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Sweden asks India to clarify arms presence in Myanmar

Might some Indian army officer smuggle the sweden made weapon system for quick money.
These indian scums are supporitng terrorism in all neighbouring countries. shame on you india

Just one manpad ends up in mynamar n shame on india?
But how about these centrifuges that were acquired by libya from pakistan?

So now, shame on whom?
You have no idea of what you are talking, Indian army bought these weapons to prevent proliferation. India is facing the weapons smuggling from Myanmar and these weapons are ending up in Maoist arms.
India get so lucky today as PLA not arming the Maoist in India. They have to smuggle some from Myammar, its out of China's control.

Just one manpad ends up in mynamar n shame on india?
But how about these centrifuges that were acquired by libya from pakistan?

So now, shame on whom?
The only reason Kadaffi falled is because he was never gonna be launching a nulcear capable rocket as DPRK.
Thats India for you..
one of the most untrustworthy country on the Planet..
will do anything for money and power projection.
Thats India for you..
one of the most untrustworthy country on the Planet..
will do anything for money and power projection.

If you have it, flaunt it.
But what could be said of our pauper neighbour who lacks money for locomotives, and lets not talk about power, which is lacking big time....
It proves Indian involvment in Myanmar and thats why we had seen uncalled for offending by Indians on this very forum as well whenever Myanmar is discussed

LOL...We are not "spokespersons" in the MEA of GOI.

+ Has India or the UN has put arms sanction on Myanmar??? NO, it's only the EU which has done so & India has paid in hard cash for the weapons, after buying them what India do with it is not the business of Sweden.
It's one thing for them to supply Myanmar with their own made weapons, but they supplied them Swedish-made weapons, Sweden has every right to question and inquire about this case. This is a violation of the EU's weapon ban on Myanmar. India also denies giving weapons to other rogue outfits like BLA and others.
Why is everyone jumping to conclusions? Do we even know the details yet for the pinheads to start issuing fatwas?

In case its a violation then India should hold some mad scientist responsible and then pardon him the same day. Thats what responsible states in the neighborhood do.
Maybe we loaned a few .

Military assistance is negligible between Indo- Myanmar when u consider Myanmar -China honeymoon during the military juntas golden ages.

The media caught hold of a picture of a single gustaf gun and ammo... it could be from anywhere, world is vast ,

World is never enough and tommorow never dies. If somebody has a licence to kill whether its skyfall or he is at her majesty's secret service carrying a gold finger, the person is destined to die another day in quantum of solace nomatter what.... you only live twice.

Simply awesome. Wish I could say "Never say never again". Myanmar is a friend, and friends are "Diamond forever".
Just like we recieved favours "From Russia with love" we too have minimal love for our diamonds. India doesnt follows the principle "Live and Let Die" so does the Myanmar so their is no harm in indian action.
Just hoping that doesnt hamper indian image of NON-Proliferation.
Maybe we loaned a few .

Military assistance is negligible between Indo- Myanmar when u consider Myanmar -China honeymoon during the military juntas golden ages.

The media caught hold of a picture of a single gustaf gun and ammo... it could be from anywhere, world is vast ,

World is never enough and tommorow never dies. If somebody has a licence to kill whether its skyfall or he is at her majesty's secret service carrying a gold finger, the person is destined to die another day in quantum of solace nomatter what.... you only live twice

good response! :tup: :rofl:
It's one thing for them to supply Myanmar with their own made weapons, but they supplied them Swedish-made weapons, Sweden has every right to question and inquire about this case. This is a violation of the EU's weapon ban on Myanmar. India also denies giving weapons to other rogue outfits like BLA and others.
Their is a huge differemce between providing weapons to a country and a terrorist organisation....

ooops i forgot you don't know the difference between terrorist organisation and Countries Govt as your country is used to treat terrorist organisation as a legal govt...{Taliban in Afghanistan}.
ooops i forgot you don't know the difference between terrorist organisation and Countries Govt as your country is used to treat terrorist organisation as a legal govt...{Taliban in Afghanistan}.

Actually , the Govt of Myanmar is directly involved in ethnic cleansing and genocide of Rohingyas - but as long as they are Muslims , it is acceptable for the world ...
LOL...We are not "spokespersons" in the MEA of GOI.

+ Has India or the UN has put arms sanction on Myanmar??? NO, it's only the EU which has done so & India has paid in hard cash for the weapons, after buying them what India do with it is not the business of Sweden.

The purchase has restrictions for re- export to third country.
Sweden is right.
However, it is to be determined, whether indian government was involved in it, or its just a stolen/smuggling case by a rogue person.
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