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Should Rajput Class Destroyers be Transferred to Vietnam and Philliphines

forget exporting to vietnam. the indian su-30s are building from knock-down kits imported from russia, only minor components are locally made like paint and screws..
indians have license production of mig-21 since the 60's, but they nearly destroy all their mig-21s due to badly made parts by indians. so, even if they can export out from indian factory..i wouldn't worry too much..:lol:

now now querrty,what are you stating is all wrong.Su-30 MKI is not build from knock-down kits.it is Made-in-India now.we are creating it from 100% raw material..

Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: Desi Sukhoi performs supersonic ballet on debut | Aircraft built from complete raw material phase makes a silent entry

and Mig-21 crashed because shoddy spare parts that india forced to buy from Russia because of lack of spares.

don't invite troll brigades or they will make it a Bad day for you.. :lol:
thanks Zakii for keeping this thread clean.i appreciate it.
now now querrty,what are you stating is all wrong.Su-30 MKI is not build from knock-down kits.it is Made-in-India now.we are creating it from 100% raw material..

Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: Desi Sukhoi performs supersonic ballet on debut | Aircraft built from complete raw material phase makes a silent entry

and Mig-21 crashed because shoddy spare parts that india forced to buy from Russia because of lack of spares.

don't invite troll brigades or they will make it a Bad day for you.. :lol:

india claimed to have full licensed production of the aircraft. why do you let russia forced you to buy their crap? unless you never have the blueprint to make those parts from the beginning, or too stupid to follow instructions..choose one :rolleyes:
if they don't even teach you to build an ancient mig-21 nuts..what make you think they give you the plan to build a more modern su-30 from scratch?
most of TOTs just mean assembly works with few unimportant components locally made. that's what india is doing.. there's a reason why india need to send su-30mKIs all the way to russia for engines overhaul maintenance and upgrade works..lol
if you really have production license where you can do everything at home, you'd not need to do that. those are basic stuff. use your brain. stop believing propaganda crap dr. dodo telling you..:lol:

here's another so called full TOT from russia lol..india blame russia for not giving them all TOTs to build the t-90s at home... russia says they gave em everything. its yindian incompetence cannot read the blueprints is to blame..haha

Russia denies allegations over Indian T-90 tank contract
01:14 30/11/2011
(RIA Novosti)
Moscow is puzzled over Indian media rumors claiming that Russia refuses to fulfill a decade-old contract on licensed production of T-90S main battle tanks in India, a Russian defense industry source said.

“The Russian side is timely and completely fulfilling all agreements with India on the licensed production of T-90 tanks, including the delivery of all necessary components and the transfer of technical documentation,” the source said on Tuesday.

India’s Business Standard said on November 28 that the licensed production of T-90 tanks was “hamstrung by Moscow’s obstruction in transferring technology and the Russian-built assemblies needed even for the India-built tanks.”

According to other publications in the Indian media, a slow rate of production has been caused by the failure of some Indian sub-contractors to fulfill their obligations under the contract.

Russia denies allegations over Indian T-90 tank contract | World | RIA Novosti

IAF's sourcing spares for MIG planes from outside Russia "wrong": Envoy
New Delhi, March 26, 2012
First Published: 21:59 IST(26/3/2012)
Last Updated: 22:01 IST(26/3/2012)
Indian Air Force's efforts to procure spare parts for its Soviet-era aircraft from global market were "wrong" and after using these "fake" equipment, the service should not be surprised if its fighter jets meet with accidents, Russia said on Monday.
"It is wrong as all those spare
parts are fake. For MiG and other planes, you need authentic parts, And then you are surprised why your planes fall because spare parts are bought from unauthorised sources," Russian Ambassador to India Alexander Kadakin told reporters in New Delhi.

He was asked to comment on India's efforts to procure spares for Russian-origin equipment from global vendors.


