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Tamil Nadu girl Anitha who spearheaded fight against NEET commits suicide

And did she even once think about her parents , siblings. It was more important for her to complete her education and support her family financially by taking up some job.

In life we all aspire to become something or achieve something , but when we don't for some reason why do we belittle everything that we have or built over the years. She was nothing but a selfish looser who belittled the sacrifices of her parents just because her dreams of becoming a doctor couldn't be fulfilled.

Now our idiot media is going to project her as some hero , obviously tamil politics always has to be over the top melodrama nonsense like their movies. And what is with this "dalit" tag being attached to every looser who commits suicide , i thought our great media wants us to move ahead from caste system.

You are talking RUBBISH without knowing the facts of the case.

This girl lost her mother due to medical complications when she was a child. Even as a child she had promised herself that she will become a doctor so that no other women like her mother will have to die.

She worked hard to achieve her goal and drams and the promise made to her dead mother.

She even got admission into the prestigious government run, Madras Institute of Technology here for aeronautical engineering. Her future was secure.

But she wanted to be a doctor who could save lives, not a engineer.

Its an incredible painful tragedy that we lost such a beautiful child. We as a nation are poorer for it. She took her own life because she lost HOPE. She felt that all her struggles and hardship was for nothing. The system make a mockery of her sacrifice and tapasya. And in her darkest hour, she had nobody to hold her hand and give her hope.

I hope you understand the gravity of your allegations and have the decency to delete your post.

If not, just remember, Karma is a bitch and you never know how or when it mocks you.
TN has 37 colleges among the Top 100 Indian colleges, UP has 0. MP has 0. We do not want NEET.
The root problem here is the number of seats in different states or rather not enough seats in country. Remember Engineering seats, some 15 years back? I also used to have sneak rendezvous with one in Gulberga (Karnataka) in 1984. It demanded 50000 as capitation fee at that time which I couldn't pay and tried for another chance and got in to UCE Burla a Govt. college. at that time Odisha had only three Govt engg colleges and the only engg colleges.

Now after 10 years i.e from 1994-2000 pvt engg. colleges mushroomed in Odisha and students did not want to go to south to study engg. anymore. Though pvt engg colleges like Manipal, VITS are special even today for our students.

Not only Odisha, Engg colleges mushroomed across India, though the standard took a dive. But nonetheless many students who could not clear AIEEE found a way to Engg degree at lower cost.

The point I want to make is number of seats. the northern states like UP, Haryana, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan should be encouraged to set up more medical colleges and MCI should relax the criteria. Every district head quarter hospital should be elevated to Med Colleges with seat strength between 50-100.

Agreed, that standard of education will be hit, but the divide between this north and south will get diminished. Clearly as you increase the seats to such an extent that prices will also come down owing to competition(The present price is 40lakh to 1.5 crore to be a doctor). TN people think that Northern people are coming and stealing their seats through NEET. I would also think that if I were in their place(though it is a misconception owing to the fact that 85% seats are reserved for students of that state).

Frankly I do not care about the standard. In any case what is the source of income for a doctor? His hand as we say in general. It will be survival of the fittest then. No doctor will commit suicide with a reason that no patients are coming to him or her!

@Levina @nair @SrNair @ranjeet @Joe Shearer (just to know your views) @anant_s

As it happens, as a teacher who was formerly a practitioner, I hold exactly the opposite views from you.

The number of engineering seats has been increased - seriously increased - and far more students are able to get to be qualified engineers. To you, that is a good thing; to me, it is a bad thing. Lowering the standard of education in engineering, getting a flood of engineers of whom 90% are unemployable, getting a flood of applications for MBA or BBA seats, or a flood of applications for education abroad, typically in a post-graduate programme such as an MS, and finally leading to a huge, frustrated mass of bad engineers and unemployed citizens is not a good thing.

Very bluntly, replicating this for medical education, without a VAST expansion of medical facilities, ensuring the ethical and transparent distribution of drugs and outreach to the rural and forest dwelling poor, is simply a recipe for disaster. Thinking that fulfilling the yearning of young people to be doctors, and allowing them to do so without necessarily knowing how to practice their profession is all right for building bridges; a count of the number of times the Panaji bridge has come down, and at what intervals, may underline the point that a human being is not a bridge. What we can (barely) tolerate in the case of a bridge is not something that we can, or should, tolerate with regard to human lives.
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All this hallabaloo regarding meet is it for self interests of Pvt medical colleges.

