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Tamil Nadu girl Anitha who spearheaded fight against NEET commits suicide


Mar 22, 2013
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A Dalit girl from Tamil Nadu's Ariyalur district, who spearheaded the fight against National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) exams, today committed suicide.

Anitha, 17, whose performance in state board class 12 exams was spectacular, committed suicide after she failed to get a medical seat. She had scored 1176 out of 1200 marks in her class 12 exams.

Anitha killed herself at her residence a week after the Centre declared that Tamil Nadu cannot be exempted from NEET. She also scored 196.75 out of 200 for medical and 199.76 out of 200 for engineering seat. Her outstanding scores in class 12 in all likelihood could have helped her in cracking the medical entrance exam.

But, she could not make it to the NEET. She had scored only 86 out of 700 in the newly-introduced entrance exam. She had obtained a seat in aeronautical engineering at the prestigious Madras Institute of Technology.

On August 22, the Supreme Court ordered Tamil Nadu government to begin medical admissions based on NEET. The verdict came after the Centre refused to endorse Tamil Nadu's draft Ordinance seeking exemption from NEET for one year.


Anitha was one of the many students who were in shock to know that they had to compete once again in NEET exams to get a medical seat.

Anitha had earlier said that she was unable to comprehend NEET. She being a daughter of a daily wage earner was unable to spend money on extra coaching class as NEET is based on CBSE syllabus.

The political parties of Tamil Nadu favoured exemption for students of the state from NEET. The EK Palaniswami government passed a resolution and sought Centre's approval. Incidentally, during Jayalalithaa's regime, she had consecutively secured exemption for two years for the students of Tamil Nadu just by writing a letter to the Prime Minister.

However, with AIADMK grappling with in-fighting, no concrete measures were taken to get exemption this year. At the neck of the moment, Tamil Nadu Health Minister Vijayabhaskar and Chief Minister EK Palaniswami made a few trips to New Delhi to meet the Prime Minister.

Eventually, the Centre agreed to extend the exemption for one more year provided Tamil Nadu government passed a resolution. But, it was not to be a total exemption. However, the Supreme Court ruled that no student other than those securing seat through NEET would be allowed to get admission.

Anitha could not qualify NEET and could not bear the shock of failure. State Health Minister Vijayabhaskar expressed grief on Anitha's suicide and appealed to students not to lose hope so easily.


DMK leader MK Stalin expressed shock over Anitha's suicide saying, "She got 1176 in plus-2 and good cutoff marks too. But due to NEET, her dreams were shattered. She even approached the Supreme Court. She also met me and asked to raise the matter in the Assembly. I raised the issue in the Assembly the very next day. Unfortunately, she killed herself," said Stalin.

Stalin blamed the Palaniswami government for Anitha's death calling it "a useless and a horse trading government."

Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E Palaniswami announced solatium of Rs 7 lakh to Anita's family and a government job to from the family. The chief minister assured that measures will be taken to secure students welfare.

Tamil superstar Kamal Haasan said that he was deeply affected by the death of the teenager. He said that Anitha committed suicide because there was no exemption in NEET.

"We should see that no student takes the drastic measure in future. Do not be dejected, this is not the end. We will fight for justice and will win," said the actor.

Is Tamilnadu syllabus very different from CBSE?
Modi the cheating liar is one of those who are primarily responsible for driving her to commit suicide.

The liar and his government recently promised NEET exemption for this year to the BJP-allied(?) ADMK government in Tamil Nadu and then deliberately went back on his promise at the last minute. Shameless PM of India. Shameless CM of Tamil Nadu. Shameless liars.

It was Modi's lie that killed this poor, intelligent, bright and industrious Dalit girl by destroying her dreams. Shameless Modi. Shameless Brahmana Jati Party.

What does the death of one Dalit girl mean to the criminal RSS/BJP sanghie chaddie goons? These brahminical criminals want Dalits to remain oppressed forever. Poor Dalits shouldn't be allowed to become doctors or even study or even touch books, according to the disgusting ideology of the brahminical sangh pariwar criminals, as contained in their satanic ideological "book", the filthy manusmriti.

