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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Likewise bro, I really enjoy reading your posts and appreciate your unflinching patriotism and nationalism towards Pakistan.

Funny thing is, during the time of the Saffivid empire of Iran, Afghanistan and nearly all of modern day Pakistan we were one nation for over a thousand years so naturally Pakistan and Afghanistan will have far more in common with one another than with any other nation. Hence I have always found it easy to relate to Afghans and get along with them once you get passed the political nonsense. Here in London, UK there is even a lot of intermarrying between Pakistanis and Afghans. It is very common.

Indeed brother. We are alot alike, but that is undigestible to South Asians. We are also very similar to Turks, Iranians, and Arabs too.

I don't understand why certain Indians want to control the conversation around Pakistani identity? will we change our views for them??

Not possible.

Far left self hating commie Indians will seek to make alliances with far left self hating commie Pakistanis.

Fuhk cults, and especially cults of obedience :suicide2:

Do I look like a communist to you? :lol:
You are our brother. We would like you and other Indian Muslims to remain on PDF. We badly need your unique perspective and experiences.

It is the best way to nullify the propaganda of Nehruists and BJP. I wish we had more Indian Muslims here.

The only Indians who deserve to be on PDF are


All the rest are trolls who deserve to be banned.
You and your kind are free to leave PDF. No one is forcing you to stay here. If you don't like it, you are more than welcome to exit and hopefully never return.
wouldn't be a big deal if I chose to do that..

but I'll stay, just for you.. :wub:

We are also very similar to Turks, Iranians, and Arabs too.


kaisi behki behki batein kartin hai yeh log...

Do I look like a communist to you? :lol:
No idea what you look like but.. no, of course not.

lefty loons seem to always hate their roots though.. somehow..
wouldn't be a big deal if I chose to do that..

but I'll stay, just for you.. :wub:


kaisi behki behki batein kartin hai yeh log...

No idea what you look like but.. no, of course not.

lefty loons seem to always hate their roots though.. somehow..

In other words, like all other indian racists who are anti-Pakistani and anti-Muslim you are on a Pakistani forum because you are obsessed with Pakistan and Pakistanis. If you weren't, you wouldn't be here..........:disagree:
This thread is clearly showing that just as their was a partition on August the 14th 1947, there needs to be a partition on PDF were indians and Pakistanis go their own separate ways. All the indians can leave or get permanently banned from PDF and go to indian forums were they can express their indianess and indianisms till their hearts and content and us Pakistanis can say or do whatever we like on PDF and other Pakistani forums. Seems a fair and peaceful resolution.

Interesting thread that may result in a small clique formed and nothing else. 95% of Indian posters are full of hate trolls and the remaining 5% here can develop whatever code they desire for themselves. A feel good exercise so carry on.

Which is why ALL indians should be permanently banned from PDF so that they can go to their own forums and we can stay on our own ones like PDF. indians obsessively hate Pakistan and Pakistanis to their core yet cannot keep away from Pakistani forums like PDF. Never understood the psychology behind that............:disagree:
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I am sorry if you misunderstood us. I was typing very fast, there was no intention to have any attitude with you. You are welcome to contribute as well.

The point is we cannot control Pakistani posters. We can only control our own. And it is important to do that, because a lot of good threads pertaining to India have been ruined recently.

Please rephrase, control sounds fascist. Advise and watch our own Indian members is an appropriate term

Thank you, my dear illegal Bengali friend (j/kidding). :cheesy: Those two points are really well taken. We need to immediately stop the comparison posts, and steering clear of racist bigots or rightwing Hindutvadis is good for everyone's sanity.

Every should be allowed to contribute provided it's not trolling and flame baiting
We cannot be talking about their prejudice while we being hyper prejudice.
Our objective must be about conveying POV without being indecent.
You guys sound like Caribbean (Indians, Pakistanis)whos forefathers came here in the early 20th late 19th century.
All is one and one is all .
None racist none bigot none casteist no problem relax and chill out easy come easy go



Here you are!
This is a voluntary code of conduct that participating Indian members have agreed to abide by. Indian members of PDF are not required to follow it as a rule; only those who find it relevant and progressive, and pertinent to our participation in a forum managed by citizens of another country, may do so.

There are no penalties; there are no strictures or admonitions. This code is an aspirational code, and is for those who wish to participate in a wholesome manner, devoid of hostile exchanges, without trolling other posts or thread, and without attacks on the personal attributes of other members.

The code has articles that are recommended. It has additional articles that are suggested. It will be circulated for comments, and for endorsement; once ten members have endorsed it, we who have endorsed it will seek to follow it.

