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Somalis accuse the French of killing civilians during rescue operation


Jun 1, 2012
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Somalis accuse the French of killing civilians during rescue operation

Al-Shabab demands release of Jihadis in exchange of French hostage. Residents describe ill-planned operation.

The Islamist warriors of the Somali Al-Shabab militia repeated that the Frenchman they've held hostage since 2009 — and whom French commandos tried to rescue in a failed operation — is still alive, and ask the release of "Jihadis" arrested around the world in exchange for his life, said this Sunday the French Defense Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drien.

Initially, the French government informed that Denis Allex (alias of a secret services member) had been murdered by his captors during the operation, while French President François Hollande lamented the “sacrifice of two soldiers”. Le Drien corrected afterwards: there's one dead troop and another disappeared — Al-Shabab has said that it captured him (wounded) and he'll be trialed today.

French authorities have also announced the deaths of “17 terrorists” and said the failure was due to “stronger resistance than expected” that they said was met. Residents told the Association France Presse that the commandos killed eight civilians and described how the Islamist militants were warned in time of the French deployment.

“People saw them landing at the fields, the Shabab had been informed that the helicopters had landed and that the soldiers had disembarked and the Islamists were able to get prepared”, said Adan Derow, resident of the Bulo Marer town, interviewed by phone from Mogadishu. “The fighters were aware of the attack and we were ready to defend ourselves, thank God”, confirmed Sheikh Mohamed Ibrahim, a local commander, to the AFP.

Many witnesses confirmed eight deaths to the AFP: four during the the forces' advance towards Bulo Marer — a couple, their son and another man — and four wounded by stray bullets during the fight — a woman, her infant son and a police officer. “There were some 40 [Frenchmen] against over a hundred Shabab combatants with heavy weaponry”, said an employee of a local NGO who didn't want to be named. “The mission was impossible and rather amateurish.”
French haven't changed since WW-II they still represent the same barbaric colonial mind with zero regard for other country's sovereignty and the lives of people other than French.
French haven't changed since WW-II they still represent the same barbaric colonial mind with zero regard for other country's sovereignty and the lives of people other than French.

And the Somalis must be representing the most civilized modern world , the world can put up as role models.
French haven't changed since WW-II they still represent the same barbaric colonial mind with zero regard for other country's sovereignty and the lives of people other than French.

It is a triangular game played by US, French and China.

China wants to establish firm control over the resources in former French colonies , US wants to counter China in Africa and so in future Africa will become a battle ground.
And the Somalis must be representing the most civilized modern world , the world can put up as role models.

That doesn't justify invading their country and killing their civilians.
That doesn't justify invading their country and killing their civilians.

I was also talking about Somali Al-Shabab militia run country which is a role model of World.

Yup, it cant be justifieD.

Somalia was all peaceful until French showed up.
I was also talking about Somali Al-Shabab militia run country which is a role model of World.

Yup, it cant be justifieD.

Somalia was all peaceful until French showed up.

They have no right to attack or go to war with Al-Shabab without an international mandate and treaties that France is signatory to. French parliament was kept in dark over this too, it failed and fired back in hollande's face!
That doesn't justify invading their country and killing their civilians.

The Country Formally Requested France . Plus Nigeria , Senegal , Burkina Faso and Togo all are giving troops to Mali in This Operation . You might wanna read about These Nasty Tuareg terrorists factions more before commenting on it .
They have no right to attack or go to war with Al-Shabab without an international mandate and treaties that France is signatory to. French parliament was kept in dark over this too, it failed and fired back in hollande's face!

Exactly. Al shabab shouldnt be attacked without international mandate. UN should condemn it and punish France by taking away security council seat and giving it to Al Shahab.

Let it be a lesson for all aggressors.
Exactly. Al shabab shouldnt be attacked without international mandate. UN should condemn it and punish France by taking away security council seat and giving it to Al Shahab.

Let it be a lesson for all aggressors.

By the way its Not Al-Shabab its Ansar dine and Other Factions of Tuareg Islamist .
Ummm, this thread is about a failed operation in Somalia. For Mali feel free to open a new thread.

Somalia is a lost cause for now. 'The West' is too hasty in its actions. Islamic courts should have been allowed to operate. Anything is better than a vacuum. There might not have been such a mess with Al-Shabab and various splinter groups. Home-grown solutions are better than no solutions at all.
And the Somalis must be representing the most civilized modern world , the world can put up as role models.

It doesn't have to be either/or, does it? We can say that both Al-Shabab and France disregard the lives of poor Africans. But at least Al-Shabab stays in its own country; it isn't invading France and wreaking havoc among its population. The same we can't say of France's conduct in Somalia.

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