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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

Don't take his word seriously, he is still a child.

Many Turkish, Indians, and Pakistani online are so low knowledge and say some very unaware things. Use propaganda piece articles as evidence. Like if we used some Greek articles saying the stupidest things as evidence against Turkey. Sometimes can be bothered showing the facts but usually just leave some people to believe whatever they want. Like China cannot make ballpoint pen bearing due to ability lol. Yet we can make metamaterials, nano size semiconductors, we can make Mars lander and bearings for all sizes from 0.5mm to whatever. The english buy our cranes to build their aircraft carrier. But we cannot make pen bearings?? :o: The truth on that is our bearings for $1 batch is not as good as French made bearings for $1 batch. The french been making ballpoint pen and bearings since BIC pen changed world of pens in early 20th century. We can make maybe $2 per batch bearings that are equal to the french ones but global supply will pick the cheaper one for same quality.

If you go to Aliexpress, there are 1000 suppliers of 0.5mm CHINESE ball bearings. You can buy any grade steel you wish and ceramic types.

These are just the cheapest ones. If the CAS or Chinese government state run industries want to do it, they can make whatever grade for a price. I believe the ones used in tank and aircraft engines are highest creep and fatigue resistance using more exotic materials but they are not for cheap pens. Korea Japan and France can keep that industry. They make good ones for better price. We make good things for better price in other products. In fact most world products our price to quality and performance is pretty much in top range which is why most supplier go to China not cheaper countries to manufacture more high tech products. They can try in India please try it and see.
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Believing that "communism" makes one country totally not capable of producing or high technology is so wrong. First Communism is a complex political doctrine. China in today is not the same as Communist run from 1960s. China is called communist but really is state run politics and state managed economics with a managed market. It has little to do with technology ability and production quality.

We make some of the world's best and in fact few semiconductors. This is only done in complete form in Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and USA. No one can deny China's technology is many decades above India's and same with our industries. How come our "communist" level is so far ahead of India the free and democratic india? They have no answer and so they can only say "you steal technology". Well USA also steals technology where it and so does India and many other copy and steal when they can. Isn't TFX a copy anyway?

When you spy for political and military reasons all of a sudden everything you have achieved is because these spies managed to copy 1000000TB of information and data within some minutes and hours. Sure okay. How about why USA's high tech industry is filled with foreigners? so many are Chinese? Chinese lead a quarter of their AI and computing industry. We are stupid compared to super turks that's for sure. The order is white man then turkish then other muslims, then rest according to their wishes.
Believing that "communism" makes one country totally not capable of producing or high technology is so wrong. First Communism is a complex political doctrine. China in today is not the same as Communist run from 1960s. China is called communist but really is state run politics and state managed economics with a managed market. It has little to do with technology ability and production quality.

We make some of the world's best and in fact few semiconductors. This is only done in complete form in Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and USA. No one can deny China's technology is many decades above India's and same with our industries. How come our "communist" level is so far ahead of India the free and democratic india? They have no answer and so they can only say "you steal technology". Well USA also steals technology where it and so does India and many other copy and steal when they can. Isn't TFX a copy anyway?

When you spy for political and military reasons all of a sudden everything you have achieved is because these spies managed to copy 1000000TB of information and data within some minutes and hours. Sure okay. How about why USA's high tech industry is filled with foreigners? so many are Chinese? Chinese lead a quarter of their AI and computing industry. We are stupid compared to super turks that's for sure. The order is white man then turkish then other muslims, then rest according to their wishes.
I think you might have triggered the ultimate weapon Mr MMMME
I think you might have triggered the ultimate weapon Mr MMMME

The difference in attitude is funny.

When we were just starting on these things and only had some license production and doing reverse engineering of Soviet weapons, we never said our next big project is going to be the best success and definitely can be completed without doubt. When it is done we will have done it all ourselves and it will be world class. Then saying something like France and Russia suck, they are either surrender monkey or communist and we are different and better.

In reality Chinese in the past know how behind and how much hard work is required. We work on the problems quietly without bragging and we certainly never talked down to other who are clearly much ahead. I don't know where some of these cultures get their arrogance?
The difference in attitude is funny.

When we were just starting on these things and only had some license production and doing reverse engineering of Soviet weapons, we never said our next big project is going to be the best success and definitely can be completed without doubt. When it is done we will have done it all ourselves and it will be world class. Then saying something like France and Russia suck, they are either surrender monkey or communist and we are different and better.

In reality Chinese in the past know how behind and how much hard work is required. We work on the problems quietly without bragging and we certainly never talked down to other who are clearly much ahead. I don't know where some of these cultures get their arrogance?
I am done here for today, time for some Genshin impact.:yahoo:
You turks say you are better than us because you believe in your race or culture being better.

Yet you have not even done it and you are telling us you can do it. To present evidence you use BusinessInsider on J-20 article which is like North Korean reporting on USA. Okay.

Then the three core technology areas you get wrong and BI also gets wrong. We didn't make ballpoint pen bearings in the past not because we cannot but because these things are just made in a few countries because of economics. Since that news came out three years ago, China makes ballpoint pen bearings to supply. Since USA doesn't make TSMC level chips does that also mean USA cannot? Since Germany doesn't make spaceship does that mean it cannot? South Korea doesn't make drones so does that mean it cannot?

BTW the ballpoint pen fallacy is a funny one to choose the material for engines is a better example.

