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Tamil Nadu girl Anitha who spearheaded fight against NEET commits suicide

NEET is supposed to get students cleared at a national level. While it is very tragic of this young girl to end her life so soon after so much effort, the fault is of the state government. These politicians for the sake of votebank, issue ridiculous schemes like no-failing until so-and-so standards, easier text books than the central boards just for their own ego.

When kids who clear examinations at state level are not able to clear the central level national exams for engineering, medicine etc disappointment sets in and they take extreme measures.

Except for language/history of the state and the country, all other subjects should be homogenised across India. Force the states if need be to make science, mathematics, IT and other essential subjects equal to the central board.

That's the only way our next generation will be capable to clear tough exams, use their brain power to the full potential and become an asset to the country.
haha can you please stop all this bul!shit ? what have you achieved in your life you idiot ? hardwork ...drive in your heart ...blah blah blah

Yeah what have you achieved in your life ? please tell us , we are all waiting

LOL.... keep waiting loser. What makes you think I would ever talk to you about my personal life ? Moron.
LOL.... keep waiting loser. What makes you think I would ever talk to you about my personal life ? Moron.

what makes you think i am interested in your personal life you piece of sh't , you are the one who started all this , stick to the topic and give your opinion rather than talking like a juvenile
what makes you think i am interested in your personal life you piece of sh't , you are the one who started all this , stick to the topic and give your opinion rather than talking like a juvenile

The fact that you asked me about my personal life, you dumb Fcuk.
The fact that you asked me about my personal life, you dumb Fcuk.

you fcking retard , go back and read the trail of sh!t you have spewed on , let me confirm for the last time i am not interested in whatever the fck you do , i was just responding to your amateur posts . Are you suffering from dyslexia ?
you fcking retard , go back and read the trail of sh!t you have spewed on , let me confirm for the last time i am not interested in whatever the fck you do , i was just responding to your amateur posts . Are you suffering from dyslexia ?

LOL.... for the last time, I do not care about your interest or lack of it in my personal life moron. Don't bother to reply.
LOL.... for the last time, I do not care about your interest or lack of it in my personal life moron. Don't bother to reply.

phew finally , see you ain't that dumb ..now be a good boy and get back to the topic
TN has 37 colleges among the Top 100 Indian colleges, UP has 0. MP has 0. We do not want NEET.

Really? Which rankings are you following?


Whats the issue with NEET test?
Nothing, some students are worried that they will have to face a all india level competition. Plus actually, they find it hard to compete even in their own state / province. Local Tamil boards give them unrealistic marks and hence expectations. When they are faced with reality they sometimes commit sucide. Nothing to see here.

NEET is supposed to get students cleared at a national level. While it is very tragic of this young girl to end her life so soon after so much effort, the fault is of the state government. These politicians for the sake of votebank, issue ridiculous schemes like no-failing until so-and-so standards, easier text books than the central boards just for their own ego.

When kids who clear examinations at state level are not able to clear the central level national exams for engineering, medicine etc disappointment sets in and they take extreme measures.

Except for language/history of the state and the country, all other subjects should be homogenised across India. Force the states if need be to make science, mathematics, IT and other essential subjects equal to the central board.

That's the only way our next generation will be capable to clear tough exams, use their brain power to the full potential and become an asset to the country.
You know the funniest thing? Previously there used to be a chapter in Std IX biology for teaching reproduction in humans. Most of the state boards copied the books from NCERT issued for CBSE as it is. Now some states blushed at the idea of teaching the students that sexual reproduction is responsible for babies and not the stokes and jholi-baba. So they damn deleted that chapter.
This is why state boards are worthless and no parents should bother their children with state boards.
It is you who has to start thinking before you talk, brainwashed sanghi chaddie. She didn't get 76. She got 1172/1200.

She didn't want to die. The Brahmana Jati Party promised exemption this year, so she would have got admission. But the liars went back on their promise.

Modi killed her. Brahmana Jati Party criminals drove her to suicide. Lying on NEET exemption for this year killed her. The criminals will pay for this crime in the years to come. Disgusting brahminical scoundrels. Shameless killer Modi.

"Aryan brains"? Shameless lying cheat. Why is your BIMARU North India so backward, violent, criminal, barbaric and filthy with your "Aryan brains"? Why do you drink filthy cow urine with great relish? Why do you use cow dung "soap"? Why do you worship a domesticated four-legged animal? Because you have no brains at all?

And don't even know who your actual forefathers are? Every horde of nomads, gypsies and armies of invading tribes from Central Asia, Arabian peninsula, Persia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Mughal/Mongol etc. together form your forefathers, along with the tribals of BIMARU North India. That's why backward BIMARU North Indians breed like rats. That's why BIMARU North India is so barbaric, stinking, superstitious, uncivilized and backward to this very day. South Indians will run rings around you low IQed cow urine drinking BIMARU Hin-dians on intelligence. South India is far better developed on all parameters than BIMARU North India or Hin-dia. BIMARU North India is barbaric and backward on all development parameters, comparable to, or even worse than sub-Saharan Africa. BIMARU North India or Hin-dia is the only region that is dragging the whole of India down with its utter backwardness and rat-like breeding rate.

The Modi regime set up NEET suddenly (in only one year, based on a completely different syllabus) to cheat the developed, advanced Dravidian South Indian states and their intelligent, industrious students.

Shameless cheat Modi. Low IQed cow piss drinking BIMARU Hin-dian central government, dirty lying Brahmana Jati Party savages.

You need to calm down and understand that the reason the Supreme Court decision was to standardize the admission criteria for the whole country. When whole country decided to adopt NEET why exempt Tamilnadu only. There are many students who had scored high marks in their 11th and 12th exams who did not make it. Not everyone is committing suicide.

I feel the pain her parents and siblings are going through. She was young and had a bright future ahead. If only she could overcome her setback and worked hard for next year exam she could have made it. Blaming others will not help other aspiring young minds.
You need to calm down and understand that the reason the Supreme Court decision was to standardize the admission criteria for the whole country. When whole country decided to adopt NEET why exempt Tamilnadu only. There are many students who had scored high marks in their 11th and 12th exams who did not make it. Not everyone is committing suicide.

I feel the pain her parents and siblings are going through. She was young and had a bright future ahead. If only she could overcome her setback and worked hard for next year exam she could have made it. Blaming others will not help other aspiring young minds.
Another false flagger mate. Go through his other posts you will know. Ignore the false flags
Look like the communists found their new "rohit vemula".

Nothing beats doing politics on the dead body of students. Commies has perfect this for decades. I cannot think of anyone who is more glad she is dead. :sick:
Whats the issue with NEET test?

India's Educational Caste System. nothing but a rephrase of the old Hindu Manu dharma , as confirmed by this Elite Hindutva Brahmin

Look like the communists found their new "rohit vemula".

Nothing beats doing politics on the dead body of students. Commies has perfect this for decades. I cannot think of anyone who is more glad she is dead. :sick:
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