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Talk Less, Work More, Indian Army Chief Told !

daraz. pk, shopping.pk. etc.... I am giving you head start, look around the net and find me camel urine. FIND ME A PAKISTANI SITE WHICH SELLS CAMEL URINE, since you claimed we Pakistani muslims consume camel urine.

As for my claim:


Took me less than a sec to find and prove my claim

Bhai, Its YOUR PROBLEM. Not Mine.
Your ecommerce is still lagging behind.

I showed you that YES, camel Piss is sold..in a shop.... and Mulsims DO USE IT.

It's not used as a medicine the average Indian thinks he gains superpowers and cow urine has no benefits for your health rather it will be bad for your kidneys which will have to work extra hard.I don't know where you get such dumb claims from

Its like an Indian knowing more than a Pakistani about an verage Pakistani..kya baat hai... ! lol.

glad you agree with everything else I said and the only thing we disagree with is the piss part.

Okay bro, send me a link to a Pakistani website where I can buy camel piss... as mentioned before, we can send you many Indian websites where you can buy cow piss.

When did i Agree ?
Bhai, Its YOUR PROBLEM. Not Mine.
Your ecommerce is still lagging behind.

Its like an Indian knowing more than a Pakistani about an verage Pakistani..kya baat hai... ! lol.

When did i Agree ?
Well not my fault the average Indian Hindu gives interviews to international media saying cow urine gives superpowers
Well not my fault the average Indian Hindu gives interviews to international media saying cow urine gives superpowers

Now that again Your problem. Indians say a lot about different things .. How can it all be True...
Why do u waste your Time ?

Some years ago...


And Your Nuclear Scientist said this :

" Maine Check kia hai.. Kuch gadbad nahi hai"

Bhai.. Whn your father of Nuclear Bombs.. defy the Second law of Thermodynamics... Allah Reham Kare..
And you are talking about an average Indian ?

Is chotia ko ban karo bhi. I was patient enough to answer his claims and counter claims, but if he is going
to present bs excuses on this particular topic then he deserves a little ban.

@The Eagle @Irfan Baloch @waz

Why little.. Why not a Permanent Ban ?
Bhai, Its YOUR PROBLEM. Not Mine.
Your ecommerce is still lagging behind.

I showed you that YES, camel Piss is sold..in a shop.... and Mulsims DO USE IT.

Its like an Indian knowing more than a Pakistani about an verage Pakistani..kya baat hai... ! lol.

When did i Agree ?
When you refused to rebut it :pakistan:

still waiting on that camel piss website bro.
We already provided you with Indian site to buy cow piss.
Did you get your order in? Will only 3 bottles be good enough for you?
why you want him to become a jobless???

No. He would not become jobless; since he is not going to follow this advice. Rather, I believe, that he is eyeing for the position of Chief of Defense Staff, after Bipin retires; since he is exactly following the foot steps of Bipin.:lol:
Now that again Your problem. Indians say a lot about different things .. How can it all be True...
Why do u waste your Time ?

Some years ago...


And Your Nuclear Scientist said this :

" Maine Check kia hai.. Kuch gadbad nahi hai"

Bhai.. Whn your father of Nuclear Bombs.. defy the Second law of Thermodynamics... Allah Reham Kare..
And you are talking about an average Indian ?

Why little.. Why not a Permanent Ban ?
Well average Indian is definitely not as worst as your ministers and politicians who think Hindus invented internet and cars back in the Vedic plains
Well average Indian is definitely not as worst as your ministers and politicians who think Hindus invented internet and cars back in the Vedic plains

Oh come on.... Why is it a problem if some stupid Indians belive they Invented Aliens ? Chill Relax.. is that even a point to discuss ?

if i start digging.. for every single "Type" of news you will get examples in Pakistan.... Its YOUR Problem if u think this stupidity takes place ONLY in India.

In US, still some people believe earth is FLAT.... So what ?
Jammer wil u post that video.. where this brave lad.. IN YOUR custody says this :

"Sorry Sir.. Im NOT Supposed to tell u this" ?

Let me be honest.....I dont think I can do that..., im not that brave.. can you ? can u...say those words?

And where he also praised the professionalism of the Pakistan Army....
He knew that he was in civilization where he was being treated like another human....even Chandu Lal was given same treatment, however it's another thing your drama queen warriors had to stage and make him a victim of torture.
The Irony being a similar bandmaster called Manekshaw split your country. Gen.Nizai knows better.
For over a thousand years you have been butt raped by us and thus the only comeback you cocksuckers have is 71.

Bose dk its been almost 50 years get over it..
If anything you were finger banged only last year.. now grow a spine and come L pat lay Pak ka.
Oh come on.... Why is it a problem if some stupid Indians belive they Invented Aliens ? Chill Relax.. is that even a point to discuss ?

if i start digging.. for every single "Type" of news you will get examples in Pakistan.... Its YOUR Problem if u think this stupidity takes place ONLY in India.

In US, still some people believe earth is FLAT.... So what ?
You are so deluded you started by accusing Pakistani generals off being liers then slowly moved away on to retarded claims with every claim off yours which we bust you somehow manage to grab another article from the year 1947 typical Indian
this dog will keep barking like provisos one for 4 years now
Only Indians would brag about not just defeating an enemy multiple times smaller then it, but only defeating a fraction of that enemy that was isolated by thousands of KM of hostile territory.

The British history books brag about "1000 of us defeated 100,000 of them and we were half way around the world"

Indian History books brag "millions of us defeated 40,000 of them, and they were isolated with no supplies or backup.... JOY HIND"

but when your super pooper 2020 looks like this
You have to brag about 50 year old "victories" :rolleyes:
yar.. atleast in 71 Pakistanis were able to fight... in 2020 they are at the mercy of IMF, are being scolded by Saudis.. they cant even take free decisions... It far far worse.

India, on the other hand is at 3.1 T .. , chalo....for you...im forgetting 71... bhai...its far worse in 2020 !
perfect time to attack Pak? Come n get fuked.
"Boasting" is a crime ?

Name ONE.. I repeat ONE country/general who wont "boast" to boost the morale against the enemey.... EVEN.. When you know you will loose...on a war front !

Boasting is still fine, unless you dont "Boast" and "Lie" and get these soldiers killed. Remember NLI in Kargil ?
Some one must have "boasted".. soldiers you are gonna win and defeat India..... Now thats a Crime...

Thankfully YOUR OWN COURT has punished him... lol.

Have you wondered why.... pakistan is knocking the doors of IMF for the 13th Time ? Leave India... Have you thought why BD economy is now ALMOST Equal to Pakistan ?

Hint : FATF

Its 2020...

Did u miss the "economic" war between China and US ?

The problem is Indians are Baniya... We are even selling cowdung cakes on Amazon !
Now if you dont have paypal.. or amazon.. im not to be blamed..

If u thought there are no camel urine shops... here you go :

stop trolling , we suffered 500 to 600 fatalities in Kargil and u suffered about the same number. be logical in your arguments or dont reply at all.

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