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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

what about the mission computer programing will it be 100% indegious? Or is there going to be supported by foregine companies? That would be a big risk to use non Turkish companies for this.

TÜBİTAK BİLGEM tarafından milli olarak geliştirilen Gerçek Zamanlı İşletim Sistemi, milli bir silahta başarıyla kullanılmaya başlandı.

TÜBİTAK BİLGEM tarafından yerli savunma sanayinin geliştirilmesine yönelik yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda önemli bir başarıya imza atıldı. TÜBİTAK'ın milli olarak geliştirdiği Gerçek Zamanlı İşletim Sistemi(GİS), bir başka milli platformda başarıyla kullanılmaya başlandı.

Dünyada sayılı ülke tarafından üretilen gerçek zamanlı işletim sistemi teknolojisinde dışa bağımlılığı sona erdirecek Milli Gerçek Zamanlı İşletim Sistemi'nin gelişimini desteklemek amacıyla ASELSAN ile TÜBİTAK arasında imzalanan mutabakat anlaşmasıyla başlayan çalışmaların meyvesi, Mayıs ayında düzenlenecek 13. Uluslararası Savunma Sanayii Fuarı'nda (IDEF’17) görücüye çıkacak.

GİS TÜBİTAK BİLGEM tarafından, savunma sanayisinin emniyet kritik ve katı gerçek zamanlı işletim sistemi ihtiyaçlarını milli imkanlarla karşılamak amacıyla 2006'da geliştirilmeye başlandı ve 2013 başında tamamlanarak ürün haline getirildi.

ASELSAN ve TÜBİTAK arasında IDEF 2015’te imzalanan mutabakat anlaşmasıyla, çalışmalar yeni bir boyuta taşındı.


GİS, ASELSAN ve TÜBİTAK mühendislerinin ortak çalışmasıyla ASELSAN Milli Görev Bilgisayarı'na entegre edilerek, Milli Atış Kontrol Yazılımları ile SARP Uzaktan Komutalı Milli Silah Sistemi’nin tüm işlevsel ve performans gereksinimlerini karşıladı. Böylece GİS, SARP ile kendini sahada da ispatlamış oldu.

HÜRKUŞ’a milli işletim sistemli milli otopilot
GİS, TAI ve TÜBİTAK mühendislerinin işbirliği ile TAI’nin HÜRKUŞ uçağı için geliştirmiş olduğu Milli Sayısal Uçuş Kontrol Bilgisayarı’na (SUKB) geçtiğimiz aylarda entegre edilerek, Gerçek Zamanlı İşletim Sisteminin Milli Uçuş Kontrol Yazılımları ile tüm fonksiyonel ve performans gereksinimlerini karşıladığı gösterildi. Yapılan testlerde Milli Gerçek Zamanlı İşletim Sistemi’nin muadil ürünlerden daha iyi performans ile çalıştığı gözlendi.


Gelecek teknolojiler
TÜBİTAK, ülkemizde geliştirilmeleri devam eden Milli Muharip Uçak, Hürkuş Uçağı, İnsansız Hava Araçları, Özgün Helikopter Platformları, Pod Sistemleri, Radar Sistemleri gibi savunma ve havacılık sistemlerinin, aynı zamanda Yerli Otomobil, Raylı Ulaşım, Akıllı Ulaşım gibi sivil sistemlerin gerçek zamanlı işletim sistemi ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir.
what about the mission computer programing will it be 100% indegious? Or is there going to be supported by foregine companies? That would be a big risk to use non Turkish companies for this.

We currently have Özgür project for f16s and özgür project includes to replace f16 mission control computer with domestic one.So I guess tfx will have domestic mission control computer
Birleşik Krallık İsveç’le yeni savaş uçağı için görüşüyor

Financial Times gazetesi Birleşik Krallık’ın İsveç ile yeni bir savaş uçağının ortaklaşa geliştirilmesi için ön görüşmeleri yürüttüğünü yazdı.

Gazeteye konuşan kaynaklar pek çok ülkeye teklif götürüldüğünü Japonya ve Kore Cumhuriyeti’nin olası ortaklar arasında yer aldığını kaydetti.

Gazeteye göre Kraliyet subayları Hava Kuvvetlerinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan bir uçak konusunda son derece net. Hali hazırda Birleşik Krallık ABD ile F-35 programını yürütüyor. Almanya, İtalya İspanya ile birlikte Eurofighter Typhoon programında yer alıyor. Ülke aynı zamanda Türkiye’nin Milli Muharip Uçak programında görev aldı.
Could This situation effect TFX project?
Birleşik Krallık İsveç’le yeni savaş uçağı için görüşüyor

Financial Times gazetesi Birleşik Krallık’ın İsveç ile yeni bir savaş uçağının ortaklaşa geliştirilmesi için ön görüşmeleri yürüttüğünü yazdı.

Gazeteye konuşan kaynaklar pek çok ülkeye teklif götürüldüğünü Japonya ve Kore Cumhuriyeti’nin olası ortaklar arasında yer aldığını kaydetti.

