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Smriti Irani Stops 70,000 Students of KV From Learning German, Makes them Switch to Sanskrit

This coming from a man who applauded a libetard for saying Pron is the way to discovery Humanity. I am guessing you would have heard that old saying when someone complemented you.

WTF is this "Pron" thing that you wrote there? A Wrestling move? :azn:
Sorry; I don't wrestle...... not even Arm-Wrestling.......sorry to disappoint you..... you'll have to wrestle with somebody else. :D
Haryanvis have taken this word from Hindi. In Delhi, People call their Father's elder brother as Taya. Haryanvis call it Tau...:sick:
Ooh yeah we copy from Hindi happy now :sick:

I knew that much, I thought Tau would also be a slang. But whenever Jats address someone they always use Tau irrespective of ht age of the other person. But Haryanvi is a very sweet and poetic language. :rolleyes:
We use it to give respect :p:
Haryanvi is a very sweet and poetic language :o::o:o_Oo_O:what::what::blink::blink:.
From India
Good to know :)
Modern western scientific innovations did not come up until the second decade of 20th century. Everything in science be it maths, algebra, geometry, architecture, astronomy, medicine, metallurgy and I mean every single discipline of science was covered by the ancient Indian, pre-Islamic Persian, pre-Islamic Egyptian and pre-Islamic Mesopotamian civilisations.

Indians pioneered the science of metallurgy along with a host of other things but the plagiarist west does not give any credit. Gunpowder was a Chinese invention along with the world's first automatic weapon. Even the modern machine gun was a Japanese invention first used in 1905 Russo-Japanese war where the Russians were made to look like fools.

The only reason Europeans were able to march ahead and pretend they created science is because of industrialisation which took place because of unlimited colonial funds. 21st century is the death of Europe.

Neither Europeans nor Asians used the scientific method at the times that you mention.

It was quite specific: a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

You are confusing science with technology; you are also confusing the scattered disconnected scientific discoveries which occurred throughout the world with the systematic method that is called the scientific method.
Punjab is being ruled by even the Biggest Joker's. People are fed up of Badal Sarkar. They'll even vote for Bangladeshi's to avoid Badals. :sick:

Vote for Sonia Gandhi and Robert Vadra if you have to. If you vote for Bangladeshis then your state will become another west Bengal. You think Badal is bad, try DD. :sick:
Vote for Sonia Gandhi and Robert Vadra if you have to. If you vote for Bangladeshis then your state will become another west Bengal. You think Badal is bad, try DD. :sick:

Didi or Bangladeshi's are better than Drug Addicts. Badals have infested entire Punjab with Drug Culture. :tsk:
WTF is this "Pron" thing that you wrote there? A Wrestling move? :azn:
Sorry; I don't wrestle...... not even Arm-Wrestling.......sorry to disappoint you..... you'll have to wrestle with somebody else. :D

Non wrestlers understand what "Pron" is, if you flex your joints a bit more, you might get it. :angel: Since I saw you taking pot shots by hiding behind someone's back, I though I should give you a fair chance to display your "courage".
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