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No need to come here to compare your so called achievements with Turkish one. It isn't about just UAV's but all other devices that is going to be mentioned as well. Why? You don't have any idea about What you are talking in forums but just spreading propagandas over availability or quantity of a thing in order to point out How my pipi is bigger than yours but Actually What you are doing can be summarized as folowing.

You like declaring your self as one of the biggest industrial powerhouse with even looking a poor UAV image that none of you don't know any single info about its inside electronics, capabilities, resistance, link technology, metalurgy, detectors, circuits. Let's be honest, What makes you interests is just availability of a thing to talk about size, looking of it days after days. What you were talking as MALE UAV was actually have specifications of What we call as tactical UAV.

While you are overrating yourself like that, Have you ever wondered How Turkish engineers/public mentality was working about their projects or What was Turkish industry that You always like measuing your pipies with, doing ? Turkey developed ANKA-A and proved its capabilities over 26000ft altitude. Turkish engineers developed a new much more capable and 1/2 lighter FLIR that Only 5 countries have such Technologies in World, signed for 10 ANKA-S contact. ANKA-S with that flir is going to climb 30000ft. In additions, They developed SAR/ISAR radar technology that Rare nations have. A special industry have developed Milimetric wave radar technology that will be used on both attack helicopter and automatic take-off/landing system on bases. Based on ANKA-S, Heavier armed ANKA-TP will be revealed in 2016 as well. It is supposed to climb an altitude around 40000ft.

While Turkish industry is achieving all those, We all say that It isn't enough. We should achieve more and more but Sorry, When the subject is comparison of our capabilities with Iranian one, I can't be so modest, especially against people WHO suppose themselves as biggest industrial powerhouse thanks to their poor quality production methods, unknown 3rd class imported electronics that is hidden from sanctions and 1970 copy/paste industrial models...
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No need to come here to compare your so called achievements with Turkish one. It isn't about just UAV's but all other devices that is going to be mentioned as well. Why? You doesn't have any idea about What you are talking in forums but just spreading propagandas over availability or quantity of a thing in order to point out How my pipi is bigger than yours but Actually What you are doing can be summarized as folowing.

You like declaring your self as one of the biggest industrial powerhouse with even looking a poor UAV image that none of you don't know any single info about its inside electronics, capabilities, resistance, link technology, metalurgy, detectors, circuits. Let's be honest, What makes you interests is just availability of a thing to talk about size, looking of it days after days. What you were talking as MALE UAV was actually have specifications of What we call as tactical UAV.

While you are overrating yourself like that, Have you ever wondered How Turkish engineers/public mentality was working about their projects or What was Turkish industry that You always like measuing your pipies with, doing ? Turkey developed ANKA-A and proved its capabilities over 26000ft altitude. Turkish engineers developed a new much more capable and 1/2 lighter FLIR that Only 5 countries have such Technologies in World, signed for 10 ANKA-S contact. ANKA-S with that flir is going to climb 30000ft. In additions, They developed SAR/ISAR radar technology that Rare nations have. A special industry have developed Milimetric wave radar technology that will be used on both attack helicopter and automatic take-off/landing system on bases. Based on ANKA-S, Heavier armed ANKA-TP will be revealed in 2016 as well. It is supposed to climb an altitude around 40000ft.

While Turkish industry is achieving all those, We all say that It isn't enough. We should achieve more and more but Sorry, When the subject is comparison of our capabilities with Iranian one, I can't be so modest, especially against people WHO suppose themselves as biggest industrial powerhouse thanks to their poor quality production methods, unknown imported electronics and 1970 copy/paste industrial models...

Thanks. To be honest, I would like to see strong Iran rather than EUropean countries, but sometimes Iran is not the right thing. You are friends with Armenia against our Brothers in Azerbaijan. Why do you need them? Instead, all together, we can lead the region and match our capabilities. Don't forget Turkey helped Iran against sanctions in UN. They would always want to divide us and control the region. Instead, we all should work together, such as exporting Iranian gas from Turkey. When Israel asked Russia not to sell s300 to Iran, They stopped even though Iran payed it off. This is the reality. Today, Azeri defence minister went to Iran(also president few days ago). I think we have to make better relations.
No need to come here to compare your so called achievements with Turkish one. It isn't about just UAV's but all other devices that is going to be mentioned as well. Why? You doesn't have any idea about What you are talking in forums but just spreading propagandas over availability or quantity of a thing in order to point out How my pipi is bigger than yours but Actually What you are doing can be summarized as folowing.

You like declaring your self as one of the biggest industrial powerhouse with even looking a poor UAV image that none of you don't know any single info about its inside electronics, capabilities, resistance, link technology, metalurgy, detectors, circuits. Let's be honest, What makes you interests is just availability of a thing to talk about size, looking of it days after days. What you were talking as MALE UAV was actually have specifications of What we call as tactical UAV.

While you are overrating yourself like that, Have you ever wondered How Turkish engineers/public mentality was working about their projects or What was Turkish industry that You always like measuing your pipies with, doing ? Turkey developed ANKA-A and proved its capabilities over 26000ft altitude. Turkish engineers developed a new much more capable and 1/2 lighter FLIR that Only 5 countries have such Technologies in World, signed for 10 ANKA-S contact. ANKA-S with that flir is going to climb 30000ft. In additions, They developed SAR/ISAR radar technology that Rare nations have. A special industry have developed Milimetric wave radar technology that will be used on both attack helicopter and automatic take-off/landing system on bases. Based on ANKA-S, Heavier armed ANKA-TP will be revealed in 2016 as well. It is supposed to climb an altitude around 40000ft.