With meet in place Pvt collages can not sell seats to whoever they want and for how much ever they like.

Now 50%marks is minimum criteria to get into a medical college

This move effectively blocks black money also

That's why politicians and Pvt medical colleges are against NEET

Coming to the girl, when many of her co students from TN cracked NEET it makes no sense to say NEET is going against their advantage
Frankly to speak Tamil students reap more seats in competitive entrance exams

More over NEET was there for 2 years and what do they expect exemption from meet forever?

The girl could have failed because she didn't anticipate that NEET will be made mandatory in TN too..

I seriously doubt that she committed suicide.
This incident should be properly investigated
As it happens, as a teacher who was formerly a practitioner, I hold exactly the opposite views from you.

The number of engineering seats has been increased - seriously increased - and far more students are able to get to be qualified engineers. To you, that is a good thing; to me, it is a bad thing. Lowering the standard of education in engineering, getting a flood of engineers of whom 90% are unemployable, getting a flood of applications for MBA or BBA seats, or a flood of applications for education abroad, typically in a post-graduate programme such as an MS, and finally leading to a huge, frustrated mass of bad engineers and unemployed citizens is not a good thing.

Very bluntly, replicating this for medical education, without a VAST expansion of medical facilities, ensuring the ethical and transparent distribution of drugs and outreach to the rural and forest dwelling poor, is simply a recipe for disaster. Thinking that fulfilling the yearning of young people to be doctors, and allowing them to do so without necessarily knowing how to practice their profession is all right for building bridges; a count of the number of times the Panaji bridge has come down, and at what intervals, may underline the point that a human being is not a bridge. What we can (barely) tolerate in the case of a bridge is not something that we can, or should, tolerate with regard to human lives.
Agreed...100%, but my reply was sheer out of desperation. How to deal with this kind of situation.... I mean suicide?
I hate loss of life. People I know have tried for IAS exams many times... have become frustrated... eventually settling down for some state administrative jobs or some senior clerical or bank PO, but not suicide?
And the tendancy of politicians nd media to reap benefits?
RIP for her.

We have so many people committing suicide over 10th and 12th marks. So can we ban those exams. Its very sad that these politicians are making politics over an innocent's death.
She was bright student and should keep preparing for Medical, but she chose otherwise. Feeling sorry for her father and grand mother.
This defense forum is turning into "every single sensational local news from all over India" forum.
Agreed...100%, but my reply was sheer out of desperation. How to deal with this kind of situation.... I mean suicide?
I hate loss of life. People I know have tried for IAS exams many times... have become frustrated... eventually settling down for some state administrative jobs or some senior clerical or bank PO, but not suicide?
And the tendancy of politicians nd media to reap benefits?

Let me share some not-very-accurate metrics with you, in full support of your approach, and in full and complete sympathy with your anguish: about 13 million young people enter the job market every year; about 8 million DO NOT get jobs; about 5 million DO; of these, perhaps 500,000, that is, 0.5 million get fully-secured jobs, jobs that come under the laws dealing with employment, labour relations and compensation of employees. Fully 4.5 million DO NOT work in the organised sector.

The challenge is NOT to increase the access to the 500,000 (a significant portion of these jobs were taken up by the IT industry in recent years; that exuberant spell of earning was what led to the golden haze around UPA1, drove the Sanghis to dire thoughts of self-extinction and led to the disgruntlement and shift in political alliance that brought in the NDA); the challenge is to bring financial security, that is, employment security, to the 4.5 million who work in the unorganised sector, and to bring rudimentary earning capacity to the 8 million who are outside all the statistics.

We emphatically don't need more MBAs; that is a function that has been hammered into pulp by the greediest of all Indians, promoters of capitation fee colleges, graduate as well as post-graduate colleges. We need around 10% of the engineers that we train; we need perhaps 500 to 600% the number of nurses, and perhaps 300% the number of physicians and surgeons that we produce today, WITH A SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN QUALITY OF EDUCATION. We also need a 300 to 400% increase in the number of pure and applied scientists, and severe pressure on industry to invest in research.

