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Syria rebels executed 67 Alawite villagers: HRW

Yet they can't beat Israel. :flame:

Ooh.....I know that one had to sting............these guys and their delusional stories make no sense whatsoever...........glad to hear some basic logic...........that number of 1 billion muslims is another red herring.....ie....propaganda attempt.....first of all.....the vast majority of muslims are good peaceful people that want nothing to do with these terrorist extremists who pervert islam to commit crimes all over the world......indonesia......the largest muslim nation in the world is completely against these terrorists and any type of military invasion in Syria.....so there goes that 1 billion figure..........the extremists are the ones in the arab slave states and the countries theyve destroyed......ie.....Libya..........they are the minority........these extremists are killers.....kidnappers.....rapists.......thieves and drug addicts..........they have nothing to do with Islam............they are dying in Syria at alarming rates......let them keep coming............their graves are already dug............
What interesting and important silverlining in this shifting wind is that these house of saud funded terrorist are increasingly labeled by western institutions as terror outfit than freedom fighters.Even few months ago these terrorists were western media darling but that is going against broader western interest now. So more these terrorist are gathering to collect saudi petro dollars more they are putting easy bulls eye on themselves. This time it is not just Syrian army to deal with it very well could be western drone and rendition will be looking for their blood. Perhaps, Lybian arrest should remind them what is waiting for them.
We donate charity to the war effort

Those who can fight must fight everyone else must help anyway we can

Looks like we have our inhouse bin laden here. Ofcourse unlike the real bin laden this guy is just a keyboard warrior.

But neverthless I hope the MI6 is watching over such scums.
It is very strong of HRW to make these reports. It shows a political will and a will for a peaceful solution. But unfortunately, it also shows extreme inability to act from every single nation in the world. It is tragicomic that the only ones speaking politically against the war going on is a humanitarian organisation. One would expect nations to do this kind of bashing, but it seems it is left to the simple human rights organisations. What a terrible situation.
These 190 civilians were involved in attack in Idlib with ASSad Militia soldiers , They were executed over war crimes they committed.
It would be complete personal non-sense if a person defends ASSad fighters in name of civilians . The attack was commited but the executed one were not just a common civilians , This was the same Alawite group who committed massacre in Latakia neighbourhood .
These 190 civilians were involved in attack in Idlib with ASSad Militia soldiers , They were executed over war crimes they committed.
It would be complete personal non-sense if a person defends ASSad fighters in name of civilians . The attack was commited but the executed one were not just a common civilians , This was the same Alawite group who committed massacre in Latakia neighbourhood .

Do you remember this Massacre committed by ASSad shabiha?
Syria's Banias massacre toll 'up to 145' | News24

And Then Revenge attack in Qardaha
ArabSaga: Syrian rebels push advance into Assad heartland


Remember this guy? His group was eliminated in Latakia advance. . I understand again that your brain would not accept things goes against you.
Wow.........so no actual facts to justify your claims...........instead you direct me to a terrorist propaganda blog that praises saudi arabian suicide bombers?.......................glad to see your wahabi terrorist proclivities...................

And be serious..................SOHR is a guy in an upstairs flat in london taking phone calls from fsa and al qaeda rats and their " activists ".................not even a real news site to support all your lies......................smh..............meanwhile Syria has be come a meatgrinder for wahabi rats..................keep those meth addicts coming................we have graves for each and every one of them....................:-)

Do you remember this Massacre committed by ASSad shabiha?
Syria's Banias massacre toll 'up to 145' | News24

And Then Revenge attack in Qardaha
ArabSaga: Syrian rebels push advance into Assad heartland


Remember this guy? His group was eliminated in Latakia advance. . I understand again that your brain would not accept things goes against you.
Wow.........so no actual facts to justify your claims...........instead you direct me to a terrorist propaganda blog that praises saudi arabian suicide bombers?.......................glad to see your wahabi terrorist proclivities...................
Its not just a blog , But It was explained in Syrian civil war related thread various times with the reference of videos , You can search it in posts in august. The topic was already discussed , and accusation is not proved still . But the fact remain same that his group was eliminated and the neighbourhoods had celebrated his execution . Its really feel Good when you slaughter a terrorist . and In that case I would appreciate more massacre of Iranian pigs If they continued their way to deal with Sunni.
So still no facts?.................just your mindless drivel?............smh

SOHR is literally one anti assad blogger in an apartment in england taking phone calls from al qaeda and the fsa puppets in turkey.......

