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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Be polite, be mature, do not get into fights, behave in a dignified manner, don't throw people's religion in their faces, don't abuse people.

This thread itself is becoming a good mock exam of this system. This will be a small taste as many will hound, doubt and attack it. If you stick by it, it will prevail and f you dont then it will fail and while i have gone on and on about the differences between a Legal code and Moral code however there exists one major similarity between the two codes. Both of them draw their power and existence from the people. That is how they stay and draw their strength and the more accurately and strongly you follow it, the more it will be strengthened and while Moral codes will always have the edge over Legal codes in this manner however the symbiotic relationship is similar. Loyalty is key here and accurate application.

Nevertheless it would be a good exercise and hey if it works then by all means and if it doesnt then there is always Plan C
Is it even morally justifiable to allow indians to post on PDF when the indian nation itself calls for the death and destruction of the Pakistani race and nation? When indians and india actively support and co-ordinate terrorism in Pakistan which has resulted in the deaths of countless innocent Pakistanis? When india kills and oppresses countless innocent Kashmiris?

All this thread is doing is emboldening the enemies of Pakistan against us.

He maybe here for years - that doesn’t change the fact he is a troll. Look at the post above and please tell me what is his intent? Is he really interested in the price of fuel in Pakistan - or is his intent to flame bait - he starts the thread then sits back and allows his multi ID friends to take over.
Please understand to entice others to troll is worse than actually trolling and that’s what he is doing. Does it so well that the likes of you a prominent and respected member falls for it. By accepting into your clan you are giving him the seal of continuing hence creating disharmony.
It’s poor and surely you can see this and when you see it - then you will realise why respected members sometimes tarnish Indians with the same brush.

I hear you, and I will take a closer look at what he posted. I don't take anything lightly, and I will respect your comment, enough to take a second look at things without prejudice.

if it doesnt then there is always Plan C


Yes, I suppose we should start working on that straightaway, not out of pessimism, but to play it by the book.

Is it even morally justifiable to allow indians to post on PDF when the indian nation itself calls for the death and destruction of the Pakistani race and nation? When indians and india actively support and co-ordinate terrorism in Pakistan which has resulted in the deaths of countless innocent Pakistanis? When india kills and oppresses countless innocent Kashmiris?

All this thread is doing is emboldening the enemies of Pakistan against us.

I think you should calm down and realise that the whole of India does not call for the death and destruction of the Pakistani nation - your views about a Pakistani race are nothing short of shoddy and I will not take that seriously, or hold it against you. There are certainly some Indians who suggest actively supporting and coordinating terrorism in Pakistan, but these are, 95% of them, harmless idiots on Twitter. Please remember that the actual killings were never, ever by an Indian, or a disguised Indian, it was always by others, and that is in contrast - in sharp contrast - to the situation with regard to the killing of Indians.

The situation in Kashmir is one that all reasonable Indians detest.

If I were you, I would not be so quick to criticise. I would take a sober and reasonable look at the situation as it prevails on both sides, and I would admit my own side having its share of bad behaviour. Projecting it in this one-sided way may win you a cheap victory over someone resolved already not to build rancour, but it is not going to help in the real world.


He maybe here for years - that doesn’t change the fact he is a troll. Look at the post above and please tell me what is his intent? Is he really interested in the price of fuel in Pakistan - or is his intent to flame bait - he starts the thread then sits back and allows his multi ID friends to take over.
Please understand to entice others to troll is worse than actually trolling and that’s what he is doing. Does it so well that the likes of you a prominent and respected member falls for it. By accepting into your clan you are giving him the seal of continuing hence creating disharmony.
It’s poor and surely you can see this and when you see it - then you will realise why respected members sometimes tarnish Indians with the same brush.

Again, I want to reiterate that even taking a leaf from my own personal experience, the most trouble and difficulty I have faced has been from some of these shape-changers. Now, out of the 13 who have voluntarily subscribed to our code, I know at least 12 for some time now, and I know that they, at least, don't belong to that horrible bunch (of multiple id users). Since @Areesh has been tracking these, according to you, he should also be able to tell you that the most vicious attacks I have faced have been from these multiple id people (our code does not permit me the luxury of using the terms I had used about them in the past! Progress, progress, how it dislocates us from our familiar surroundings!).

You are preaching to the choir.
Is it even morally justifiable to allow indians to post on PDF when the indian nation itself calls for the death and destruction of the Pakistani race and nation? When indians and india actively support and co-ordinate terrorism in Pakistan which has resulted in the deaths of countless innocent Pakistanis? When india kills and oppresses countless innocent Kashmiris?

All this thread is doing is emboldening the enemies of Pakistan against us.
Thanks. You are free to ban us.

