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Talk Less, Work More, Indian Army Chief Told !

Will u say the same for Generals and PMs who post and delete on Twitter ?
our generals ...at least our army chief doesnt boast like urs...for that we have ISPR, and he is doing his job qte efficiently. when did u hear Gen bajwa or raheel shareef, say things like these
yar.. atleast in 71 Pakistanis were able to fight... in 2020 they are at the mercy of IMF, are being scolded by Saudis.. they cant even take free decisions... It far far worse.

India, on the other hand is at 3.1 T .. , chalo....for you...im forgetting 71... bhai...its far worse in 2020 !

Yet despite india being more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia, india was STILL too WEAK, powerless and impotent to respond to us when we shot down an indian fighter jet in Feb. 2019.........:azn:........:lol:

Can you tell me a Pakistani site where I could order Camel urine? I can tell you Indian sites where you could order cow urine, and there are multiple brands. Btw, that camel urine was only prescribed to that individual at that particular time. It isn't/wasn't meant for anyone or everyone. You can ask any muslim scholar about it.
our generals ...at least our army chief doesnt boast like urs...for that we have ISPR, and he is doing his job qte efficiently. when did u hear Gen bajwa or raheel shareef, say things like these

"Boasting" is a crime ?

Name ONE.. I repeat ONE country/general who wont "boast" to boost the morale against the enemey.... EVEN.. When you know you will loose...on a war front !

Boasting is still fine, unless you dont "Boast" and "Lie" and get these soldiers killed. Remember NLI in Kargil ?
Some one must have "boasted".. soldiers you are gonna win and defeat India..... Now thats a Crime...

Thankfully YOUR OWN COURT has punished him... lol.

Yet despite india being more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia, india was STILL too WEAK, powerless and impotent to respond to us when we shot down an indian fighter jet in Feb. 2019.........:azn:........:lol:

Have you wondered why.... pakistan is knocking the doors of IMF for the 13th Time ? Leave India... Have you thought why BD economy is now ALMOST Equal to Pakistan ?

Hint : FATF

Its 2020...

Did u miss the "economic" war between China and US ?

Can you tell me a Pakistani site where I could order Camel urine? I can tell you Indian sites where you could order cow urine, and there are multiple brands. Btw, that camel urine was only prescribed to that individual at that particular time. It isn't/wasn't meant for anyone or everyone. You can ask any muslim scholar about it.

The problem is Indians are Baniya... We are even selling cowdung cakes on Amazon !
Now if you dont have paypal.. or amazon.. im not to be blamed..

If u thought there are no camel urine shops... here you go :

Ashamed of it ? Who said that ?

Do you know what is getting ashamed?
Its when being a Pakistani you pose as an Indian.. What can be worse than that you tell me?


Are you proud of your own "brave" Pakistanis posing as "coward" Indians ?

Now, regarding Cow Piss, Firstly Hindus.. ( some.. very few ) do drink in minor quantities.. for "Medicinal Purpose"

And You arelying..about camel piss.... Its NOT FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE.. BUT :


Why Are Muslims Drinking Camel Urine?

The question arises as to why Muslims, who have always been known for their extraordinary diligence in cleanliness and purity, which is at the very core of the teachings of their faith, are drinking camel urine. As surprising as it may sound, those minority of Muslims who are drinking camel urine, are doing so out of religious conviction. That conviction stems from their understanding of an incident during the blessed lifetime of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ. This incident has been reported in several places by Imām al-Bukhāri in his Ṣaḥῑḥ (ḥadῑth 233)[3] and Imām Muslim in his Ṣaḥῑḥ (ḥadῑth 1671)[4]. It has also been reported by various other imams of ḥadῑth in their respective collections.

The Ḥadῑth of Camel Urine

The ḥadῑth is narrated by Anas ibn Mālik (may Allāh be pleased with him). He describes how a group of people from the tribe of ῾Ukl or ῾Uraynah[5] arrived in Madῑnah. In the commentary of the ḥadῑth, Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Ḥajar al-῾Asqalāni, in his monumental Fatḥ al-Bāri, states that they embraced Islām[6], but fell very ill due to the climate, food and flu of Madῑnah. Ibn Ḥajar mentions that there is indication that when they arrived in Madῑnah, they were already ill. Their illness was extreme malnutrition and weakness. Their colour had turned pale. They came to the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ and complained about their critical condition. He told them to go to a herd of milch camels that were kept in the plains outside Madῑnah and drink their urine and milk. In his commentary on Ṣaḥῑḥ Muslim, ῾Allāmah Mufti Muḥammad Taqi ῾Uthmāni mentions various narrations that state that the camels belonged to the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ, or that amongst the camels were some that belonged to the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ. Some narrations of the ḥadῑth state that the camels were of ṣadaqah[7]. When these individuals went, and drank the urine and milk of the camels, they regained good health. They then killed the shepherd of the Messenger of Allāh [8] and stole the camels. According to some narrations, they put on weight and regained strength.

how come all your "sick burns" are 50-20 years old?
Back to the modern aga


We were serving FANTASTIC tea less then a year ago.
Indians are pooping in the streets as we speak and drinking cow piss while they are at it.
I don't even want to open the can of worms that is your rape identity.

