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india receives first of 4 new 15b class destroyers

Its target performance is close to the upgraded 052C class. But the warship has gathered too many national weapons, and Indians always like to boast. It is difficult for us to predict its real ability.

If Indians really want to develop warship manufacturing, they should buy South Korea's KDX-III destroyers. Half made in Korea and half in India. Only in this way can Indians train qualified workers and designers. However, it is difficult to ask for more kickbacks for this method of buying warships, I don't think Indian officers will agree.

Well, kickbacks and percentage notwithstanding, they have to have money to fund purchases from South Korea, right now their economy is more effed up and worse than ours in Bangladesh, now there is a sad statement for you....

Their govt. debt to GDP ratio has exceeded 90 percent. Ours in Bangladesh is probably around 35 percent.

Modi is propping up his economy essentially on borrowed money....
As far as I know, the technical evaluation was very close to others. Russia participated in the tender with the S-300 variant, but the gave financially disadvantageous bid as well as technical difficulties. The US, on the other hand, did not give congressional guarantees on Patriot systems. At the end of the tender, it was decided to start negotiations with the Chinese system and it was announced that the second best offer was SAMP-T. The most important detail here is that this tender has many sub-working areas in terms of technical, financial, sustainability and operative aspects.

It was said by the Turkish authorities that the HQ-9 system won the tender because it would provide advantages such as increasing technological capacity and accelerating domestic production capability, rather than technical competence issues (This is not a criticism of the Chinese system by the way). Although Chinese sources do not confirm this technology transfer requirement, all statements on the Turkish side were related to this from the very beginning. The Turks had always preferred to read the Chinese choice from this aspect. Another issue was the ease of financing. However, as technical obstacles could not be overcome (and of course as a result of intense foreign political pressure), the signing phase could not be reached. As a result, the tender was canceled in its entirety. The project was shelved without taking any concrete steps in the second-ranked SAMP-T system.

You know what happened next, the S-400 system was purchased without a tender. Meanwhile, more concrete steps were taken in ongoing projects in Turkey. (and the USA manipulated this process correctly and started sanctions against Turkey under CAATSA and even excluded it from the JSF program.) However, due to the risk factors that Turkey has, its urgent need still continues. Last week, announced that concrete steps will be taken on Samp-T also, as well as the second S-400 system. As we understand from this statement, there is no shortening of the project schedule foreseen for the SIPER project.

In this case, it is an important anecdote to choice SAMP-T instead of HQ-9.
Thanks for your valuable feedback.

Turkish trials are about fulfillment of Turkish requirements and pursuits in terms of developing LRSAM. This is my take as well.

Some members take Turkish trials in other sense. It is misleading. Turkey does not schedule olympics of SAM systems to show which does better. :lol:
You guys don't get it. For Sanghis anything made in Bharat is world-beater class.

Of course most of these clueless slumdogs have never seen anything out of their slums in any case.
Indians like to claim grand things...just look what they did last 2 decades...superpower...manufacturing powerhouse...pharmacy of the world...world class...IT super power....surgical strikes..BS BS bla bla... list goes on.

They dont like the reality.

Reality is

Thanks for your valuable feedback.

Turkish trials are about fulfillment of Turkish requirements and pursuits in terms of developing LRSAM. This is my take as well.

Some members take Turkish trials in other sense. It is misleading. Turkey does not schedule olympics of SAM systems to show which does better. :lol:

Thats true. In the T-LORAMIDS (long range SAM tender) program, there were no SAM systems competing in the same field.

But I can give such an example like that: TANK-2000 tender was like a tank Olympics. As far as I know, you are a tank enthusiast, you should definitely take a look at the Tank-2000 tender. Gas turbine Abrams(M1A2 SEP), T-84-120, Leopard 2A6 and Leclerc competed head-to-head on the same courses. After months of development and field activities, that project was canceled too. lol. :D

You are under the impression that people will pay money to buy Naval ships made in India. Maybe to nations which do not have shipbuilding.

These guys come to us to build cargo ships, even little ones that displace 10,000 DWT or so.



You criticizing India has made you very famous on the shit forum. You are like a celebrity there.
how cute...just keep your new fishing boats outta these bad boy's reach...we have more of these AShM than your fishing boats can possibly dream of intercepting. ;)

ain't that the same tuna fish we intercepted? TWICE? :lol:

seriously dude, you need to get your money back from the french, they sold you a clunky bucket of bolts! :lol:
The designers of 055 understand the influence of radar position better than you. The performance of the 346B determines that it does not need to be so high.

Please do elaborate on that. You have perfected the art of deflection.

Mach 3's terminal speed is not fast, and it is not difficult to intercept Brahmos

What was the first blind speed of those Fregat radar clones, again?
The thread, if you aren't aware is about the P15B class destroyer.

Please do tell me about how the US- with a negligible share of commercial shipbuilding- is capable of building something like the Ford-class supercarrier.

Also do tell us how much you lag behind in Europeans & the Americans in fighters, as your share of the civilian airliner market is negligible.