RSS is the enemy of not only Muslims and Christians but also Dalits, Adivasis, Sikhs, Buddhists and many other Indians.

Modi's criminal Brahmana Jati Party is responsible for the death of this poor, bright Dalit girl.

Rest in Peace, Dr. Anitha. May the criminal goons who drove you to suicide pay heavily for their long list of continuing crimes against humanity.
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Tamil Nadu has produced an excellent health care system (on South Asian standards) for years with its medical admission system. Now NEET is introduced and along with it comes seats for out of state (read Hindi state) students in Tamil Nadu medical colleges. These guys will go back to their states are set up practice in Chennai (will not speak Tamil). This will set health care in TN .

Tamil people (South India, Maharashtra in general) are screwed by Hi-ndians who are good at producing one thing CHILDREN. This increases their voting power and plunder of non-Hindi states
Modi the cheating liar is one of those who are primarily responsible for driving her to commit suicide.

The liar and his government recently promised NEET exemption for this year to the BJP-allied(?) ADMK government in Tamil Nadu and then deliberately went back on his promise at the last minute. Shameless PM of India. Shameless CM of Tamil Nadu. Shameless liars.

It was Modi's lie that killed this poor, intelligent, bright and industrious Dalit girl by destroying her dreams. Shameless Modi. Shameless Brahmana Jati Party.

What does the death of one Dalit girl mean to the criminal RSS/BJP sanghie chaddie goons? These brahminical criminals want Dalits to remain oppressed forever. Poor Dalits shouldn't be allowed to become doctors or even study or even touch books, according to the disgusting ideology of the brahminical sangh pariwar criminals, as contained in their satanic ideological "book", the filthy manusmriti.

RSS is the enemy of not only Muslims and Christians but also Dalits, Adivasis, Sikhs, Buddhists and many other Indians.

Modi's criminal Brahmana Jati Party is responsible for the death of this poor, bright Dalit girl.

Rest in Peace, Dr. Anitha. May the criminal goons who drove you to suicide pay for their long list of continuing crimes against humanity.

How could she get paltry 86 marks out of 700??? How good a doctor will she become?? Think before you talk. She did not have to commit suicide. She could have prepared for next year.

Tamil Nadu has produced an excellent health care system (on South Asian standards) for years with its medical admission system. Now NEET is introduced and along with it comes seats for out of state (read Hindi state) students in Tamil Nadu medical colleges. These guys will go back to their states are set up practice in Chennai (will not speak Tamil). This will set health care in TN .

Tamil people (South India, Maharashtra in general) are screwed by Hi-ndians who are good at producing one thing CHILDREN. This increases their voting power and plunder of non-Hindi states

So, you are admitting that these Hi-ndians are smarter to crack NEET because of their Aryan brains. What stops you dumbos to outsmart your northern neighbours?? Lack of will??
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How could she get paltry 76 marks out of 800??? How good a doctor will she become?? Think before you talk. She did not have to commit suicide. She could have prepared for next year.

It is you who has to start thinking before you talk, brainwashed sanghi chaddie. She didn't get 76. She got 1172/1200.

She didn't want to die. The Brahmana Jati Party promised exemption this year, so she would have got admission. But the liars went back on their promise.

Modi killed her. Brahmana Jati Party criminals drove her to suicide. Lying on NEET exemption for this year killed her. The criminals will pay for this crime in the years to come. Disgusting brahminical scoundrels. Shameless killer Modi.

"Aryan brains"? Shameless lying cheat. Why is your BIMARU North India so backward, violent, criminal, barbaric and filthy with your "Aryan brains"? Why do you drink filthy cow urine with great relish? Why do you use cow dung "soap"? Why do you worship a domesticated four-legged animal? Because you have no brains at all?

