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Sunni ISIS murdered 500 Yazidi, make 300 women sex slave

Yes , IS fighters are war criminal by the standards of UN. There is no doubt in it. But he was lecturing ISLAM and i just became a bit curious.

In fact, in my studies of Islam and my readings of the Holy Q'uran, I've identified some verses that remind us all (Al-Muslim and Al-Qitab) on proper treatment of each other, especially in regards to violent peoples,

  • “Say : O ye that reject Faith! I worship not that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. To you be your Way, and to me mine. (The Noble Quran, 109:1-6)
  • “But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things). (The Noble Quran, 8:61)
  • “If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear God, the cherisher of the worlds. (The Noble Quran, 5:28)
Sir, I have personal vendetta against you but I am so annoyed by your feeble reaction (and many others' reaction here) to a genuine "genocide"!
If somebody is looking for a perfect example of "GENOCIDE", here it is... right here! And what do the moderates do?! Condemn it "fiercely" by saying it is not even Islam!!!
If this is what the "moderates" in Islam are capable of, there is no wonder why the extremists have such a free reign!
That is why I say, "moderates" are more dangerous in Islam than the extremists themselves! Utterly useless!

I never say that it is not Genocide but what I say is that it is not what Islam is and if any Muslim is doing that the punishment in Islam is very clear.

Murder, Rape have capital punishment in Islam, justice is very important in Islam even if Muslim is guilty and non Muslim is victim.
How many Sunni Muslim countries have condemned ISIS so far? How many protests, like we been seeing for Gaza? Any humanitarian help for Iraqis? Why did America have to come rescue Yazidis?

Sunni Arabs are happy as long as the clout of Shia Iran is being weakened.

If those people stay long enough in control, I bet they will even get recognition -- a la "taliban" style!
In fact, in my studies of Islam and my readings of the Holy Q'uran, I've identified some verses that remind us all (Al-Muslim and Al-Qitab) on proper treatment of each other, especially in regards to violent peoples,

  • “Say : O ye that reject Faith! I worship not that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. To you be your Way, and to me mine. (The Noble Quran, 109:1-6)
  • “But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things). (The Noble Quran, 8:61)
  • “If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear God, the cherisher of the worlds. (The Noble Quran, 5:28)

Okay. lets not go to religious debate. All of that you mentioned are true. I just asked based on such laws whether saladin made a mistake or not as Quran also contained similar verses in his time. The problem with IS is they are cornered . thats why very much brutal. Muslims have showed such behaviour previously in similar situation for example after the fall of Baghdad by mongol. . You have read about peaceful Saladin , now read about Baibars.
So Saladin Ayubid made a mistake when he beheaded the crusader general Raynald in his camp after his surrender at the horns of hattin?

Comparing Saladin to these terrorist fuckers you ingrate? Why did Saladin execute Raynald, was his sin just being non-Muslim like the innocents slaughtered by your inbred friends? Stupid terrorist sympathizer.
Okay. lets not go to religious debate. All of that you mentioned are true. I just asked based on such laws whether saladin made a mistake or not as Quran also contained similar verses in his time. The problem with IS is they are cornered . thats why very much brutal. Muslims have showed such behaviour previously in similar situation for example after the fall of Baghdad by mongol. . You have read about peaceful Saladin , now read about Baybers.

The reason Saladin may have done it because he may have ordered to kill innocent muslims.
They are using name of religion for their personal interest, it have nothing to do with Islam, in Islam for rape punishment is death penalty.
I never say that it is not Genocide but what I say is that it is not what Islam is and if any Muslim is doing that the punishment in Islam is very clear.

Murder, Rape have capital punishment in Islam, justice is very important in Islam even if Muslim is guilty and non Muslim is victim.

and, who delivers these punishments?

See, that's what they are doing? punishing the Shia soldiers and their supporters, punishing the devil worshippers, punishing Assad's soldiers and their supporters - that is what they claim to be doing, punishing them by beheading or turning them into slaves if they don't convert.

What would you call the scores of people who witness the beheading's and the display of the bodies? non Muslims? because i see whole towns and villages coming out to witness these rituals.
Yes , IS fighters are war criminal by the standards of UN. There is no doubt in it. But he was lecturing ISLAM and i just became a bit curious.

They are war criminals even by Islam's standards and would have been the first to be fed to steel back in the day.
I never say that it is not Genocide but what I say is that it is not what Islam is and if any Muslim is doing that the punishment in Islam is very clear.

Murder, Rape have capital punishment in Islam, justice is very important in Islam even if Muslim is guilty and non Muslim is victim.

Friend, just think about those little girls, mothers, sisters -- who all got raped or have seen their sons, husbands, brothers murdered right in front of their own eyes! Just imagine how comforting and helpful your words would be for them!!!

What justice are we talking about? Who exactly is punishing those culprits -- the secular "Americans"? Where is the combined resistance against those people?

The first step to clean this mess, is to own the responsibility of those extremists' actions! By claiming that they are not islamic, you are only living in denial and not helping the situation at all!!!

We have seen enough of such feeble attempts in the past to keep Islam clean of all such misdeeds by simply disowning the culprits selectively!

Just calling them un-Islamic -- while doing absolutely nothing about the extremists in your religion, will not cut it anymore!!!
The reason Saladin may have done it because he may have ordered to kill innocent muslims.

He was executed for being an oath breaker and a murderer of innocent Muslims, not to mention he was a combatant. Meanwhile IS executes civies for the sole reason of them being either Shia Muslims, Christian, or Yazidi.
Comparing Saladin to these terrorist fuckers you ingrate? Why did Saladin execute Raynald, was his sin just being non-Muslim like the innocents slaughtered by your inbred friends? Stupid terrorist sympathizer.

language mate, language.

Innocent slaughtered? Who is innocent? Syrian Army? Iraqi Shia Militia? Sorry, i dont think So.
language mate, language.

Innocent slaughtered? Who is innocent? Syrian Army? Iraqi Shia Militia? Sorry, i dont think So.

Didn't I already show you that innocent people were killed yet you keep ignoring me & run away ?

They are war criminals even by Islam's standards and would have been the first to be fed to steel back in the day.

You are arguing with a hypocrite.

If you ask kobiraaz about Jamaati terrorists in Bangladesh he is against them.
@revolutionary mujahid who supports terrorists in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, he cries when people show support to the TTP.

What is there to argue with such people without any logic, they're following emotions, hatred against specific groups mainly.
and, who delivers these punishments?
See, that's what they are doing? punishing the Shia soldiers and their supporters, punishing the devil worshippers, punishing Assad's soldiers and their supporters - that is what they claim to be doing, punishing them by beheading or turning them into slaves if they don't convert.
What would you call the scores of people who witness the beheading's and the display of the bodies? non Muslims? because i see whole towns and villages coming out to witness these rituals.

They are not punishing them they are killing them, Sunni or Shia whoever is killing innocent people must be punished and that is the job of other muslim countries to take measure to bring peace in a Civil war effected muslim country or countries and after that bring murderers to justice.

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