But on that case China finished WS-10 in around 2008. It then created improvements once it mastered single crystal blade technology and all the super alloy materials used for engines. No one taught us, we didn't buy them, we didn't steal that because you cannot simply make them from hearing about how it is made. It is through decades of research and trial and error. We made engines license produced since 1970s. Rocket and aircraft.

Now the WS-10 engine has about 2000 hours mean time between overhaul, equal or better than Al-31 was the required standard. It isn't as good as western engines but improvement from past. WS-10 has served on J-11B for 10 years now and has for several years been used on single engine J-10.

So Turkey and some fanboys are feeling confident and telling us China sucks and we are better. Well you haven't even gone above 0 yet. Stop being so arrogant and dismissive of others who at least have many decades of similar experience you have not even done. Saying your country is full of good metal workers is stupid comment. You don't have the three main super alloy technologies. While we had those for decades and some in recent years. We have laser drilling and hollow blade technology you haven't even started touching the basic stuff. Telling us your crazy delusion doesn't make true. Telling us how shit people you don't like are also doesn't make it true.

They ARE very different!

They are much worse, almost no experience. Definitely not the industry for heavy turbofan. Never made a single one. Never even made license full turbofan produced. No materials technology, no FADEC or digital control technology and experience. No single product that has provided even a year of service not to mention more than one generation of product near completion.

They are still arrogant and dismissive. So yes they are definitely different. But don't worry Turks are super human and chinks like us are less despite every evidence showing opposite. They are good metal workers don't forget.

WWOOOOAAHH. Cool down. I said nothing to you. I said NOTHING about your race. You need to settle down. You seem very angry.
WWOOOOAAHH. Cool down. I said nothing to you. I said NOTHING about your race. You need to settle down. You seem very angry.

MMME another member showed me some information about Turkish engine industry I did not know on another thread. I replied there.

For your post I understood your post as meaning Turkey will be able to build this engine and make it a success with your suggestion of saying Chinese engine is not good when the article you used talks about J-20 using 4th generation engine and not a 5th generation one. Well Russians are even more behind on 5th generation engine since they now plan on including item 30 engine onto Su57 around 2030. To say more, WS-10 in 2007 was problematic and China did not have as many pieces of the technology developed compared to 2010 and then compared to 2019 when both J-10 and J-20 started using newest WS-10 versions of B and C types. Anyway that other thread has my response to the Turkish engine industry and it is much more advanced than I previously thought. Still I considered your post as suggesting Turkey's is ahead of China's even though Turkey is roughly around where China was in 2007 now maybe not even since WS-10 was basically completed by then already. I'm sure your engine will be more advanced since it is a 2020 level project and not year 2000 one but it is so early to be so sure about your ability even though it is definitely rare in the world.
A fighter engine is among the most complicated object to study and fine tune. I'm sorry to say that it is not at the actual turkish technical level.
It's already a challenge to study and built a high power main battle tank engine, so a fighter engine which have to run from -50° to +50°, with a entry turbine temperature up to 1800°C, under 9G, with the lightest design possible is not for tomorrow. I'm sorry but it's the truth. Just see the Indian exemple, and even the Chinese experience (they used so much money and so many ingeneers and their engine are limited to some hundreds hours before to be scrapped).


comparing a (good) fighter engine and a drone is like to compare V2 rocket and Saturn V. They all flown but just one reach the moon.

There was a time when Apple wanted to launch its smartphone, we saw net experts like you come and tell us that Apple would not have the capacity to stand up to Motorola (sold to the Chinese, Nokia sold, disappeared or Sony (abandon smartphones ).

An engine can develop without achieving high performance but improves over time.
The main thing is to launch the project,
It is true that Europe has fallen behind in drones and that this delay will not catch up with the Americans, the Russians, the Chinese and the Turks before a long time.
A unmanned hunting plane would have nothing to fear the usual rating of gravity acceleration, I want to see thousands of hunting drones in the sky, wait and see.
Futur MMU Bayraktar
There was a time when Apple wanted to launch its smartphone, we saw net experts like you come and tell us that Apple would not have the capacity to stand up to Motorola (sold to the Chinese, Nokia sold, disappeared or Sony (abandon smartphones ).

An engine can develop without achieving high performance but improves over time.
The main thing is to launch the project,
It is true that Europe has fallen behind in drones and that this delay will not catch up with the Americans, the Russians, the Chinese and the Turks before a long time.
A unmanned hunting plane would have nothing to fear the usual rating of gravity acceleration, I want to see thousands of hunting drones in the sky, wait and see.
Futur MMU Bayraktar
View attachment 769393
Sony probably makes better phones than Apple. And their camera in new phones is just like a professional camera. Sony just doesn't have the marketing or financing prowess of Apple.
Sony probably makes better phones than Apple. And their camera in new phones is just like a professional camera. Sony just doesn't have the marketing or financing prowess of Apple.
Android fanboy ?
It’s no secret that Sony’s smartphone department Xperia is a failing business. However, the business is apparently picking up after a disastrous second quarter in 2019, a new official report reveals.


Thanks Apple for its multitouch technology thanks to which Sony was able to introduce this function, when at that time users were fighting with a finger.


Today Sony survives thanks to the playstation, that's how the world, Nokia before making phones sold toilet paper,
and some arrive at the end of the race and others start their races :turkey: .

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