Gazeteye göre Kraliyet subayları Hava Kuvvetlerinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan bir uçak konusunda son derece net. Hali hazırda Birleşik Krallık ABD ile F-35 programını yürütüyor. Almanya, İtalya İspanya ile birlikte Eurofighter Typhoon programında yer alıyor. Ülke aynı zamanda Türkiye’nin Milli Muharip Uçak programında görev aldı.
Could This situation effect TFX project?
I don't think so, we aren't co-developing TF-X with the UK. We get technical support from them. These negotiations seem to seem to be more about co-development.

Japan is also looking for a partner, but my impression is that Japan is looking more for a financier, rather than technological partner and want to build a plane suited for their own needs (going by the F-16 / F-2 jet experience). This doesn't rule out Japan as a potential partner for the UK though.

South-Korea has the KF-X project and will buy the F-35. So I don't think they will join the project, but you never know.

I personally wouldn't mind Turkey joining Japan or UK/Sweden, but we already have a project and are planning on buying the F-35's, so there isn't really any room for a 3'rd fighter jet. But could join in a pure investment or technology transfer point of view, but really doubt that will happen.
Birleşik Krallık İsveç’le yeni savaş uçağı için görüşüyor

Financial Times gazetesi Birleşik Krallık’ın İsveç ile yeni bir savaş uçağının ortaklaşa geliştirilmesi için ön görüşmeleri yürüttüğünü yazdı.

Gazeteye konuşan kaynaklar pek çok ülkeye teklif götürüldüğünü Japonya ve Kore Cumhuriyeti’nin olası ortaklar arasında yer aldığını kaydetti.

Gazeteye göre Kraliyet subayları Hava Kuvvetlerinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan bir uçak konusunda son derece net. Hali hazırda Birleşik Krallık ABD ile F-35 programını yürütüyor. Almanya, İtalya İspanya ile birlikte Eurofighter Typhoon programında yer alıyor. Ülke aynı zamanda Türkiye’nin Milli Muharip Uçak programında görev aldı.
Could This situation effect TFX project?
This is probably 6th gen fighter project, and I think it is Reasonable to expect they will build new engine from ground up then they will build the fighter(if they can agree on details). But many BAE engineer who worked on Tfx might work on this too. But that is just superfluous.
This is probably 6th gen fighter project, and I think it is Reasonable to expect they will build new engine from ground up then they will build the fighter(if they can agree on details). But many BAE engineer who worked on Tfx might work on this too. But that is just superfluous.
You are throwing around words like "6th gen fighter" like its nothing. UK doesn't even have a 5th gen fighter yet, hell countries far mightier than the UK like France, Russia and China don't have 5th gen fighters and the technology is not even remotely ready and is not going to be ready for anything worthy of being called a "6th gen fighter" for the next 15-20 years.

I will tell you when the UK will build a 6th gen fighter; 20 years after the US will have built one. Judt like it is the case for 5th gen fighters. In other words 2060s.
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You are throwing around words like "6th gen fighter" like its nothing. UK doesn't even have a 5th gen fighter yet, hell countries far mightier than the UK like France, Russia and China don't have 5th gen fighters and the technology is not even remotely ready and is not going to be ready for anything worthy of being called a "6th gen fighter" for the next 15-20 years.

I will tell you when the UK will build a 6th gen fighter; 20 years after the US will have built one. Judt like it is the case for 5th gen fighters. In other words 2060s.

You know that UK has defence technology that is better than France, Russia and China?
It's radar on Type-45 was the best in the world when launched and Rolls Royce can make engines as good as GE.
You are throwing around words like "6th gen fighter" like its nothing. UK doesn't even have a 5th gen fighter yet, hell countries far mightier than the UK like France, Russia and China don't have 5th gen fighters and the technology is not even remotely ready and is not going to be ready for anything worthy of being called a "6th gen fighter" for the next 15-20 years.

I will tell you when the UK will build a 6th gen fighter; 20 years after the US will have built one. Judt like it is the case for 5th gen fighters. In other words 2060s.
I think you havent seen details of Franco-German jet programs? It is highly doubtful the UK will go for anything less especially with partner like Sweden. But It wouldn't surprise me If This both of these projects ends up like Typoon (half generation behind US counterpart).

You are throwing around words like "6th gen fighter" like its nothing. UK doesn't even have a 5th gen fighter yet, hell countries far mightier than the UK like France, Russia and China don't have 5th gen fighters and the technology is not even remotely ready and is not going to be ready for anything worthy of being called a "6th gen fighter" for the next 15-20 years.

I will tell you when the UK will build a 6th gen fighter; 20 years after the US will have built one. Judt like it is the case for 5th gen fighters. In other words 2060s.

Gen Definition differ from country to country...
Per Exemple a SU-57 is a 5th gen aircraft according to RU doctrine... Where for the US it isn't. Same goes for China or Even TR.

Same will be for a 6th gen one. Therefore if That "Future" aircraft answer to the basic 6th gen conditions "tailed to UK needs" then it's a 6th gen.

