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Syria militants exhume grave of Prophet’s companion


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Reports from Syria say Wahhabi extremists have desecrated the grave of an ancient Muslim figure near the capital, Damascus.


The militants have reportedly attacked the mausoleum and exhumed the grave of Hujr ibn Adi in the Damascus suburb of Adra, and took his remains to an unknown location.

Hujr - a close companion of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and a staunch supporter of the first Shia Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (PBUH) - led the army of Muslims to victory in several crucial battles.

He and his sons finally fell victim to their loyalty Imam Ali (PBUH) and were murdered on the orders of the Umayyad Caliph Muawiyah in the year 660 CE.

Syria has been experiencing a deadly unrest since March 2011, and many people, including large numbers of army and security personnel, have been killed in the chaos.

The Syrian government says that the violence is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the insurgents are foreign nationals.

Damascus says the West and its regional allies Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey are supporting the armed groups.

In addition, several international human rights organizations have accused the militants fighting the Syrian government of committing war crimes.

PressTV - Syria militants exhume grave of Prophet?s companion
It's impossible for FSA to do it, while SAA who destroyed mosques burned Quraan, committed many blasphemous acts are likely the ones who did it:

FSA say it's SAA who did it. Another thing, a video has been recently leaked showing SAA disguised as FSA to commit such crimes in order to blame them:
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It's impossible for FSA to do it, while SAA who destroyed mosques burned Quraan, committed many blasphemous acts are likely the ones who did it:

FSA say it's SAA who did it. Another thing, a video has been recently leaked showing SAA disguised as FSA to commit such crimes in order to blame them:

Come in . Destroying mosque and religious and historical heritages is the specialty of Foreign Sharia Army
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Moronic and false news from a moronic "media" outlet or rather propaganda channel that regularly spreads nonsense to defame Arabs and Sunnis.

A former Australian lingerie model now works for the Mullah Shia mouthpiece, PressTV.

Elder of Ziyon: Lingerie model now covers up as a reporter/propagandist on Iran's PressTV

Moreover PressTV is banned in several countries, one of them UK.

PressTV is also banned in the rest of the EU.

Show us real proof of that ever happening and we will condemn it. Don't spread false rumors. Even the "report" says "reportedly". Prophet Muhammad (saws) warned several times not to spread false rumors or make judgements without any proofs. Likewise does the noble Qur'an.

Even common sense dictates that.

Nothing more to add.
Never heard of him. Was he really a companion? Shias dont believe in companions they are stricktly patriarchal as in your parents deeds are more important than whatever station in life you accomplish
No way they would do that, nobody would do it, besides secular people. I don't see how this could have happened, there's something more to the story.

Although I can already smell a false report and a fake picture of the grave.
No way they would do that, nobody would do it, besides secular people. I don't see how this could have happened, there's something more to the story.

Although I can already smell a false report and a fake picture of the grave.
then you don't know wahhabis yet, they have a long history of destroying Muslim's shrines and tombs, they even tried to destroy the tomb of our prophet.
Wahhabi Movement

have you seen the boy proudly talking about killing his classmates just because they are pro Asad? they aren't human anymore, when you could convince a boy to kill his classmates in university, you can convince him to any other thing too.
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It's impossible for FSA to do it, while SAA who destroyed mosques burned Quraan, committed many blasphemous acts are likely the ones who did it:

FSA say it's SAA who did it. Another thing, a video has been recently leaked showing SAA disguised as FSA to commit such crimes in order to blame them:

it is FSA
you can even find the news in the Gulfnews website:
Syrian rebels exhume grave
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Moronic and false news from a moronic "media" outlet or rather propaganda channel that regularly spreads nonsense to defame Arabs and Sunnis.

A former Australian lingerie model now works for the Mullah Shia mouthpiece, PressTV.

Elder of Ziyon: Lingerie model now covers up as a reporter/propagandist on Iran's PressTV

Moreover PressTV is banned in several countries, one of them UK.

PressTV is also banned in the rest of the EU.

Show us real proof of that ever happening and we will condemn it. Don't spread false rumors. Even the "report" says "reportedly". Prophet Muhammad (saws) warned several times not to spread false rumors or make judgements without any proofs. Likewise does the noble Qur'an.

Even common sense dictates that.

Nothing more to add.
God shall damn you and people like you who would resort to anything even defaming a woman . even if this news was true, wouldn't make any difference, I have seen some models who even have converted to Islam cause they found the real truth in Islam.
the blog you are referring to is an Zionist and pro Israel which like you has no goal but serving to Israel and their dirty policies.
Elder of Ziyon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and here is the answer of presstv:
PressTV - Press TV correspondent sues Australian blog
Press TV correspondent in Australia, Edwina Storie, is taking legal action against Australian blogger, Andrew Landeryou for posting private photos of her in his blog Vex News.