And challenge is still valid, where are the videos of Muslims drinking camel piss like Hindus love to drink cow piss??
"Boasting" is a crime ?

Name ONE.. I repeat ONE country/general who wont "boast" to boost the morale against the enemey.... EVEN.. When you know you will loose...on a war front !

Boasting is still fine, unless you dont "Boast" and "Lie" and get these soldiers killed. Remember NLI in Kargil ?
Some one must have "boasted".. soldiers you are gonna win and defeat India..... Now thats a Crime...

Thankfully YOUR OWN COURT has punished him... lol.
Boasting and lieing is part off your generals who claim off shooting down f-16 whilst showing a piece off missile which actually hit them also claiming surgical strikes and boasting about 300 imaginary terrorist such claims are only made by Indian generals we fortunately are not a smackhead nation like yours so when you call someone else a lier please look at your country first
Boasting and lieing is part off your generals who claim off shooting down f-16 whilst showing a piece off missile which actually hit them also claiming surgical strikes and boasting about 300 imaginary terrorist such claims are only made by Indian generals we fortunately are not a smackhead nation like yours so when you call someone else a lier please look at your country first

Well, I'll speak fr myself.. I dont think India downed F16. Period.
Its your problem if u feel pakistan downed an MKI...
"Boasting" is a crime ?

Name ONE.. I repeat ONE country/general who wont "boast" to boost the morale against the enemey.... EVEN.. When you know you will loose...on a war front !

Boasting is still fine, unless you dont "Boast" and "Lie" and get these soldiers killed. Remember NLI in Kargil ?
Some one must have "boasted".. soldiers you are gonna win and defeat India..... Now thats a Crime...

Thankfully YOUR OWN COURT has punished him... lol.

Have you wondered why.... pakistan is knocking the doors of IMF for the 13th Time ? Leave India... Have you thought why BD economy is now ALMOST Equal to Pakistan ?

Hint : FATF

Its 2020...

Did u miss the "economic" war between China and US ?

The problem is Indians are Baniya... We are even selling cowdung cakes on Amazon !
Now if you dont have paypal.. or amazon.. im not to be blamed..

If u thought there are no camel urine shops... here you go :


So?........:lol:......Greece, Italy, Spain and Argentina have all knocked on the doors of the IMF more times than Pakistan have yet they are all nations who are MUCH MORE richer, racially superior and technologically/scientifically advanced than india is or could ever be...........:lol:..........LOOK at the standard of living of an average Italian, Spanish, Greek or Argentinian and then compare it to the standard of living of an average indian......:azn:......then come and talk.......:azn:
Well, I'll speak fr myself.. I dont think India downed F16. Period.
Its your problem if u feel pakistan downed an MKI...
Well that's your personal belief you cannot change your dumb generals mind about f-16 and surgical strikes can you so let's not jump away from the question and before accusing other countries generals off lieing sort your generals out first
how come all your "sick burns" are 50-20 years old?
Back to the modern aga


We were serving FANTASTIC tea less then a year ago.
Indians are pooping in the streets as we speak and drinking cow piss while they are at it.
I don't even want to open the can of worms that is your rape identity.

And challenge is still valid, where are the videos of Muslims drinking camel piss like Hindus love to drink cow piss??

Its your problem to think Indians drink Cow Piss like water. Its used AS A "medicine" ONLY !
It has even been patended !



So, in my family NO ONE drinks It.. but yes, if some disease demands it.. as a medicine... we can use anything... isnt it ?
The problem is Indians are Baniya... We are even selling cowdung cakes on Amazon !
Now if you dont have paypal.. or amazon.. im not to be blamed..

If u thought there are no camel urine shops... here you go :

daraz. pk, shopping.pk. etc.... I am giving you head start, look around the net and find me camel urine. FIND ME A PAKISTANI SITE WHICH SELLS CAMEL URINE, since you claimed we Pakistani muslims consume camel urine.

As for my claim:



Took me less than a sec to find and prove my claim

It has nothing to do with amazon paypal, etc. We do have credit/debit cards + cash on delivery options, now go look, find and prove what you claim.

Its your problem to think Indians drink Cow Piss like water. Its used AS A "medicine" ONLY !
It has even been patended !

glad you agree with everything else I said and the only thing we disagree with is the piss part.

Okay bro, send me a link to a Pakistani website where I can buy camel piss... as mentioned before, we can send you many Indian websites where you can buy cow piss.

Its your problem to think Indians drnk it like water. Its used AS A "medicine" ONLY !
It's not used as a medicine the average Indian thinks he gains superpowers and cow urine has no benefits for your health rather it will be bad for your kidneys which will have to work extra hard.I don't know where you get such dumb claims from

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