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Syria militants exhume grave of Prophet’s companion

When the Muslim world manages to get rid of sectarian issues, we will be able to achieve something which really matters..Until then, we are doomed to cut of our own throats..Thats really sad...Sunni, Shia, whats the difference? We all are in the same path..Little differences shouldnt alienate us from each other guys...Come on now

Yeah bro, It kinda sucks to see Shias and Sunnis go at it with each other. I guess we can forget about that whole spiel of "Peace in our time." :frown:
That's what Syrians had been saying before the uprising. Syrians were defending Iran and calling us traitors while we were warning them from it's threat. And it came true, 100k lives were lost because they believed in a brotherhood with Iran. They are paying their blood regretting trusting Iran and it's proxies. We have learned the lesson. I'm not calling for war or sth, but Iran and it's proxies have no place among us in Arab world, they will get kicked out in the hard way, let them just get off our backs.

The ones who started this revolution are the gulf states and now refuse to stop it. I know many sunni Syrians who like Bashar before the revolution. He never killed any Sunnis for being Sunni, but it's a war. Bashar is secular. During the Iraqi civil war, most of the Iraqi Sunni families found a safe-haven in Syria.

100k lives were lost from BOTH sides, so don't try to make it seem like one side is guilty and the other is innocent. Their are increasing massacres by both groups while it's mostly civilians who are the victims. Right now it is clear that the intention of many of the FSA to ethnically cleanse Syria from Shias and allawites. How come the Sunnis were not complaining before? All of a sudden it turned secterian because of the poison bei injected and the rise of "jihadis"

And right now the only thing keeping the war going is the Foriegn support. You know we have many sunnis in Shia majority areas in Iraq. Suppose the shias are kicked out for being "Qatari-Saudi" proxies (which won't happen, but I'm just using it as an example). Wouldn't all the Sunnis around the world start crying about secterianism? While that is exactly what you are supporting by saying "Iranian proxies have no place among us". By Iranian proxies you mean shias.
Maybe when countries all over the world stop fighting each other and put aside politics and/or religion, we can all cooperate on projects like building a Dyson Sphere or something similar that will benefit the world as a whole. Wouldn't that be inspiring?:cheers:

I agree, but it's really hard when you have people trying to kill you because of what you believe.
It's a long story, you don't have to come through. All we want from Iran is to mind it's own business and realize it has no place among us.

You are acting as if Iran has this magic wand, that it can bewitch peoples minds.
Iran would not be able to exert influence, if there was not people who let themselves be influenced. And there is a reason for that too.

Many in the Arab world feel more affinity or more inclined to have relationship with Iran, because in comparison to the reactionary and sectarian GCC states, Iran is a pillar of stability and rationality.
Just look at your own Shia-hating propaganda.
Sectarianism and radicalism/Wahhabism is not the way to go.
Are you kidding me?
Abu lu'lu' was a sahabi so why do you curse him?


Thanx for telling me this..

That's why we say over our dead bodies we would allow you in our countries.

To those who don't know him, he is the pig who assassinated Omar Radiah Allahu 3anh. No wonder they praise the one who stabbed him in the back after they were humiliated in Qadesya. They have a different definition of bravery.

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Thanx for telling me this..

That's why we say over our dead bodies we would allow you in our countries.

To those who don't know him, he is the pig who assassinated Omar Radiah Allahu 3anh. No wonder they praise the one who stabbed him in the back after they were humiliated in Qadesya. They have a different definition of bravery.
Surprise surprise huh? This whole time they have tricked you into believing he is actually a majoosi, when in fact he is not only Muslim, but also a sahabi. *BTW, being called a "sahabi" has no value to Shias, so don't assume I am praising him in my previous comment. You say that we should just refrain from mentioning the sahaba's mistakes and let Allah judge them since they died 1400 years ago. *So why does this apply to the likes of Yazid and Muwaiyah but does not apply to Abu lulua? *According to your logic, you are cursing and insulting the Sahaba.*I only used him as a counter argument and nothing more.

Al lulua converted to Islam after hearing the death of the king of Persia. *He used to pray in the mosque as well.*

و قال ابن الجوزي في المنتظم الصفحة : 368*
فلما انتهى كتاب شيرويه إلى باذان، قال: إن هذا الرجل لرسول الله، فأسلم الأبناء من فارس من كان منهم باليمن.
قال القرشي: وأخبرنا لحي بن الجعد، قال: أخبرنا أبو معشر، عن المقبري، قال: جاء فيروز الديلمي إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: إن كسرى كتب إلى باذان: بلغني أن في أرضك رجلاً نبياً فاربطه وابعثه إلي، فقال: إن ربي غضب على ربك فقتله ودمه يثخن الساعة، فخرج من عنده، فسمع الخبر فأسلم وحسن إسلامه.)

Never ending contradictions.*

And another thing, I challenge you and all your people who pretend to be lovers of Ahlul Bait, to get me one single Sunni or "Wahabie" who disrespected Ahlul Bait albeit (RA )with one word, but on the other side wherever you go into Shia sites, you would find them insulting Sahabah, in this site alone Sahabah (Ra) were insulted five times. Again, plz be a man and accept my challenge.

I've heard about it from my brother and some other people but never seen something like it

although i know many shias(some friends of mine) they never talked about it ..
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looks like the shias couldn't resist on this forum and exposed themselves for who they are by insulting Hazrat Mawiyah (Radi Allah unhu)
The fake pictures of exhumed body of hajr bin adi are circulating on internet, cheap propaganda of iranians and their followers.
The fake pictures of exhumed body of hajr bin adi are circulating on internet, cheap propaganda of iranians and their followers.

The exhuming did happen, but the picture of the body is not genuine, it has nothing to do with Iran. You talk as if it was Iran who published the picture. But the terrorists did exhume the grave, didn't they?
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