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T-625 & Turkish Utility Helicopter Programs

Congratulations to Turkey . But the plan is shaking too much stability need to improve.
The 1st step is always the most difficult one!!! InshaAllah the young engineers will work day and night with Ashk-i Ibadet to finish this project to fruition!!! All human endeavors are sorts of evolution with time!!! Quantum leaps belong to the Divinity!!!! I wish lots of engineers from different nationalities, especially from the Muslim countries, are also involved in such projects (provided done out of NATO umbrella since it allows only NATO member countries' nationals)!!!! The US companies utilize this practice successfully....
Props to the team behind in putting the endless hard yards and efforts over the years beginning from scratch and coming up with what seems like a quality medium size helicopter. This needs to be commended... This could possibly be the beginning of something more remarkable and opening the gates to larger size helicopters something akin to chinooks inshallah. Turkish engineering should never be underestimated. If we put our minds into something, gather and collate a great team of engineers together we can be very innovative. Remember some of the greatest works simply begin by an idea.
Props to the team behind in putting the endless hard yards and efforts over the years beginning from scratch and coming up with what seems like a quality medium size helicopter. This needs to be commended... This could possibly be the beginning of something more remarkable and opening the gates to larger size helicopters something akin to chinooks inshallah. Turkish engineering should never be underestimated. If we put our minds into something, gather and collate a great team of engineers together we can be very innovative. Remember some of the greatest works simply begin by an idea.
I am proud of the engineering school of my alma mater!!! They have indeed produced great engineers and researchers, especially in the defense fields....
T-625 cockpit

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