Australian law firm Roderick Storie Solicitors said it was “instructing independent solicitors in relation to defamation proceedings against” the blog and its owner.

Press TV’s Public Relations Department said in a statement that Vex News has targeted Edwina Storie for a “change in her lifestyle, intellectual transformation and, above all, making anti-Zionist reports” in a bid to take revenge against Iran’s 24-hour English-language channel.

“The enmity of Western media and countries with Press TV due to its divulgation of actions committed by Western imperialism and global Zionism is not hidden from anyone,” the statement said, adding that satellite providers regularly pull the plug on Press TV in order to keep this channel from delivering its message to its audiences around the globe.

On April 20, Storie reported about extensive student activities in Australia for the boycott of Israel. In her report, she reflected the boycott of the Zionist regime in Australia’s academic circles including the University of Sydney Students’ Representative Council (SRC).

She said her private photos, taken seven years ago when she was active in modeling, have been sold to websites without her consent in order to launch an “attack against Press TV.”

Storie noted that Vex News posted the photos to defame her in retaliation for her anti-Zionist report aired at a time that Australia’s online community is sensitive to negative reports about Israel.

She said she regretted having appeared in those photos, saying she tried in vain for years to have the photos removed.

Storie added that Vex News has used unrealistic and very insulting descriptions about her, adding that Landeryou is implicated in a financial transaction scandal.

Similar actions have already been undertaken by media close to Zionist circles against Press TV contributors.

In recent months, Eutelsat’s Israeli-French CEO Michel de Rosen has stepped up his restrictive campaign by appealing to major satellite providers in Europe and Asia to silence Iranian media.

The campaign has revealed the true face of the West, which preaches respect for human rights and free speech but practices the opposite
yeah presstv is banned in U.K and Europe cause unlike your poppet media, it wont serve to western propaganda, but revealing true face of Israel and western countries, the fact is that I would doubt about Presstv's honesty if it wouldn't get banned. This is what we all Iranian are proud of.
PressTV is a propaganda channel for your heretic Shia Mullah's that no Sunni nor Arab takes seriously. Regardless of the source then this shows how low this mouthpiece PressTV is willing to go.

It is banned because it is a propaganda channel that spreads hatred and aims to defame Arabs, Islam and especially Sunnis.

Spreading false rumors in this case regarding Syria as well.

Desperate mouthpiece propaganda channel of a desperate Mullah regime. They both deserve each other although they are one and the same.
then you don't know wahhabis yet, they have a long history of destroying Muslim's shrines and tombs, they even tried to destroy the tomb of our prophet.

Excuse me, we don't worship shrines, we don't worship even the prophet (SA), we only pray to Allah, other than that keep your beliefs to yourselves in your countries, away from Muslims. As far as I know, prophet's grave is well taken care of under the custodians of the two holy mosques.

Since you brought in desecration of holy graves I will post this to readers to decide who realy are known of doing that, and BTW, this is written by a Westerner analyst named Martin Kramer, criticizing both sides, however:

Khomeini’s Messengers in Mecca

From Ottomans to Saudis

The Sunni corpus of libel is perhaps more readily documented, if only because it sometimes led to violent acts against Shi‘ite pilgrims. At the root of the Sunni lore is the belief that Shi‘ites feel themselves compelled to pollute the holy premises. Much evidence for Sunni belief in this libel exists both in Islamic textual sources and in European travel literature. This pollution was said to take a particularly repelling form: Burckhardt and Burton, the great nineteenth-century explorers of Arabia, both heard about attacks on Shi‘ite pilgrims, prompted by the suspicion that they had polluted the Great Mosque in Mecca with excrement. According to Burton, “their ill-fame has spread far; at Alexandria they were described to me as a people who defile the Ka‘bah.”4

The Safavids reacted by trying to discourage the pilgrimage to Mecca and emphasizing the importance of Shi‘ite shrines in their own domains.3

All the more striking, then, was a serious recurrence of the Sunni libel of Shi‘ite defilement. In 1943, a Saudi religious judge ordered an Iranian pilgrim beheaded for allegedly defiling the Great Mosque with excrement supposedly carried into the mosque in his pilgrim’s garment. Ibn Sa‘ud remarked to some Americans that “this was the kind of offense which might be expected of Iranian.” The verdict in local coffee houses held that “the Iranians always act that way.”17
Khomeini’s Messengers in Mecca | Martin Kramer on the Middle East
yeah, so pissed off about presstv role on revealing your Zionist face ha? be and burn.
and look who is talking about spreading the hatred, you are the one who brainwashed a kid to kill his classmates just because they were pro government.
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