If you look at my rant in the previous paragraph, you will find by extending the logic that I am arguing for a research based economic growth, and for a safety net for the very old and the very young, and for gainful employment opportunities, even at minimal levels, for the working cohorts. More or less the guaranteed 100 days of employment, which brought such astonishing changes in the attitude of the very poor who benefited.

I would like to stop here deliberately; further elaboration will bring me to the attention of the pack.
You are talking RUBBISH without knowing the facts of the case.

This girl lost her mother due to medical complications when she was a child. Even as a child she had promised herself that she will become a doctor so that no other women like her mother will have to die.

She worked hard to achieve her goal and drams and the promise made to her dead mother.

She even got admission into the prestigious government run, Madras Institute of Technology here for aeronautical engineering. Her future was secure.

But she wanted to be a doctor who could save lives, not a engineer.

Its an incredible painful tragedy that we lost such a beautiful child. We as a nation are poorer for it. She took her own life because she lost HOPE. She felt that all her struggles and hardship was for nothing. The system make a mockery of her sacrifice and tapasya. And in her darkest hour, she had nobody to hold her hand and give her hope.

I hope you understand the gravity of your allegations and have the decency to delete your post.

If not, just remember, Karma is a bitch and you never know how or when it mocks you.

LoL are you an idiot ? are you justifying her suicide , the only part what i agree with in your crap post is that maybe she took this step because she might not have a strong support system at her home and you are quite emotional & vulnerable at that age. The rest of the stuff you wrote is bul!shit , tapsaya ..sacrifice blah blah blah

We all are victims of system at some level , in our country rape victims don't get justice for decades , what happened with her was not any tragedy , so please shut up.
You are talking RUBBISH without knowing the facts of the case.

This girl lost her mother due to medical complications when she was a child. Even as a child she had promised herself that she will become a doctor so that no other women like her mother will have to die.

She worked hard to achieve her goal and drams and the promise made to her dead mother.

She even got admission into the prestigious government run, Madras Institute of Technology here for aeronautical engineering. Her future was secure.

But she wanted to be a doctor who could save lives, not a engineer.

Its an incredible painful tragedy that we lost such a beautiful child. We as a nation are poorer for it. She took her own life because she lost HOPE. She felt that all her struggles and hardship was for nothing. The system make a mockery of her sacrifice and tapasya. And in her darkest hour, she had nobody to hold her hand and give her hope.

I hope you understand the gravity of your allegations and have the decency to delete your post.

If not, just remember, Karma is a bitch and you never know how or when it mocks you.

You need not have replied to that coarse-minded, graceless post. It is certain that such posters do not delete their posts, but insist that they are right.
You need not have replied to that coarse-minded, graceless post. It is certain that such posters do not delete their posts, but insist that they are right.

haha i also ignore your sht posts most of the time
LoL are you an idiot ? are you justifying her suicide , the only part what i agree with in your crap post is that maybe she took this step because she might not have a strong support system at her home and you are quite emotional & vulnerable at that age. The rest of the stuff you wrote is bul!shit , tapsaya ..sacrifice blah blah blah

We all are victims of system at some level , in our country rape victims don't get justice for decades , what happened with her was not any tragedy , so please shut up.

Why do I get the feeling that you have never worked hard and has never achieved anything in life due to hard work ? Only those who have worked hard to achieve their dream know about the drive in your heart that makes you do things others don't.

You are destined to a life of mediocrity, if you are lucky. You have my sympathies.
Can someone re appear in this exam again?
Why do I get the feeling that you have never worked hard and has never achieved anything in life due to hard work ? Only those who have worked hard to achieve their dream know about the drive in your heart that makes you do things others don't.

You are destined to a life of mediocrity, if you are lucky. You have my sympathies.

haha can you please stop all this bul!shit ? what have you achieved in your life you idiot ? hardwork ...drive in your heart ...blah blah blah

Yeah what have you achieved in your life ? please tell us , we are all waiting
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