. Maybe because of requirement or maybe because of increasing the profit. Maybe it has to do with Erdogan or maybe not. And maybe Erdogan benefits from this assignments or maybe not. I could continue with Erdogans suspected swiss bank accounts, which I don’t want. So, everyone can form his own opinion. I hope I could answer your question.
A user who has his knowledge from google should be better search on google.
1. If BMC is involved in TFX engine “tender”, RR will/could reject his offer to Turkey, because Qatar is shareholder of BMC. In this matter Erdogan risks the project if he continues to prefer a company which is high related to him (Ethem Sancak).

2. Companies like BMC or Baykar (owned by his son in law) get many assignments. And much more as aspected plus, they increase the production substantially. Kirpi as an example. Maybe because of requirement or maybe because of increasing the profit. Maybe it has to do with Erdogan or maybe not. And maybe Erdogan benefits from this assignments or maybe not. I could continue with Erdogans suspected swiss bank accounts, which I don’t want. So, everyone can form his own opinion. I hope I could answer your question.
A lot of could's would's and maybe's in your post bro. All of that is speculation fueled by your opinion. I understand you don't like Erdogan, but if you want to talk Erdogan or politics there are other threads for that. But since we are on the subject, well, welcome to Turkish politics. I don't really know how German politics is, but I'm sure it is comparable to Dutch politics. And in Dutch politics, politicians debate the topics at hand and rarely attack the character or integrity of their opponents. But in Turkey it is sadly all about mud slinging, they claim something and then (if they even) try to prove it with (unrelated) "proof", which almost always isn't proof at all but just speculation and conjecture. In this case, son in law and Ethem Sancak, their relationship to Erdogan can't be denied. But this doesn't necessarily mean corruption or nepotism, but that won't stop his opponents from claiming it anyway. They think: "I'll throw mud and if it doesn't stick, it will still be enough to influence some people." I gave Erdogan as an example here, but this also happens against and between the opposition parties as well. The ruling party is the party to beat, from how I experience it, mudslinging happens more towards Erdogan and AKP than any other party. Which also seem to reflect on the posts in this forum.

Mud-slinging and tactics like this happen when a political party wants to consolidate it's votes. As in, it doesn't want to lose any votes. But it doesn't get them any further either. The people already voting for them will keep voting for them, while hating and reviling the other political party or parties (polarization). While it also won't attract new voters because this policy isn't constructive at all. A neutral voter with an objective view doesn't want to hear from party X that he shouldn't vote for party Y. He wants to hear from party X why they deserve his vote.
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1. If BMC is involved in TFX engine “tender”, RR will/could reject his offer to Turkey, because Qatar is shareholder of BMC. In this matter Erdogan risks the project if he continues to prefer a company which is high related to him (Ethem Sancak).

2. Companies like BMC or Baykar (owned by his son in law) get many assignments. And much more as aspected plus, they increase the production substantially. Kirpi as an example. Maybe because of requirement or maybe because of increasing the profit. Maybe it has to do with Erdogan or maybe not. And maybe Erdogan benefits from this assignments or maybe not. I could continue with Erdogans suspected swiss bank accounts, which I don’t want. So, everyone can form his own opinion. I hope I could answer your question.
Well the part with BMC is right for me but Baykar proved that they deserve it. The guys are working hard and give us high class quality products while BMC is nothing special. I am sure that there are Turkish companies that can do better than BMC.
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