  1. We will not abuse another member’s religion.
  2. We will not use unprintable language, referring to somebody’s post, to the person making the post, to the person’s views.
  3. We will not use abusive common labels for other Indian members such as
    1. Sanghi
    2. Bhakt
    3. Sickular
    4. Libtard
    5. Jihadi (for Muslim Indians)
  4. We will not abuse women, the LGBT community or the mentally and physically handicapped.
  5. We will not quote from any publication or from electronic media without citing the source. We will give preference to published books, peer-reviewed articles or research papers from reputable think-tanks when originating a thread
  6. We will not question a member’s nationality without reasonable cause and without evidence greater than our personal suspicion.
In addition, it is suggested that members following the code avoid the following patterns of behaviour.
  1. We will not celebrate the death of another human being, even those who are killed by Indian security forces in the course of violent armed protests against the Indian state;
    1. It may be less abrasive to note the incident without adjectives or coloration of any kind.
  2. We will not celebrate any apparent success in war or armed conflict by India over any other, until the matter is concluded.
    1. On conclusion, we will try to use facts published by reliable print or electronic media.
    2. We will list unreliable sources from any reasonable point of view, and members will be requested not to cite these unreliable sources.
    3. We will respond to contrary claims by a simple statement of fact, and by mentioning that the matter is still in dispute.
  3. We will not report assumed superiority of Indian forces over others without evidence.
    1. The stronger the statement claiming superiority, the stronger ought to be the evidence and its sources.
  4. We will not respond to provocation by another member, Indian or other.
    1. The provocation will be reported to the Moderators using the report button immediately.
    2. In case of grave provocation, a common effort will be made to bring it to the immediate notice of the Moderators.
  5. We will not enter into arguments about the wars and armed conflicts between India and any other country without sufficient information on the subject, and will ask other Indian members for factual support wherever necessary.
The initial set of members to agree to subscribe to this code voluntarily will elect a three-person group to remind subscribing members about violations of the recommendations, or violations of the suggestions. The member concerned may decide how to react to these reminders.

Subscription to the code is open to all known Indian members.
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Here you are!
This is a voluntary code of conduct that participating Indian members have agreed to abide by. Indian members of PDF are not required to follow it as a rule; only those who find it relevant and progressive, and pertinent to our participation in a forum managed by citizens of another country, may do so.

There are no penalties; there are no strictures or admonitions. This code is an aspirational code, and is for those who wish to participate in a wholesome manner, devoid of hostile exchanges, without trolling other posts or thread, and without attacks on the personal attributes of other members.

The code has articles that are recommended. It has additional articles that are suggested. It will be circulated for comments, and for endorsement; once ten members have endorsed it, we who have endorsed it will seek to follow it.

  1. We will not abuse another member’s religion.
  2. We will not use unprintable language, referring to somebody’s post, to the person making the post, to the person’s views.
  3. We will not use abusive common labels for other Indian members such as
    1. Sanghi
    2. Bhakt
    3. Sickular
    4. Libtard
    5. Jihadi (for Muslim Indians)
  4. We will not abuse women, the LGBT community or the mentally and physically handicapped.
  5. We will not quote from any publication or from electronic media without citing the source. We will give preference to published books, peer-reviewed articles or research papers from reputable think-tanks when originating a thread
  6. We will not question a member’s nationality without reasonable cause and without evidence greater than our personal suspicion.
In addition, it is suggested that members following the code avoid the following patterns of behaviour.
  1. We will not celebrate the death of another human being, even those who are killed by Indian security forces in the course of violent armed protests against the Indian state;
    1. It may be less abrasive to note the incident without adjectives or coloration of any kind.
  2. We will not celebrate any apparent success in war or armed conflict by India over any other, until the matter is concluded.
    1. On conclusion, we will try to use facts published by reliable print or electronic media.
    2. We will list unreliable sources from any reasonable point of view, and members will be requested not to cite these unreliable sources.
    3. We will respond to contrary claims by a simple statement of fact, and by mentioning that the matter is still in dispute.
  3. We will not report assumed superiority of Indian forces over others without evidence.
    1. The stronger the statement claiming superiority, the stronger ought to be the evidence and its sources.
  4. We will not respond to provocation by another member, Indian or other.
    1. The provocation will be reported to the Moderators using the report button immediately.
    2. In case of grave provocation, a common effort will be made to bring it to the immediate notice of the Moderators.
  5. We will not enter into arguments about the wars and armed conflicts between India and any other country without sufficient information on the subject, and will ask other Indian members for factual support wherever necessary.
The initial set of members to agree to subscribe to this code voluntarily will elect a three-person group to remind subscribing members about violations of the recommendations, or violations of the suggestions. The member concerned may decide how to react to these reminders.

Subscription to the code is open to all known Indian members.
Wouldn't it be more convenient to count the likes on this posts as affirmation to abide by it?
Wouldn't it be more convenient to count the likes on this posts as affirmation to abide by it?

Can't depend on that.

@TheGreatMaratha gave it a lot of likes, but finally decided that he would like to go on his own.

I feel we need to ask every individual to consent explicitly. Silence, in this case, is NOT consent.
So insulting Pakistanis with Jihadi and Taliban is still ok?

Nothing has changed. Only they will try to bring moral high ground while they abuse Pakistanis.
Likewise bro, I really enjoy reading your posts and appreciate your unflinching patriotism and nationalism towards Pakistan.

Funny thing is, during the time of the Saffivid empire of Iran, Afghanistan and nearly all of modern day Pakistan we were one nation for over a thousand years so naturally Pakistan and Afghanistan will have far more in common with one another than with any other nation. Hence I have always found it easy to relate to Afghans and get along with them once you get passed the political nonsense. Here in London, UK there is even a lot of intermarrying between Pakistanis and Afghans. It is very common.

Sorry, everyone, this is totally off-topic.

Bro, I love your naked patriotism, never come across a Pakistani like you. Jeetay raho, khush raho.
Sorry, everyone, this is totally off-topic.

Bro, I love your naked patriotism, never come across a Pakistani like you. Jeetay raho, khush raho.

He is the scourge of 'we are same' gang. @PAKISTANFOREVER can singlehandedly destroy dozens of them.

That is why I ask sensible Indian members, namely Muslims, to try to understand the Pakistani mindset.

This kind of no nonsense approach is very common among Middle Eastern Islamic nations like Turks, Arabs, and Iranians. For Pakistanis, we need a heavy dose of this kind of mentality to iron out our overtly nice and non-confrontational kind of approach.

It simply does not work when dealing with Indian fascist and liberal trolls.

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