india claimed to have full licensed production of the aircraft. why do you let russia forced you to buy their crap? unless you never have the blueprint to make those parts from the beginning, or too stupid to follow instructions..choose one :rolleyes:
if they don't even teach you to build an ancient mig-21 nuts..what make you think they give you the plan to build a more modern su-30 from scratch?
most of TOTs just mean assembly works with few unimportant components locally made. that's what india is doing.. there's a reason why india need to send su-30mKIs all the way to russia for engines overhaul maintenance and upgrade works..lol
if you really have production license where you can do everything at home, you'd not need to do that. those are basic stuff. use your brain. stop believing propaganda crap dr. dodo telling you..:lol:

here's another so called full TOT from russia lol..india blame russia for not giving them all TOTs to build the t-90s at home... russia says they gave em everything. its yindian incompetence cannot read the blueprints is to blame..haha

are you dumb or just acting like one???i provided you link,it clearly states than India is building Su-30 from scratches..and 2nd,India is one of the first countries who got Mig-21 and license produced it.but lack of spares is the reason why India opted for old Russian parts or they would have forced to decomission Mig-21 from air force.and India has opted for mid upgradation of these jets,thats why India send those jets and many other aircraft to Russia.and TOT doesn't mean "assembly works with few unimportant components locally made"..where did you get this impression??? :lol:

advice-don't use your superhuman brain and obsession about"Indian Propaganda" fiction and use logic.Just search google for Made-In-India sukhoi and you'll get plenty results..cheers..
India is one of the first countries who got Mig-21 and license produced it.but lack of spares is the reason why India opted for old Russian parts[/B]

India has opted for mid upgradation of these jets,thats why India send those jets and many other aircraft to Russia

TOT doesn't mean "assembly works with few unimportant components locally made"..where did you get this impression??

why thet fu<k do you called license produced when you need to buy spares lol

india can make the whole jet from scratch including engines, but don't now how to undock engines for cleaning up to extend the life and some simple upgrade..lol

and he wonder why the impression? :lol:

that's is what india say just like mig-21 and t-90 lo

thanks for your concern.Mig-21 will be retired within 2017 and T-90 will make our force stronger(be it produced in India or Russia)..
That proves your military and govt keeps you in delusion . Dont think that your planes are super just because they specs are not known or some thing . Also you know your military will hide any aircraft crashes . :rofl: We share a special relation ship which you wont understand . Whats not possible ? What could Russia do when Varyarg was sold to China ? We can sell our Mkis to Vietnam if we like but we those aircrafts will be produced under license , not copies like you . :P

Why only 15 brother ? You gave berthing rights for IN . You can get more Brahmos because of our special relation ship . Even if you feel its too expensive , we will pay for you in return with military deals and oil exploration deals . That would be win win situation .

Right now the Indian government does not intend to export BrahMos missiles due to the need to equip the Indian Army. But your government has shared to us, though the number is not much but it is very precious.
That is just the initial number, I believe the number will increase in the future not far.
Here the problem is not its price, my friend. We want to buy much larger numbers, but we understand your Indian Army also need to equip the missiles, and that should be first.
why thet fu<k do you called license produced when you need to buy spares lol

the definition of license production-----

"A direct commercial arrangement between a US company and a foreign government, international organization, or foreign company, providing for the transfer of production information which enables the foreign government, international organization, or commercial producer to manufacture, in whole or in part, an item of US defense equipment. A typical license production arrangement would include the functions of production engineering, controlling, quality assurance and determining of resource requirements. It may or may not include design engineering information and critical materials production and design information. A licensed production arrangement is accomplished under the provisions of a manufacturing license agreement per the US International Traffic in Arms Regulation."

just skip the terms "US"..


india can make the whole jet from scratch including engines, but don't now how to undock engines for cleaning up to extend the life and some simple upgrade..lol

and he wonder why the impression? :lol:


this line proves you are delusional.i already posted that India signed contract for midlife upgrade of its aircrafts.why should India upgrade them by himself.and for other info,just go back to my previous reply.
Nah , just to keep enemies in dark so to keep them guessing ... How much has the USAF revealed about B2 and Raptor ? :azn: Or somehow not everybody likes a naked parade of their defense equipment like India informing the enemies about major details of the weapon ?
What could you do knowing major details of our aircrafts other than crying ? So you think H6 is B2 and J10 is F22 ? lol at your delusion . You want to see naked parade ? Thats done by your red masters on their parade showing dozens of their military equipments . We show you the videos of testing .
Do you think your planes are super just because they have some customized western avionics which is a norm ?
When you believe our planes are superior when they have cheap chinese componets , we have advanced components that are much superior to every plane except a few western planes .
J 10 has crashed only 5-6 times since its induction , dont get me started comparing it with IAF world record :lol:
:rofl: Even Chinese dont know what happens in their AF but it seems you know every thing . Most of our crashed aircrafts are Mig21 . Thats beacuse we dont keep planes at museum and display unlike some one . You are comapring it with J10 :lol: On the other hand only 3 Su30s have crashed in our service , no human loss at last crashes .
Keep crying about information ban and democracy :rofl:
lol you speaking about democracy :rofl:
Special relationship ? I told you guys not to count your chickens before they hatch when you started jumping up and down hearing the news that ONGC has decided to explore oil in SCS ... You made all sorts of hypothetical scenarios about selling this and that to Vietnam , how the IN would escort and protect the ships ... But what happened in the end ?
"You backed off from the project "
Or are you living under the rock thinking ONGC is still continuing with the project ? :rofl: It was better to abandon your friend Vietnam than to piss China , because the latter would have had dire consequences ...
Its natural that it will hurt you . Dont worry unlike your masters we dont follow use and throw policy . We will help Viets in what ever way we can . Vietnam humiliated China utterly in 1979 . You knew that ? It doesnt mean we will not come to SCS again and we will have deals . May be its secret .
The only thing you guys are good at is talking big , since you cant even make a single aircraft yourself and talk about exceeding the West in electronics warfare tech and :blah: Atleast they can make copies whilst you struggle with your disastrous INSAS ...
But history says we are good at action too . Ex : We broke up a country in to two and 97,000 troops of a country surrendered to us . We occupied Siachen sucesfully . We took Jammu,Kashmir,Junugadh,South Tibet,Sikkim,NE states,Hyderabad,Rann of kutch,..... What if we dont make a gun ? We succesfully tested an ICBM where as some people live in delusion that they too have ICBM . I dont want to mention your action on terrorists and drones . Hence i ll stop it here i have some moral values unlike you i wont laugh at others poverty/incapability.
the definition of license production-----
just skip the terms "US"..
this line proves you are delusional.i already posted that India signed contract for midlife upgrade of its aircrafts.why should India upgrade them by himself.and for other info,just go back to my previous reply.

there's no right definition for TOT. each contract is different...does india really have full production license as they claimed or just get to do the unimportant parts?lol..

-trouble with t-90 in-house production. blaming mother russia for not giving them all ToT, but dr.dodo once claimed they have full ToT..lol
-buy spares for mig-21s from outside when claimed to have licensed production for decades
-send al-31 engines to russia for repair when claimed to have full Tot

i'm not the only one who don't believe in dr.dodo propaganda :lol:

from Prasun K Sengupta, a defense analyst that has connection with indian contractors.
TRISHUL: R-77 BVRAAM Handling/Storage Procedures

The AL-31FN's gearbox installation is different from that of other AL-31F family of turbofans. That's the only difference. As far as in-house servicing of AL-31FP turbofans go, all high-/low-pressure turbine blades and the combustion chamber have to go back to Russia's UFA subsidiary of NPO Saturn for overhauling. HAL's Koraput facility is only responsible for licence-assembly of the AL-31FPs. There are no 'made-in-India' components in any AL-31FP. Engine-change in peacetime and wartime is done only at the mother air base.


moscow defense brief
there's no right definition for TOT. each contract is different. that's why i keep saying..does india really full production license or just get to do the unimportant parts?lol..

-trouble with t-90 in-house production. blaming mother russia for not giving them all ToT, but dr.dodo once claimed they have full ToT..lol
-buy spares for mig-21s from outside when claimed to have licensed production for decades
-send al-31 engines to russia for repair when claimed to have full Tot

i'm not the only one who don't believe in dr.dodo propaganda :lol:

from Prasun K Sengupta, a defense analyst that has connection with indian contractors.

lol....i already pointed out TOT means either producing full or parts of components...and nobody produce all the components of an arms system..parts of it always have to buy.even "Mighty" China can't produce their own engine for their J-11,let alone sukhois..you are never going to understand.you are talking like bots..Full TOT doesn't mean sharing every technology related to the weapon,only part of it that only needed to produce the weapon.if India got full tech of AL-31FN,why would we bother about our own engine???got it???its just few components have to be purchased,and other will produce in India.
I think his version of ToT is different. But couldn’t understand what is his point or why should anyone accept his version of ToT. Lolz
there's no right definition for TOT. each contract is different...does india really have full production license as they claimed or just get to do the unimportant parts?lol..

