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Sunni ISIS murdered 500 Yazidi, make 300 women sex slave

It's not too difficult to 'imagine'. It's not necessary any more to imagine anyway. We got a live demo going on right now unfortunately.

That's what I am saying, history is repeating itself right in front of our own eyes and we are also seeing how effective even the 'moderates' here are!

Give it a hundred years and there will be the same "moderates" claiming how Yazidis accepted Islam peacefully and voluntarily -- just like everywhere else and especially in the sub-continent!
@illusion8 , @Mosamania ,

Perhaps we can try to understand this phenomena as infiltrative heresy? In Christendom, there have been many a great heresies throughout its existence: I would like to call into reference some of the great ones: Gnosticism, Sabellianism, Arianism, Monophysitism, Iconoclasm, Jansenism. Many of which were put down by the sword. The phenomena happening in the Middle East as in the case of ISIS is not unique to Islam. For an entire millenia, Christendom , too, was wrecked with heretical movements that were violently put to the sword.

They are nutjobs - there's no denying that, they need to be put down for the sake of all of us. What needs to be established is the method of going about it?

The apprehension here is that over the last decade or so, none have been quelled satisfactorily. If there isn't a military solution to it then what else? I fear that there is no ideological solution either.
The victors wrote history, and even then they have recorded enough of the massacres, slavery and imperialism its sickening. And watching their modern day occupied minds make up all kinds of esoteric justifications would have been amusing had not these fcks doing it even today.

I hope the great satan America blows these religious fcks into tiny pieces. Just watch these internet terrorists get stomach pain at that though. Of course they all hate ISIS lol!

US officially launches air strikes in Iraq

It should come as no surprise that it is the "great satan" America which again comes to rescue of the feeble and the oppressed! You have got to take your hats off to these guys, who do it again and again -- even amid economic doom and gloom!

But give it another month and these people will start claiming victim-hood and how Americans interfered in another Muslim country!
The apprehension here is that over the last decade or so, none have been quelled satisfactorily. If there isn't a military solution to it then what else? I fear that there is no ideological solution either.

Unfortunately, it will take a resolute military action and humanitarian aid to areas that have been devastated by their presence. The issue of the refugees also comes to question -- if war torn areas can be stabilized, they may return, but if they cannot -- then host nation(s) should be identified.

The humanitarian toll cannot be ignored.
What ISIS is doing is not Islam, Islam don't allow to any harm to civilians and even soldiers if they surrender.

So Saladin Ayubid made a mistake when he beheaded the crusader general Raynald in his camp after his surrender at the horns of hattin?
So Saladin Ayubid made a mistake when he beheaded the crusader general Raynald in his camp after his surrender at the horns of hattin?

I can not comment on some issue or topic about whom I don't have enough knowledge.
So Saladin Ayubid made a mistake when he beheaded the crusader general Raynald in his camp after his surrender at the horns of hattin?

Unfortunately using Crusader war tactics does not apply here. We are not living in the dark ages of history. We are living in modernity. There are humanitarian laws that dictate how civilians are to be treated, even surrendering military personnel. The Geneva Convention for example espouses proper responses to civilian and military forces.
Also when we refer to Islamic laws & norms it mean what Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) have told and done.
What ISIS is doing is not Islam, Islam don't allow to any harm to civilians and even soldiers if they surrender.

That's it, Sir? Is that all you are going to say for somebody who murdered, pillaged and raped hundreds of people -- simply because they believed in a different belief system!?

Let me guess... another "moderate"!

If it is not Islam, what is it? And, mind you -- this is not the first instance of such a thing happening when Islam is involved!
It should come as no surprise that it is the "great satan" America which again comes to rescue of the feeble and the oppressed! You have got to take your hats off to these guys, who do it again and again -- even amid economic doom and gloom!

But give it another month and these people will start claiming victim-hood and how Americans interfered in another Muslim country!

Unfortunately, it will take a resolute military action and humanitarian aid to areas that have been devastated by their presence. The issue of the refugees also comes to question -- if war torn areas can be stabilized, they may return, but if they cannot -- then host nation(s) should be identified.

The humanitarian toll cannot be ignored.

No, the Americans aren't coming, neither will the NATO - they have had enough. The American strikes are just to prevent IS advances into Northern Iraq and prevent them from reaching Irbil. They might come in rescue of the Yazidi's though as it is a major genocidal scale humanitarian crisis and the americans wouldn't forgive themselves if their condition detoriates further.
If it is not Islam, what is it? And, mind you -- this is not the first instance of such a thing happening when Islam is involved!

They are using name of religion for their personal interest, it have nothing to do with Islam, in Islam for rape punishment is death penalty.
Unfortunately using Crusader war tactics does not apply here. We are not living in the dark ages of history. We are living in modernity. There are humanitarian laws that dictate how civilians are to be treated, even surrendering military personnel. The Geneva Convention for example espouses proper responses to civilian and military forces.

Yes , IS fighters are war criminal by the standards of UN. There is no doubt in it. But he was lecturing ISLAM and i just became a bit curious.
That's it, Sir? Is that all you are going to say for somebody who murdered, pillaged and raped hundreds of people -- simply because they believed in a different belief system!?

If a Muslim is doing what is not allowed in Islam then he should be punished as per Islamic law.

What is really worrying is that Muslim countries are not sitting together and getting into some solution of it.
They are using name of religion for their personal interest, it have nothing to do with Islam, in Islam for rape punishment is death penalty.

Sir, I have personal vendetta against you but I am so annoyed by your feeble reaction (and many others' reaction here) to a genuine "genocide"!

If somebody is looking for a perfect example of "GENOCIDE", here it is... right here! And what do the moderates do?! Condemn it "fiercely" by saying it is not even Islam!!!

If this is what the "moderates" in Islam are capable of, there is no wonder why the extremists have such a free reign!

That is why I say, "moderates" are more dangerous in Islam than the extremists themselves! Utterly useless!
This so called sectarian war must be stopped immediately, it is not good for Muslim world, it will only add destruction and fuel hatred which many powers want to get fulfill their interest.

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