@Joe Shearer I have completed one of the codes in your list. I have given this guy thanks rating and given a polite reply. :lol:
That's definitely the opinion of some Pakistanis. Sometimes I even feel that way but there is a completely opposite view which many hold true.

If you think carefully, many large nations are a colossal tragedy as the State has participated in land grabs, and Machiavellian maneuvers. America did it with the Native American tribes. Russia expanded its territory by conquering the lands of Siberian tribes. China expanded by conquering Tibet and Xinjiang.

The American State had killed many innocent people indiscriminately in Vietnam using Napalm.

I'm not in favour of big government. I have always wanted more decentralization of power in India. All Indian states should have greater autonomy.

No - I am not talking about historical injustices. America is a nation - from coast to coast they speak english, eat turkey on thanksgiving, recognize steak as a nice food, burger as value food, freely intermarry, understand each other stances very well. India isnt - this is not an opinion. It is a fact.

It is cute you think you can change india as indian. But in reality in almost all likelihood you will achieve diddly squat. And thats not because your intent is bad or you did not try. It is like solving congo problems sitting in singapore.

Your name indicates you are probably a bengali - what can you do about that yogi/vikas issue? you have no access to that society - you dont belong there. The castes are different. Even the gods they worship are different - Bengalis are big on Goddesses not Gods like Ram. What can you do to fix a south indian issue? you have no clue of their language even.

In Bengalis and entire east coast about 95% plus eat some form of meat. In rajasthan it is more like 35%. These are not two parts of same nations. They are completely different nations.

And that matters because a fake nation like india can only exist by inventing enemies. And unleashing violence on neighbours. Its obsession to occupy kashmir against the will of people lead to arms race impoverishing a billion plus people.
Is he really interested in the price of fuel in Pakistan - or is his intent to flame bait - he starts the thread then sits back and allows his multi ID friends to take over.

On looking up that thread, I found that it was a Hindustan Times article, an article, that is, in a publication that is mid-rung, not the best, not the worst, but formerly a Congress mouthpiece.

Please read your personal mail.
That's wishful thinking on your part. In the event of a verbal disagreement, I totally expect xeuss and Jamahir to side with me and Joe rather than you. They fit in better with us.

Ah, the real purpose of the thread reveals itself.

And i did promise I will not call you "Taliban" again. What more do you want?

I hope it is true, but call me pessimistic. Note, I have never insulted your faith and geopolitical views.

Well, I will say he has mellowed down over the last few days. None of his obsessive "Ugly Indians" statements anymore. Also, I see "Brown lives matter" from him.

You don't understand the Pakistani mindset. Many Indians do not. Even brother @xeuss and I had a long conversation about this topic. There is a gulf between Pakistanis and Indian Muslims. The Indian Hindus (Congress and BJP) prey on that to enlargen it.

We don't have to be the same people to have friendly relations. We are racially and culturally very different, and that is ok.

I respect @PAKISTANFOREVER Very much, because he speaks his mind frankly and pushes forward an uncompromising Pakistani nationalism which is a breath of fresh air.

If you have problems, just ask for clarifications.

You tag me if you have trouble. I enjoy your unapologetic style too, although I may disagree, I respect you brother.

Excellent post, and I think there are many dynamics at play here.

Between 2001 to 2019, during the height of the WOT, the indians became very aggressive towards Pakistan. This was further flammed and exacerbated by the american neo-con threats to invade Pakistan. This manifested itself in SEVERE anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistani racism on the internet and elsewhere by indians over the last 20 years. indians did all they could to induce an invasion of Pakistan by the americans but it never materialized. During that time, there was also a large transfer of advanced weapons systems from the West and Russia to india. These were ultimately to attack Pakistan and hinder China. After 27/02/2019 and the recent Galwaan incident between China and india, it has become apparent that india is not in a position to militarily challenge China or even threaten Pakistan. It probably never will be. This has shown the West that india will NEVER be able to contain China as per their wishes. It has also shown india that in case of war, the americans, the West, Russia and Israel will NOT come to the aid of the indians. Nor will the bengalis, Afghans or GCC Arabs. To make things worst for the indians, NO-ONE believes their propaganda or their media anymore. This is compounded by the fact that they have been exposed and ridiculed the world over and the indian media is generally considered to be the worst media on earth.

india and indians have now realized that they need a different approach to deal with both Pakistan and China. Their racist and visceral hatred of Pakistan and Pakistanis is not going to cut it anymore. Nor is the indian longing for the americans and their croonies to invade Pakistan. It's not going to happen. The indians are reluctantly beginning to accept this.