MEDIA LIES: Deaths in Syria: Counting them (politically) correctly | Global Research

Russia questions credibility of Syrian Observatory for Human Rights ? RT News

A festering ‘SOHR’: Does the word

And as to the rest of your gibberish..........lol...............keep those saudi wahabis coming...................they have thwir holes already waiting for them..............they usually dont last more than a week............all high on captagon................keep em coming osama bin shlomo...................:-).......

Its not just a blog , But It was explained in Syrian civil war related thread various times with the reference of videos , You can search it in posts in august. The topic was already discussed , and accusation is not proved still . But the fact remain same that his group was eliminated and the neighbourhoods had celebrated his execution . Its really feel Good when you slaughter a terrorist . and In that case I would appreciate more massacre of Iranian pigs If they continued their way to deal with Sunni.
I have posted things with respect to context and then you came up with claims , typical Shia nature where again you have started to accuse others with new claims , Just Tell me when Badruddeen Al-Ghazaal was executed? Who commited Baniyas and Bayda massacre ? What is ASSad Shabiha and why it contains alawite militants ? Is that all seems a propaganda to you?
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Im not even iranian............smh.........

So what does all this gibberish have to do with the HRWs report that your foreign wahabi terrorists are coming to Syria to kill innocent civilians?........nothing..............as to the rest of your osama bin laden propaganda blogs...........lol...................seek counseling...................

its october 2013 shlomo.............wahabi terrorist rats are dropping like flies................now come join them.......:-)

I have posted things with respect to context and then you came up with claims , typical Shia nature where again you have started to accuse others with new claims , Just Tell me when Badruddeen Al-Ghazaal was executed? Who commited Baniyas and Bayda massacre ? What is ASSad Shabiha and why it contains alawite militants ? Is that all seems a propaganda to you?
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Im not even iranian............smh.........

So what does all this gibberish have to do with the HRWs report that your foreign wahabi terrorists are coming to Syria to kill innocent civilians?........nothing..............as to the rest of your osama bin laden propaganda blogs...........lol...................seek counseling...................

its october 2013 shlomo.............wahabi terrorist rats are dropping like flies................now come join them.......:-)
Gibberish ! Just Read atleast once again your posts and you would figure out that what seems more Awkward . When I call you Iranian? Yea ! But I called a typical Shia as I know that how most them behaves .And If your enemies are Wahabbi then Go against them If you have balls , Why to kill Regional Sunni civilians . Just your miscalculations have killed Thousands of Shi'ites in Lebanese to Pakistan Region .
Smh.....at least try to make sense out of your racist rants.............this has nothing to do with sunni and shia...........this is about foreign terrorist mercenaries going to Syria to kill innocent civilians and trying to destroy the country.............that is all........thankfully the SAA has stepped up to the plate and they are killing them all.................anything else is cheap propaganda.............seek counseling..................idolizing al qaeda only ends in you blowing yourself up..............:-)

Gibberish ! Just Read atleast once again your posts and you would figure out that what seems more Awkward . When I call you Iranian? Yea ! But I called a typical Shia as I know that how most them behaves .And If your enemies are Wahabbi then Go against them If you have balls , Why to kill Regional Sunni civilians . Just your miscalculations have killed Thousands of Shi'ites in Lebanese to Pakistan Region .
Yup. Let us trust someone on PDF and some random blog, and ignore that HRW clearly investigated and came to the conclusion that they were civilians.

I believe this is why the war will never end. People do not want to give up their support for their respective group. Not even if the whole world told them that they were not exactly good guys.
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