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Syria rebels executed 67 Alawite villagers: HRW

Please re-read my post again. I never said such thing, what I was suggesting was the fact that Assad managed to hijack his community, dragging them in all this mess. This had instigated tens of millions of Muslims and Arabs against them. Therefore, I wasn't surprised to hear Hussien saying what he said. Iraq hasn't gone through what Syria has been going through, and that's a big difference.

Allrighty? :smart:
So you agree to kill the Alawis and other minorities for "revenge" ?

No you don’t, don’t know what you mean either.

Hafiz&Bashar = Ba’athist.

Rest is again bullshit, you either fought the country or you didn’t, don’t say we fought Saddam when on a foreign side.
Yes, that's right

The alewites are roughly above 15 percent of the syrian population this clan hss ruled abused and oppressed the 80 percent syrian Muslim population for decades

Their alewite dictator has killed millions over the decades one way or the other

These actions have consequences

Same goes for the christians[/QUOTS

Syria ruled by Syrians they never care about who ruling Syria because it was secular state but thanks to al Qaida dogs

For the last 50 years there hasn't been a sunni muslim ruler of syria in a nation which is 80percent sunni that is intolerable

And now the link between syrians is broken

The alewites will never rule again
For the last 50 years there hasn't been a sunni muslim ruler of syria in a nation which is 80percent sunni that is intolerable

And now the link between syrians is broken

The alewites will never rule again

I wouldn't be too sure about that. Whites were 10% of the population in South Africa and ruled South Africa for hundreds of years until 1994 and that was under significant UN pressure.
The last time Alawites were only 15% of the population in Syria was 1960 when the census last tracked religion in Syria. I wouldn't be surprised if that number has increased to over 34% by now.

Sunni Muslims are the vast majority of the syrian population every which way you look at it
Sunni Muslims are the vast majority of the syrian population every which way you look at it

Sunnis are the default Muslims. When someone mentions Muslim, Sunni is implied. Sunnis don't always get along with other Sunnis. Egypt is practically all Sunni, yet the Muslim Brotherhood has no place there. Saudi Arabia is practically all Sunni, yet the Muslim Brotherhood has no place there. 90% of Syrian Sunnis probably hate Muslim Brotherhood.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. Whites were 10% of the population in South Africa and ruled South Africa for hundreds of years until 1994 and that was under significant UN pressure.

Exactly you are comparing the rule of the alewites to apartheid

The Muslim world will now hunt down the alewites they will have no where to go and no where to run

The Muslim's will support the people in Syria against the alewites
At least 50% of Assad's army are Sunnis. What makes of them? :blink:

They have deserted him and defected that's why with all his weaponry he can't beat them and has to rely on hezbollah and militias

If the people were with him he would win easily

They hate his alewite *** so he is stuck

To do that, they better have an army of 5 million + a gun for each soldier. :bunny:

There are well over a billion sunni Muslims
Quick.....any wannabe hasbara propagandists better hurry and say the civilians are with the terrorists...........maybe you believe yourselves.........because no one else believes you anymore.......certainly not the dead civilians.............the Lion of Syria is doing his job..........defending his people against these roving bands of paid foreign terrorist mercenaries...........and he will continue his job until they are all dead...........those who have wet dreams at night safely tucked in their beds in europe or in arab slave states..........well.........no one really cares what you think............since you are too afraid to say it in Syria.....................
And what % of Sunnis favor FSA over SAA? Likely under 1%. :bunny:

Hell out of 1.7 billion Muslims 1.6 billion are probably sunni

Any Muslim worthy of the name would choose to free the syrian population from scum alewite rule
Hell out of 1.7 billion Muslims 1.6 billion are probably sunni

Any Muslim worthy of the name would choose to free the syrian population from scum alewite rule
The government should be secular but I think fsa and al Qaida going to kill each other because fsa want secular state al Qaida want khilafah
I don't mind a secular government but the alewites need to be dead or gone

It's too late to live together they must pay for their crimes
And what % of Sunnis favor FSA over SAA? Likely under 1%. :bunny:

No reason to waste time on the hasbara propagandists friend............you know them and their tactics right away......they are trained to repeat ad nauseum false figures over and over again......nothing more.......sometimes they resort to logical fallacy arguments or when all else fails.......they resort to ad hominem attacks.........they are angry.......they lost a very very expensive war.........the saudis and the qataris spent well over 100 billion on this war...........and their only accomplishment was to become the worlds pariah........do they really think their cheap propaganda is fooling everyone? The whole world sees them as the trash they really are........and we look at them with disgust...........no amount of stolen fossil fuel money will change that........they are base savage animals who adourne themselves with gold and riches to try and hide how empty their souls really are............but the free peoples of the world see them for what they are...............

And just to clarify.........the sunnis in Syria are closer to 70% and the vast majority are with Assad.......just one look at the SAA will unmask the hasbara lies...........since the SAA is 65% Sunni........they are Syrian Arabs first.....and muslims second............they arent brain washed with religious extremism like so many other arabs.............they are winning and the final victory will go to them..........the righteous patriots.............not the two faced terrorists and their slave masters.............
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