This thread is a reflection of the above changing geo-political realities. The indian media has been thoroughly exposed as has their anti-Pakistani, anti-Muslim agenda. The new method for indians to deal with Pakistanis is to try to promote their hatred and agenda against Pakistan and Pakistanis in a more subtle and diplomatic way. Promote the indian agenda through dialogue and "soft" negativity. Gone are the days when indians will be claiming that they along with the americans are going to invade and destroy Pakistan, followed by severe anti-Pakistani, anti-Muslim racial abuse and insults. Pakistanis will no longer accept such behaviour. Those days are dead.

The purpose of this thread is to ultimately legitimize the indian anti-Pakistani, anti-Muslim agenda against our race and allow it to continue on PDF. Especially in light of the recent crackdown on anti-Pakistani and anti-Muslim racism on PDF.

Yes, you hit all points correctly. They want to control the conversation and rhetoric on the Indian side. It is always about using Indian Muslims as pawns, which Indian state has been doing for 72 years.

They are very upset that Indian Muslims and Pakistanis are now the same page.

Same OP was also very upset when I stated that I believe Pakistan and Afghanistan are one country. They are very bothered when Pakistani influence spreads and want to contain us. They think by abusing us or painting us with false labels, they can dissuade us.

I don't let anyone on the internet change my views, which I have learned from my life experiences.

Read again, I’ve clearly stated that this is the reality of PDF, NOT real life.
Hence, no use trying to make any overtures in this environment.

besides, it’s clear to me that a certain brand of Pakistanis, much like yourself are people I wouldn’t get along in real life with, let alone an anonymous forum. Same goes for a lot of Indians.

I prefer to focus on my reality and my real friendships with Pakistanis than try to fit a square peg in this round hole.

Nonetheless, this forums does not change my view of general Pakistanis who are decent, honest and loyal people. (Exceptions to the rule obviously exist)

PDF is a reflection of reality, this is what Pakistanis think when we are with each other. When our Mehman dari is no longer needed, we Pakistanis are quite frank about our views.

Many of us have stopped buying Indian products, watching Indian movies, listening to Indian songs, we also don't allow other Pakistanis to do it,, and we have deepened our friendships with Bangladeshis and Indian Muslims due to the common enemy which is Hindu majoritarianism (whether of Congress or BJP.)

There is unity now in the whole Muslim world about dealing with Hindutva menace. Between Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Africans, Turkics, SEAs, Pakistanis, and South Asian Muslims.

The mask of the facade of Indian democracy has been ripped off to reveal the ugly countenance behind it.


He maybe here for years - that doesn’t change the fact he is a troll. Look at the post above and please tell me what is his intent? Is he really interested in the price of fuel in Pakistan - or is his intent to flame bait - he starts the thread then sits back and allows his multi ID friends to take over.
Please understand to entice others to troll is worse than actually trolling and that’s what he is doing. Does it so well that the likes of you a prominent and respected member falls for it. By accepting into your clan you are giving him the seal of continuing hence creating disharmony.
It’s poor and surely you can see this and when you see it - then you will realise why respected members sometimes tarnish Indians with the same brush.

Indian members are mostly of two kinds (save our Muslim brothers and sisters,) soft trolls and overt trolls. The soft trolls are verbose liberals who have sympathies with overt trolls but try to generally stay away from messy back and forth with Pakistanis (except on occasion when they believe they can get away with it.)

Your hard trolls like doc are open about their feelings and are unrepentant. Frankly I prefer that honesty, because when feelings and thoughts are out in the open, then we can deal with them the proper way.

The soft trolls just take longer to reveal themselves, unfortunately two of them have personal friendships with admin, which gives them some cover. However that has been strained due to recent negative statements against Pakistan's founder, Kashmiris, and Islam.

This thread itself is becoming a good mock exam of this system. This will be a small taste as many will hound, doubt and attack it. If you stick by it, it will prevail and f you dont then it will fail and while i have gone on and on about the differences between a Legal code and Moral code however there exists one major similarity between the two codes. Both of them draw their power and existence from the people. That is how they stay and draw their strength and the more accurately and strongly you follow it, the more it will be strengthened and while Moral codes will always have the edge over Legal codes in this manner however the symbiotic relationship is similar. Loyalty is key here and accurate application.

Nevertheless it would be a good exercise and hey if it works then by all means and if it doesnt then there is always Plan C

I understand the role you are trying to play here brother and I appreciate it. My favorite members from India here are all Indian Muslims, because atleast they have basic respect for Islam and Pakistani identity as fellow Muslims.

However, we should judge members by their actions as a whole and not necessarily what they say. If you followed OP and certain other members here, you will realize the truth to what I am saying.

And that matters because a fake nation like india can only exist by inventing enemies. And unleashing violence on neighbours. Its obsession to occupy kashmir against the will of people lead to arms race impoverishing a billion plus people.

