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Sunni ISIS murdered 500 Yazidi, make 300 women sex slave

Didn't I already show you that innocent people were killed yet you keep ignoring me & run away ?

No you didnt. Show me once a kid or a woman killed by IS - not in collateral damage but by execution. Only Once.

Edit: ok , i remember they killed a sunni man and woman for adultery. Anything else? This terrorist group must have killed thousands of women and kids ?
language mate, language.

Innocent slaughtered? Who is innocent? Syrian Army? Iraqi Shia Militia? Sorry, i dont think So.

What was the crimes of these two kids, cannot be older than 13?

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They are not punishing them they are killing them, Sunni or Shia whoever is killing innocent people must be punished and that is the job of other muslim countries to take measure to bring peace in a Civil war effected muslim country or countries and after that bring murderers to justice.


Now who's doing that?

there isn't even wholesale condemnation, processions or movements by people asking their leaders of Muslims countries to do it.
No you didnt. Show me once a kid or a woman killed by IS - not in collateral damage but by execution. Only Once.

Then quit running away.

Detonating bombs in markets and malls daily full of civillians is targeting kids & women, who else are they targeting ? the local policeman, without him there would still be bombings targeting the civillians. Why do you think terrorists always target places with a lot of people, the more people die the worse the attack is, that is the point of such attacks. No idiot terrorist is going to bomb a town in the middle of an empty county, they always go for the big cities New york, London, Paris.

Also just because you say you target a soldier doesn't make the others collateral damage, not on such a big scale where 80%+ of the death are civillians, that's no collateral damage.

Please tell us your opinion about the Bengali bombings as you did before.
I will not support isis if you say with me fck bisharul asad ,fck hizbullah cmon hypocites say that

**** bisharul asad, **** hizbullah, and **** isis.

Can you post a screenshot? I am on phone. cant watch.

So watch it when you can.

Then quit running away.

Detonating bombs in markets and malls daily full of civillians is targeting kids & women, who else are they targeting ? the local policeman, without him there would still be bombings targeting the civillians. Why do you think terrorists always target places with a lot of people, the more people die the worse the attack is, that is the point of such attacks. No idiot terrorist is going to bomb a town in the middle of an empty county, they always go for the big cities New york, London, Paris.

Also just because you say you target a soldier doesn't make the others collateral damage, not on such a big scale where 80%+ of the death are civillians, that's no collateral damage.

Please tell us your opinion about the Bengali bombings as you did before.

There was a video on an execution of another kid by a IS turd earlier but I guess mods deleted it for being graphic.
Didn't I already show you that innocent people were killed yet you keep ignoring me & run away ?

You are arguing with a hypocrite.

If you ask kobiraaz about Jamaati terrorists in Bangladesh he is against them.
@revolutionary mujahid who supports terrorists in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, he cries when people show support to the TTP.

What is there to argue with such people without any logic, they're following emotions, hatred against specific groups mainly.

bro, dont call Jamatis terrorists. They are pro Iran and die hard ahmedinezad fan boys. I am not against them. In fact Before Iran's support to syria , i was pro iran and Saud hater.
Now who's doing that?
there isn't even wholesale condemnation, processions or movements by people asking their leaders of Muslims countries to do it.

Ordinary people like me can only raise their voices, implementing is the job of leaders of those Muslim nations which seem busy settling their scores through proxies.

US had major responsibility of creating a proper set up (which cover all parts of Iraq) of government and security before leaving and they failed to do that and it resulted in to chaos in Iraq, if they don't want boots on ground then they must use air power to reduce all sides capability to attack each other with heavy weapons and create a buffer zone at least so fighting can be avoided.
Ordinary people like me can only raise their voices, implementing is the job of leaders of those Muslim nations which seem busy settling their scores through proxies.

You are not being serious here, what could be more important for muslim leaders than putting down a group that "supposedly" has completely sullied and ruined the image and name of islam and sunni's.
bro, dont call Jamatis terrorists. They are pro Iran and die hard ahmedinezad fan boys. I am not against them. In fact Before Iran's support to syria , i was pro iran and Saud hater.

8 Bangladesh militants to hang for new year bombing | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

The scale of the threat posed by Islamist militant groups was underlined in August 2005 when another banned outfit, Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), carried out more than 400 synchronized blasts in all but one of the country’s 64 districts.

No idea how many different Jama'at you have, looks like terrorists to me.
You were pro Iran & Saudi hater, why would you be any of that why not focus on Bangladesh instead of some states thousands of KM away.

Again you didn't answer, this was about the killings of women and children.

Detonating bombs in markets and malls daily full of civillians is targeting kids & women, who else are they targeting ? the local policeman, without him there would still be bombings targeting the civillians. Why do you think terrorists always target places with a lot of people, the more people die the worse the attack is, that is the point of such attacks. No idiot terrorist is going to bomb a town in the middle of an empty county, they always go for the big cities New york, London, Paris.

Also just because you say you target a soldier doesn't make the others collateral damage, not on such a big scale where 80%+ of the death are civillians, that's no collateral damage.

Please tell us your opinion about the Bengali bombings as you did before.
You are not being serious here, what could be more important for muslim leaders than putting down a group that "supposedly" has completely sullied and ruined the image and name of islam and sunni's.

ME is going through reshaping which US and west wanted and Pakistan is also facing terrorism in our backyard which our army is fighting so not easy for us to do anything, Arabs have to look into it and put their differences aside as this will destroy whole region.

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