-trouble with t-90 in-house production. blaming mother russia for not giving them all ToT, but dr.dodo once claimed they have full ToT..lol
-buy spares for mig-21s from outside when claimed to have licensed production for decades
-send al-31 engines to russia for repair when claimed to have full Tot

i'm not the only one who don't believe in dr.dodo propaganda :lol:

from Prasun K Sengupta, a defense analyst that has connection with indian contractors.
license production and repairing are two very simple and distinct concepts...but somehow your expert brain keeps mixing them...
for example- you don't go to the factory that produced your mobile to repair it , do you??
There are separate guys who have taken courses to repair it who do that...
it's the same way with tanks and planes- only the guy who invented it and is familiar with every aspect make and what goes inside and how it goes inside can do it.........I am sure the guys at HAL can do it also...but the russians will give a far better job, and we would prefer the best we can get for our boys.........
the production line for Mig 21 is closed in India and FYI it is very expensive (and basically worthless) to open it just for few spares...
So unless we start cannibalising, buying from outside is the best option...
PLEASE, have complete knowledge before you post, otherwise you end up sounding tad stupid , like in this case......:disagree:
What could you do knowing major details of our aircrafts other than crying ? So you think H6 is B2 and J10 is F22 ? lol at your delusion . You want to see naked parade ? Thats done by your red masters on their parade showing dozens of their military equipments . We show you the videos of testing .

When you believe our planes are superior when they have cheap chinese componets , we have advanced components that are much superior to every plane except a few western planes .

Even Chinese dont know what happens in their AF but it seems you know every thing . Most of our crashed aircrafts are Mig21 . Thats beacuse we dont keep planes at museum and display unlike some one . You are comapring it with J10 On the other hand only 3 Su30s have crashed in our service , no human loss at last crashes .

lol you speaking about democracy

Its natural that it will hurt you . Dont worry unlike your masters we dont follow use and throw policy . We will help Viets in what ever way we can . Vietnam humiliated China utterly in 1979 . You knew that ? It doesnt mean we will not come to SCS again and we will have deals . May be its secret .

I dont want to mention your action on terrorists and drones . Hence i ll stop it here i have some moral values unlike you i wont laugh at others poverty/incapability.

Cry ? For buying some foreign equipment instead of relying on domestic industries ? Really ?
Whatever you bought now from Russians , was sold to China too 5-6 years before :lol: Enlightened ? That stuff was reverse engineered back then and now being innovated and new stuff being created from the experience gained by studying them :lol:
Want China to reveal the full capabilities and details of its military weapons ? Why ? Are they asking you to consider their stuff the-top-in-the world or super ? ... :rofl: Crack , is it ?

As for crying , we do not mobilize and then cry and back off like you , actions speak louder right ?

Yeah , shown at military parade like any other , they do not like to hype up the news even before the development has begun and then at each and every moment , nake parade it like you ...

Yeah , just because they sell cheap components to you , you assume they use the same in their military equipment too ... Just curious , Does your top military brass thinks the same ? :azn:

Actually it seems that you have a incoming pink thing for trolling in every thread , be advised ...
You are comparing MIG 21 ancient aircraft labelled as flying coffin with J10 - a 4th Gen fighter being upgraded continuously ? Last time I heard , J10 was operational and stationed in Tibet :lol: ...
Its crashes are well documented and available to everyone wishing to activate his grey matter ..
No holds barred to your fanboyism though
Better you keep it in museum instead of sending poor pilots to God ! the world record still there for you though

Yes , I am ... Got some problem with that ?

You threw it up the moment you chose not to drill and abandoned the project paying $ 15 million in penalty :lol: What do you need to say more ? Weren't your lot making hypothetical scenarios ( wet dreams informally ) about confronting PLAN in SCS , selling weapons to Vietnam and forming some bloc against Beijing ? :rofl:

P.S I do not call millions of causalities of my countrymen as victory or humiliating someone ...

Now , you Indians will lecture us about poverty , what has the world come to ? :lol:
I don't know why some people with some fancy story come with some their fancy thinking .. and started believe in that is truth.

but in reality , world lives in another way. Well Chinese don't have any technology which we have called Brahmos, AAS, so chinese and Pak both feel insulted when we talk about Brahmos, Typical chinese and PAk reply , they are Russian etc etc..... but the fact that India made that missile with russian engines which can used from Sea , land and air. deployed in Chinese and Pak border.

When we talk about Technology, no chinese and PAK able to answer it they start talking about SUN , MOON etc etc , Indian SU-30 MKI has 360 Radar coverage , do chinese plane have ? NO

Indian develops its own AWACS which PAk brought from other country. this is called technology .

Regarding Transfer, Brahmos has enough to wipe out entire plan surface ship within 5 mins for 300 km which PLAN don't have any defense , when they saw blip on their radar and start to load any defense system , they missile already hit the ship.
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