Fascist states always function like this. India has been a fascist state since August 15, 1947. The first fascist was Nehru. BJP is just more open about those feelings, otherwise Nehruists hold the same.

Kashmir reveals all these facts and is the perfect litmus test to judge Indians' claims of democracy and human rights. 100,000 Kashmiris murdered in cold blood, 10,000 Kashmiri women raped, on their own land, in their own homes. The scarred families left behind.
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Thank you for the generosity. :tup: I will tag you.

You are our brother. We would like you and other Indian Muslims to remain on PDF. We badly need your unique perspective and experiences.

It is the best way to nullify the propaganda of Nehruists and BJP. I wish we had more Indian Muslims here.
Ah, the real purpose of the thread reveals itself.

I hope it is true, but call me pessimistic. Note, I have never insulted your faith and geopolitical views.

You don't understand the Pakistani mindset. Many Indians do not. Even brother @xeuss and I had a long conversation about this topic. There is a gulf between Pakistanis and Indian Muslims. The Indian Hindus (Congress and BJP) prey on that to enlargen it.

We don't have to be the same people to have friendly relations. We are racially and culturally very different, and that is ok.

I respect @PAKISTANFOREVER Very much, because he speaks his mind frankly and pushes forward an uncompromising Pakistani nationalism which is a breath of fresh air.

If you have problems, just ask for clarifications.

You tag me if you have trouble. I enjoy your unapologetic style too, although I may disagree, I respect you brother.

Yes, you hit all points correctly. They want to control the conversation and rhetoric on the Indian side. It is always about using Indian Muslims as pawns, which Indian state has been doing for 72 years.

They are very upset that Indian Muslims and Pakistanis are now the same page.

Same OP was also very upset when I stated that I believe Pakistan and Afghanistan are one country. They are very bothered when Pakistani influence spreads and want to contain us. They think by abusing us or painting us with false labels, they can dissuade us.

I don't let anyone on the internet change my views, which I have learned from my life experiences.

PDF is a reflection of reality, this is what Pakistanis think when we are with each other. When our Mehman dari is no longer needed, we Pakistanis are quite frank about our views.

Many of us have stopped buying Indian products, watching Indian movies, listening to Indian songs, we also don't allow other Pakistanis to do it,, and we have deepened our friendships with Bangladeshis and Indian Muslims due to the common enemy which is Hindu majoritarianism (whether of Congress or BJP.)

There is unity now in the whole Muslim world about dealing with Hindutva menace. Between Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Africans, Turkics, SEAs, Pakistanis, and South Asian Muslims.

The mask of the facade of Indian democracy has been ripped off to reveal the ugly countenance behind it.

Indian members are mostly of two kinds (save our Muslims,) soft trolls and overt trolls. The soft trolls are verbose liberals who have sympathies with overt trolls but try to generally stay away from messy back and forth with Pakistanis (except on occasion when they believe they can get away with it.)

Your hard trolls like doc are open about their feelings and are unrepentant. Frankly I prefer that honesty, because when feelings and thoughts are out in the open, then we can deal with them the proper way.

The soft trolls just take longer to reveal themselves, unfortunately two of them have personal friendships with admin, which gives them some cover. However that has been strained due to recent negative statements against Pakistan's founder, Kashmiris, and Islam.

I understand the role you are trying to play here brother and I appreciate it. My favorite members from India here are all Indian Muslims, because atleast they have basic respect for Islam and Pakistani identity as fellow Muslims.

However, we should judge members by their actions as a whole and not necessarily what they say. If you followed OP and certain other members here, you will realize the truth to what I am saying.

Fascist states always function like this. India has been a fascist state since August 15, 1947. The first fascist was Nehru. BJP is just more open about those feelings, otherwise Nehruists hold the same.

Kashmir reveals all these facts and is the perfect litmus test to judge Indians' claims of democracy and human rights. 100,000 Kashmiris murdered in cold blood, 10,000 Kashmiri women raped, on their own land, in their own homes. The scarred families left behind.

Likewise bro, I really enjoy reading your posts and appreciate your unflinching patriotism and nationalism towards Pakistan.

Funny thing is, during the time of the Saffivid empire of Iran, Afghanistan and nearly all of modern day Pakistan we were one nation for over a thousand years so naturally Pakistan and Afghanistan will have far more in common with one another than with any other nation. Hence I have always found it easy to relate to Afghans and get along with them once you get passed the political nonsense. Here in London, UK there is even a lot of intermarrying between Pakistanis and Afghans. It is very common.
Far left self hating commie Indians will seek to make alliances with far left self hating commie Pakistanis.

Fuhk cults, and especially cults of obedience :suicide2:

You and your kind are free to leave PDF. No one is forcing you to stay here. If you don't like it, you are more than welcome to exit and hopefully never return.

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