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‘Inspired by Quranic teachings’: Aghast over Anti-Muslim hatred, Tamil Nadu Motivational speaker converts to Islam

So, you are implying that indian state is trust worthy as you obviously do not beleive him? All other raised issues after that are irrelevant and i would say something that is used as justification of various crimes against muslims.

I will reply tomorrow because I am posting a reply in another thread and logging off for the night.
But you started this useless discussion that Bible and Quran is equal which is wrong
So you didn't read any of my posting then. I was saying Bible and Quran are NOT equal. One is from YHWH, the God who created everything whom Abraham and Moses and all other Hebrew prophets worshiped and other is from the god of Quraysh.

So you didn't read any of my posting then. I was saying Bible and Quran are NOT equal. One is from YHWH, the God who created everything whom Abraham and Moses and all other Hebrew prophets worshiped and other is from the god of Quraysh.
I'm ending it here.
Mark, John, Luke and Mathew were companions of Jesus and Mark wrote 25 to 40 years after Jesus. Look at your own Quran, some claims it was written by his companions and others say 200 years after Muhammad.
Till today they couldn't find any archaeological evidence from Mecca stating it was a trading center as claimed in Quaran. That explains why Suids want to turn it into a city of skyscrapers. Then you don't have to worry about excavations anymore. All the 7 mosques build after Muhammad still faces Petra. Do some research bro.
Lolz, trolling again, where are those bibles writing by Mark, John, Luke and Mathew??? Where are their manuscripts?? Also They wrote it in Greek language???

You are just trolling...

LOL. Ask @xeuss then who is @Areesh's Indian Muslim friend.

Indeed. From the Occupy Wall Street progressive people's movement from 2011 :


Oh not that embarrassment Zakir Naik. If you want those Muslim leaders who truly understood Islam then cast your eye at leftists like Jamal Abdul Nasser and Muammar Gaddafi. Here's a speech by Syrian president Hafiz al Assad in 1982 after Syria had defeated the NATO-supported "Muslim" Brotherhood criminals in a six year war :
Brainless and Pathetic as usual 🤮
So you didn't read any of my posting then. I was saying Bible and Quran are NOT equal. One is from YHWH, the God who created everything whom Abraham and Moses and all other Hebrew prophets worshiped and other is from the god of Quraysh.
Bible is changed and corrupted Quran and Islam is one and only True and last religion by the God/Allah, this my final and last answer to you
LOL. Ask @xeuss then who is @Areesh's Indian Muslim friend.

Indeed. From the Occupy Wall Street progressive people's movement from 2011 :


Oh not that embarrassment Zakir Naik. If you want those Muslim leaders who truly understood Islam then cast your eye at leftists like Jamal Abdul Nasser and Muammar Gaddafi. Here's a speech by Syrian president Hafiz al Assad in 1982 after Syria had defeated the NATO-supported "Muslim" Brotherhood criminals in a six year war :
There is no left, right and center in islam.
This is your typical Hindu neighbor. Enjoys everything Muslim, but when the Hindu mobs come, will happily join them to burn down your home. Heck, these guys will tell which homes to burn down.

From The Wire:
Before Nasir could understand what was happening, stone-pelting began in his neighbourhood.

“A mob of over 50 people led by by my neighbour Anil Patel and Ganesh Verma began pelting stones at my house and trying to break the iron gate to come inside the compound. They were hurling not just stones but also communal abuses. I shouted and asked Anil, ‘Tu kya kar raha hai, hum log padosi hain (What are you doing, we are neighbours).’ Minutes later, Anil’s wife joined the mob. With an intention to provoke the mob, she said, ‘Ek hi Musalman hai is gali mein, jalado isko ghar ke sath (There is only one Muslim in the lane, let’s burn him with his house).’ I was shocked and speechless,” Nasir told The Wire.
I agree with your expert opinion. Anil, his wife and Ganesh are considered typical Hindu neighbours, always buring down houses of muslim neighbours. I wonder how did they let Nasir live to tell his horrific experience...

On the other hand, please do not consider suicide bombers examples of muslims in general. They have no religion.
Even if you do think otherwise (in face of overwhelming evidence of majority coming from a particular religion), please do consider that they don't target non-Muslims specifically. There is always one Muslim dying in each of these incidents (bomber himself or herself).
I agree with your expert opinion. Anil, his wife and Ganesh are considered typical Hindu neighbours, always buring down houses of muslim neighbours. I wonder how did they let Nasir live to tell his horrific experience...

On the other hand, please do not consider suicide bombers examples of muslims in general. They have no religion.
Even if you do think otherwise (in face of overwhelming evidence of majority coming from a particular religion), please do consider that they don't target non-Muslims specifically. There is always one Muslim dying in each of these incidents (bomber himself or herself).

Here comes another SaffronNazi with his whataboutery.

This is really getting old. The common Muslim has never supported suicide bombers or bombings. No Muslim ever elected ISIS or Al Qaeda.

On the other hand, the Hindu society has elected terrorists to Parliament. In fact, they were elected simply because they killed Muslims (Gujarat 2002).

Your own writings above give the impression you are okay with Hindu neighbors burning down houses of Muslims, the only regret being how did the Muslim survive to tell the truth.
I agree with your expert opinion. Anil, his wife and Ganesh are considered typical Hindu neighbours, always buring down houses of muslim neighbours. I wonder how did they let Nasir live to tell his horrific experience...

On the other hand, please do not consider suicide bombers examples of muslims in general. They have no religion.
Even if you do think otherwise (in face of overwhelming evidence of majority coming from a particular religion), please do consider that they don't target non-Muslims specifically. There is always one Muslim dying in each of these incidents (bomber himself or herself).
Well you forgot the standard statement, " They are not muslims, Islam teaches peace, killing one human is killing humanity."
Well you forgot the standard statement, " They are not muslims, Islam teaches peace, killing one human is killing humanity."

Thanks for stating the obvious. Looks like your time on PDF is well spent.
So the “Bible” is essentially a collection of books which many believe (quite wrongly) was compiled during the council in Nicene. This is common knowledge to students of history (not religion). The earliest known scripts (Old Testament) were recovered in Israel - now famously known as the Dead Sea scrolls. Nobody claims the Bible hasn’t undergone change. Ofcourse it has - but we understand the core messaging including stories (which is also part of Islamic history to an extent - by virtue of it being a later derivative of the three Abrahamic religions) — to have remained more or less the same.

I mean the Bible today is likely the most translated book in existence - available in almost every language/dialect. Ofcourse there are bound to be changes — just that the Christians are more honest about it.

“Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt”

You can sugarcoat it all you want to. But still bible got changed. Quran didn't and won't ever. End of story
His claims may well be true but the direction he took was wrong. How are the issues I raised irrelevant ? That criminal female Asiya Andrabi, leader of the Dukhtaraan-e-Millat is oppressing Muslims, yes ? How is her oppression not oppression but oppression by the Indian state oppression ?

may, would, maybe, eventually, you already diluted essence of subject and after that divert in strawman line, it really is irrelevant all that you say regarding this matter.
may, would, maybe, eventually, you already diluted essence of subject and after that divert in strawman line, it really is irrelevant all that you say regarding this matter.

Why are you defending the Dukhtaraan-e-Millat group ?
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