While Turkish industry is achieving all those, We all say that It isn't enough. We should achieve more and more but Sorry, When the subject is comparison of our capabilities with Iranian one, I can't be so modest, especially against people WHO suppose themselves as biggest industrial powerhouse thanks to their poor quality production methods, unknown imported electronics and 1970 copy/paste industrial models...
Brother, what do you think the strongest points are of Iran when compared to Turkey? Surely there are some things that Iran excels more at, right?
Anka cancelled ?

Pics of serial production:


No need to come here to compare your so called achievements with Turkish one. It isn't about just UAV's but all other devices that is going to be mentioned as well. Why? You doesn't have any idea about What you are talking in forums but just spreading propagandas over availability or quantity of a thing in order to point out How my pipi is bigger than yours but Actually What you are doing can be summarized as folowing.

You like declaring your self as one of the biggest industrial powerhouse with even looking a poor UAV image that none of you don't know any single info about its inside electronics, capabilities, resistance, link technology, metalurgy, detectors, circuits. Let's be honest, What makes you interests is just availability of a thing to talk about size, looking of it days after days. What you were talking as MALE UAV was actually have specifications of What we call as tactical UAV.

While you are overrating yourself like that, Have you ever wondered How Turkish engineers/public mentality was working about their projects or What was Turkish industry that You always like measuing your pipies with, doing ? Turkey developed ANKA-A and proved its capabilities over 26000ft altitude. Turkish engineers developed a new much more capable and 1/2 lighter FLIR that Only 5 countries have such Technologies in World, signed for 10 ANKA-S contact. ANKA-S with that flir is going to climb 30000ft. In additions, They developed SAR/ISAR radar technology that Rare nations have. A special industry have developed Milimetric wave radar technology that will be used on both attack helicopter and automatic take-off/landing system on bases. Based on ANKA-S, Heavier armed ANKA-TP will be revealed in 2016 as well. It is supposed to climb an altitude around 40000ft.

While Turkish industry is achieving all those, We all say that It isn't enough. We should achieve more and more but Sorry, When the subject is comparison of our capabilities with Iranian one, I can't be so modest, especially against people WHO suppose themselves as biggest industrial powerhouse thanks to their poor quality production methods, unknown imported electronics and 1970 copy/paste industrial models...

nobody measuring your pipi anymore !

but if you are intrested in Iranian pipi size have a patience ...
Pics of serial production:



I looked it from mobile phone so couldn't see details of it... As i saw there are no SAR on it... Also as i know there will not be MILDAR on it but some people say there will be MILDAR... I saw no MILDAR preperation in these pics. also... There will be SATCOM forsure however it can not be seen in the pics...


@Casus Belli Can you enlighten us about these ? MILDAR, SAR, SATCOM on ANKA-S...

I looked it from mobile phone so couldn't see details of it... As i saw there are no SAR on it... Also as i know there will not be MILDAR on it but some people say there will be MILDAR... I saw no MILDAR preperation in these pics. also... There will be SATCOM forsure however it can not be seen in the pics...


@Casus Belli Can you enlighten us about these ? MILDAR, SAR, SATCOM on ANKA-S...


003 produced at least 3 years ago..... casus just posted random pics and called it a serial production. (and got 4 thanks. :lol:)

Guys, please we don't need propaganda.
Thanks. To be honest, I would like to see strong Iran rather than EUropean countries, but sometimes Iran is not the right thing. You are friends with Armenia against our Brothers in Azerbaijan. Why do you need them? Instead, all together, we can lead the region and match our capabilities. Don't forget Turkey helped Iran against sanctions in UN. They would always want to divide us and control the region. Instead, we all should work together, such as exporting Iranian gas from Turkey. When Israel asked Russia not to sell s300 to Iran, They stopped even though Iran payed it off. This is the reality. Today, Azeri defence minister went to Iran(also president few days ago). I think we have to make better relations.
Are you retarded? Sarsaqlama... O dediyin ölkə bizim qatı düşmanımızdır, Türk adına hər şeyin düşmanıdır, və güney torpaqlarımız üstündə çirkin əməlləriylə oturubdu. And you mention a visit as if it should have any real importance. About two weeks the Israeli foreign minister are going to visit, and the main topic will be the cooperation in defence industry. As for Iran, nothing will change their hostility and enemity towards us. Keep those stupid ideas to yourself.
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I looked it from mobile phone so couldn't see details of it... As i saw there are no SAR on it... Also as i know there will not be MILDAR on it but some people say there will be MILDAR... I saw no MILDAR preperation in these pics. also... There will be SATCOM forsure however it can not be seen in the pics...


@Casus Belli Can you enlighten us about these ? MILDAR, SAR, SATCOM on ANKA-S...


Advanced Mildar technology is going to be used for three different areas.

HelMilDar: Attack helicopter Fire Control/Surveillance radar

Mızrak missile will also be evolved in accordance with that technology. Mizrak-U will be called as;


IHAMilDar: ANKA family radar
OKIS: Automatic take off/landing radar for ANKA Family

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Is the place of MİLDAR for T-129 good ? Does that place (mounted on one side of the wing) has disadvantages ?

Another question is... Which one of these will be used on ANKA in the first stage ? Or both of them will be used ?


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003 produced at least 3 years ago..... casus just posted random pics and called it a serial production. (and got 4 thanks. :lol:)

003 was modified last year, look at the flir buried into fuselage
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