And don't even know who your actual forefathers are? Every horde of nomads, gypsies and armies of invading tribes from Central Asia, Arabian peninsula, Persia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Mughal/Mongol etc. together form your forefathers, along with the tribals of BIMARU North India. That's why backward BIMARU North Indians breed like rats. That's why BIMARU North India is so barbaric, stinking, superstitious, uncivilized and backward to this very day. South Indians will run rings around you low IQed cow urine drinking BIMARU Hin-dians on intelligence. South India is far better developed on all parameters than BIMARU North India or Hin-dia. BIMARU North India is barbaric and backward on all development parameters, comparable to, or even worse than sub-Saharan Africa. BIMARU North India or Hin-dia is the only region that is dragging the whole of India down with its utter backwardness and rat-like breeding rate.

The Modi regime set up NEET suddenly (in only one year, based on a completely different syllabus) to cheat the developed, advanced Dravidian South Indian states and their intelligent, industrious students.

Shameless cheat Modi. Low IQed cow piss drinking BIMARU Hin-dian central government, dirty lying Brahmana Jati Party savages.
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She committed suicide for other reason needs to be investigated properly. Many students from Tamilnadu cleared NEET exam and got more seats than previous year.
TN govt. should have put better legal representation in the SC.

Her death is just a tragedy.

She committed suicide for other reason needs to be investigated properly. Many students from Tamilnadu cleared NEET exam and got more seats than previous year.

Tamil Nadu politicians kept stating that they will get exemption from NEET. They should have in fact stated the truth 6 months earlier that NEET is a reality and is compulsory. Moron Tamil politicians amd some morons who play the Tamil card at the drop of the hat are actually responsible for her death.
I am really sad about her death but Tamil Nadu shouldn't act like it's different than other states who have adopted NEET.
I am really sad about her death but Tamil Nadu shouldn't act like it's different than other states who have adopted NEET.

The root problem here is the number of seats in different states or rather not enough seats in country. Remember Engineering seats, some 15 years back? I also used to have sneak rendezvous with one in Gulberga (Karnataka) in 1984. It demanded 50000 as capitation fee at that time which I couldn't pay and tried for another chance and got in to UCE Burla a Govt. college. at that time Odisha had only three Govt engg colleges and the only engg colleges.

Now after 10 years i.e from 1994-2000 pvt engg. colleges mushroomed in Odisha and students did not want to go to south to study engg. anymore. Though pvt engg colleges like Manipal, VITS are special even today for our students.

Not only Odisha, Engg colleges mushroomed across India, though the standard took a dive. But nonetheless many students who could not clear AIEEE found a way to Engg degree at lower cost.

The point I want to make is number of seats. the northern states like UP, Haryana, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan should be encouraged to set up more medical colleges and MCI should relax the criteria. Every district head quarter hospital should be elevated to Med Colleges with seat strength between 50-100.

Agreed, that standard of education will be hit, but the divide between this north and south will get diminished. Clearly as you increase the seats to such an extent that prices will also come down owing to competition(The present price is 40lakh to 1.5 crore to be a doctor). TN people think that Northern people are coming and stealing their seats through NEET. I would also think that if I were in their place(though it is a misconception owing to the fact that 85% seats are reserved for students of that state).

Frankly I do not care about the standard. In any case what is the source of income for a doctor? His hand as we say in general. It will be survival of the fittest then. No doctor will commit suicide with a reason that no patients are coming to him or her!

@Levina @nair @SrNair @ranjeet @Joe Shearer (just to know your views) @anant_s
The shameless lying chaddie bhaktard gang is out again, spreading lies to divert attention from the false promise of the great LIAR of India.

It's a fact that Modi promised NEET exemption for Tamil Nadu this year, as the state had completely abolished its own medical entrance test long ago, in order to create a level playing field for poor rural students who cannot afford specialized entrance test coaching classes as their rich, urban counterparts within the state itself.

For all the shameless, lying sanghi chaddies, here is the report.

Centre will help Tamil Nadu get NEET waiver: Nirmala Sitharaman


AUGUST 13, 2017 14:22 IST
UPDATED: AUGUST 14, 2017 12:14 IST

Noting that Tamil Nadu's situation was unique, Union Minister Nirmala Sitaraman ruled out any further exemptions.