As for UK ability to produce a 6th gen aircraft, Well I think they have the Technological potential to do so. Remember that 5th gen tech is already int heir hands... Doing one or not doesn't equal they can't... Many conditions need to be answered, and one of them is "Budget". Now that they get to have F-35 with all the integration advantage they own in this project..;Doing a national 5th gen, become irrelevant or at least "less important".
Gen Definition differ from country to country...
Per Exemple a SU-57 is a 5th gen aircraft according to RU doctrine... Where for the US it isn't. Same goes for China or Even TR.

Same will be for a 6th gen one. Therefore if That "Future" aircraft answer to the basic 6th gen conditions "tailed to UK needs" then it's a 6th gen.

As for UK ability to produce a 6th gen aircraft, Well I think they have the Technological potential to do so. Remember that 5th gen tech is already int heir hands... Doing one or not doesn't equal they can't... Many conditions need to be answered, and one of them is "Budget". Now that they get to have F-35 with all the integration advantage they own in this project..;Doing a national 5th gen, become irrelevant or at least "less important".

UK is a world leader in defence tech - just below USA.

Just recently UK sold it's Type-26 frigate design to Australia in a 25 billion US dollar deal. The main reason that Australia went for this was due to it's world-leading anti-sub technology.
I think you havent seen details of Franco-German jet programs? It is highly doubtful the UK will go for anything less especially with partner like Sweden. But It wouldn't surprise me If This both of these projects ends up like Typoon (half generation behind US counterpart).

The link you provided does not list the details of the jet.

And on the contrary, I think especially if the UK partners with Sweden the result would be rather low specs. Because Sweden may have the expertise but it is not the kind of country that can afford the best specs in the world.
A live example is saab Gripen. It is the kind of jet that countries who can barely afford jets buy. Now dont bash me for my comments on it, Gripen is still a very potent jet especially compared to things like hal Tejas, Thunder, etc and it probably has the best price/performance ratio in the world but it is still much less capable and much less expensive than f16, f15, f18, typhoon, su-35, f-35 etc...

If the partner was Japan, then especially considering Chinese expansionist policies, maybe the jet will be a 5+ gen, but thats it.

Gen Definition differ from country to country...
Per Exemple a SU-57 is a 5th gen aircraft according to RU doctrine... Where for the US it isn't. Same goes for China or Even TR.

Same will be for a 6th gen one. Therefore if That "Future" aircraft answer to the basic 6th gen conditions "tailed to UK needs" then it's a 6th gen.

As for UK ability to produce a 6th gen aircraft, Well I think they have the Technological potential to do so. Remember that 5th gen tech is already int heir hands... Doing one or not doesn't equal they can't... Many conditions need to be answered, and one of them is "Budget". Now that they get to have F-35 with all the integration advantage they own in this project..;Doing a national 5th gen, become irrelevant or at least "less important".
If the definition of aircraft generations is country based (which I dont agree with) then it will especially be a 5th gen. Since this will be the 5th generation of jets produced by UK. Hence by definition; a 5th gen.
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If the definition of aircraft generations is country based (which I dont agree with) then it will especially be a 5th gen. Since this will be the 5th generation of jets produced by UK. Hence by definition; a 5th gen.

It's not Country based, but Country "Tailored".
Ofc Gen need to get basic "Conditions", But The degree of those conditions are Different among countries.

Therefore for US (conditions) doesn't see a Su-57 as a 5th gen one, even though it has a certain degree of "Stealth" "Design" and " ADv Sys Integration" (Or to a lesser Degree the Chinese 5th gen J-20/F31)

But does that mean those 2/3 aren't ones?
It depends from which "eyes" you see... Western ones... Eastern ones...Russian ones etc...

Here another example: Does the J-31 a 5th gen aircraft?
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I think you havent seen details of Franco-German jet programs? It is highly doubtful the UK will go for anything less especially with partner like Sweden. But It wouldn't surprise me If This both of these projects ends up like Typoon (half generation behind US counterpart).

All i can say, is good luck to France. The Germans are a poor military development partner, you only have to look at their antics on the Eurofighter programme to see why. All Germany wants to do is aggregate military know how and technology for themselves to increase their own industrial capability. It is a recurring theme with the Germans acrosss all industries they get involved in. In many ways, they are worse than the Chinese!! Thats how bad they are.
All i can say, is good luck to France. The Germans are a poor military development partner, you only have to look at their antics on the Eurofighter programme to see why. All Germany wants to do is aggregate military know how and technology for themselves to increase their own industrial capability. It is a recurring theme with the Germans acrosss all industries they get involved in. In many ways, they are worse than the Chinese!! Thats how bad they are.

Thought this was interesting information regarding engine development for French Rafale Fighter Aircraft. The first demonstrator aircraft 'Rafale A' were using US made GE engines before French engines were ready.

"You need to master different complex technologies. It is one thing to get a prototype ready for research and another to make it a production engine," said Jean-Paul Bechat, Chief Executive Officer, Safran. Snecma itself took about 13 years to get the M88 engine into production for the French Rafale fighter. Even the Rafale had to enter service with the GE F404 engine as Tejas is going to do now.

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