Ending six months of suspense over the fate of MBBS/BDS admissions in Tamil Nadu, Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman on Sunday said the Centre would “cooperate” with the State Government to grant a one-time exemption from NEET-based admissions through the ordinance route. The exemption from NEET will be only for admission to government medical colleges and the government quota seats in private medical colleges.

Responding quickly, State Health Minister C. Vijaya Baskar said a draft ordinance to allow Tamil Nadu to admit medical aspirants on the basis of their scores in Class XII for “this year” would be submitted to the Central Government for clearance on Monday.

Later on Sunday evening, Health Secretary J. Radhakrishnan and two other officials left for New Delhi to complete the paper work for drafting the ordinance. Ms. Sitharaman’s announcement caught the ruling AIADMK off guard as none of the Union Ministers, including those handling the Health and HRD portfolios, had given any assurance on an exemption to senior State Ministers who held numerous meetings of late.

“As far as the private colleges (management quota seats) and deemed universities are concerned, the admission of students is already being done as per NEET. The problem comes only in terms of government medical college admissions and also in terms of seats surrendered by private colleges to the government, i.e., for around 4,000 seats. Students from rural areas are finding it difficult to get admissions through NEET — that is our understanding based on the interaction with the State,” Ms. Sitharaman said.

Since this was a unique situation, the Centre would cooperate to grant exemption from NEET-based admissions if the State government brought an ordinance specifying that it was being done for one year and for the benefit of rural students, the Minister said.

However, she ruled out any exemption beyond one year and said the State needs to prepare its students to face the common entrance test.

Meanwhile, Mr. Vijaya Baskar said the Central government had held consultations to rule out legal wrangles in the event of Tamil Nadu getting an exemption from NEET. The State government would offer a solution for the next year too, to avoid the confusion that has prevailed this year, he said.

State Health Department officials told The Hindu the request for exemption was made as the test was a challenge to the rural students. “The ordinance would be drafted in such a way that it does not hit the concept of NEET itself,” an official said.

In Puducherry, Union Minister of State for Shipping Pon Radhakrishnan said the exemption granted to Tamil Nadu from NEET was due to the relentless efforts of the State Government. He claimed that for the last 20 days or so, he and Ms. Sitharaman had persisted with the Centre in ensuring an exemption of Tamil Nadu from NEET.

Dirty, lying sanghi chaddie criminals! Stinking Brahmana Jati Party scoundrels! Shameless cheat and liar Modi!

Modi and his sanghie chaddie criminals will pay heavily for driving this poor girl to suicide.

Modi and his criminal saffron gangsters' crimes against humanity will never be forgotten!

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In NEET only 15% medical seats are reserved for all India rank and rest 85% seats are reserved for statevquota students.There are only 4000 CBSE students in tamilnadu vs 3.6 lakh tamilnadu board students.There are 2600 medicals seats in the state where less than 400 are for all India rank and rest are for state quota.So blaming Neet is not the solution. She just became a pawn of the private medical colleges who opposed meet as it is hampering there business.
How could she get paltry 76 marks out of 800??? How good a doctor will she become?? Think before you talk. She did not have to commit suicide. She could have prepared for next year.

So, you are admitting that these Hi-ndians are smarter to crack NEET because of their Aryan brains. What stops you dumbos to outsmart your northern neighbours?? Lack of will??

And did she even once think about her parents , siblings. It was more important for her to complete her education and support her family financially by taking up some job.

In life we all aspire to become something or achieve something , but when we don't for some reason why do we belittle everything that we have or built over the years. She was nothing but a selfish looser who belittled the sacrifices of her parents just because her dreams of becoming a doctor couldn't be fulfilled.

Now our idiot media is going to project her as some hero , obviously tamil politics always has to be over the top melodrama nonsense like their movies. And what is with this "dalit" tag being attached to every looser who commits suicide , i thought our great media wants us to move ahead from caste system.
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