America story is they had

Indian story is you never did, except if u claim 20000 BC verdic space ship and plastic surgery :rofl:
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I keep using that word "indengious" in multiple posts.

Corrected for you. Case in point.

Maybe try judging yourself with the same standards, lol. What's the indigenous content in the upcoming "Indigenous Bangladeshi frigate"? 5%?

These guys come to us to build cargo ships, even little ones that displace 10,000 DWT or so.

That's because you build cheap coastal vessels Billy-boy- do you even know that they are classified as River- sea vessels by us? Don't forget that you are those are the largest vessels you ever built. :rofl:

No Indian gives a damn when Indian companies build such vessels for foreign clients. These are worth boasting about, really??

Also you wouldn't see an Indian claim that we are ahead of the Dutch in commercial shipbuilding as well, lol.

Case in point,


Not to be overlooked is the fact that the yard you are boasting about went belly up.

The land owner even erected an effing wall in the middle of your super- duper yard. So much for ''muh shipbuilding industry'', eh? :lol:


Compare this to Cochin or L&T or Mazagon, lol. :rofl:

CSL's first vessel in the 1980s was 80,000 DWT, Rakibul wants to boast about 8000 DWT coasters...

Your performance in shipbuilding is as pathetic as your score in Economic complexity index. Remember that the next time you compare with a country which build aircraft carriers & 8000 tonne destroyers, Billy- boy. :lol:

Yours is a primitive preindustrial nation staying afloat on the "zakaat" of richer nations, aka GSP quota.

Of course most of these clueless slumdogs have never seen anything out of their slums in any case.

Stop projecting your mentality onto us, Billy Boy. We all know the country where half the urban population lives in slums... . Or are slumdogs...

And uses vessels with open bridges in this day & age... Obviously never seen anything out of your slums, I understand.


Not much unexpected from a country that has so that it files 1 or 2 patents annually at USPTO. Primitive & preindustrial but still wants to compare with a country which operates modern area defense destroyers. :rofl:

Maybe teach your super duper Air Force the spelling of propeller before comparing lol... ''Beware of Propeeller" Air Force.


Since you brought it up, China has THREE (yes THREE) civilian airliner projects in motion (all by COMAC).


Even in China...


I guess that proves my point. If China can develop fifth generation without having a significant market share in civil airliner market even at home, my logic holds.

Your Modi has dragged your economy down to a level lower than Bangladesh, for Allah's sake.

We will take your faked GDP figures seriously when your compatriots in this forum too accept it. Got it?

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@Bilal9 You are famous on gay hind forum lol...they screen shot your every post and discuss it lmao...pathetic rss bhakts.


Looks like Sanghi got triggered, nipping at my heels now with useless irrelevant topics and old Bangladeshi defence assets. These people have no himmat to come face-to-face, just keyboard warrior stupid f*cks spewing made up stats all day. Big Mouth Sanghis winning the war with mouth even before any shots are fired. :rofl:

Forming committees at Bharat Ratshack, a la IT coolie code-f*ckup meetings, so maybe five of them can come up with some "sollee-shun" to tackle me together.

What I speak is fact, that's why Sanghis have issues with me. But instead of shooting the messenger, they should correct their fuckups first and improve their economy. Modi's fakery of made up economic numbers is nothing we in Bangladesh can match.

Sanghis trump everyone in fraud and cheatery...including this Indian shipbuilding this Sanghi above was boasting about, aankh kholkey dekh,

" Today, while China, along with Japan and South Korea, accounts for almost 90 per cent of world shipbuilding capacity, the output of Indian shipyards adds up to a minuscule 0.045 per cent. Even domestically, only 10 per cent of Indian-flagged ships are built in our shipyards because of higher costs, lengthy delivery periods and indifferent quality. The dramatic success of our Asian neighbours only serves to highlight the absence of a ‘maritime vision’ in India. This is manifest in our failure to leverage early advantages and demographic assets and create a dynamic and competitive shipbuilding and ship-repair industry."

This Sanghi gadha comes to boast about Indian shipbuilding....another sad f*ckup blind to facts....read and weep about what your own media wrote,

How does a country like Bangladesh born 24 years later (and which had half India's nominal GDP per capita ten years ago), exceed them in that respect? Indians have no answer.

These Sanghis have nothing to do with their impotent pathetic lives than munch on bland food (Idli and Dosa Garbage) and spew hate all day.

I pity them fools....


More on topic - all prior evidence with IN practices (and colossal, gargantuan f*ckups well documented, even on this thread) shows that even if you handed IN the spaceship enterprise, they'd still manage to f*ck it up in operations.

Having assets is one thing, maintaining and operating them is quite another.

That one infamous report by a US Marine embedded in IN with a IN frigate, that Indians managed to delete from Instagram and social media about Indian Navy Sailors wearing flip flops and sponge sandals on deck to operate instruments and gunnery practice and Officers instituting caste system on board IN frigates was all I needed to know about how effective/efficient IN would be about tackling adversaries.

Pakistan Navy and PLAN have zero to worry about. Have preparedness and readiness as usual, but as always, Indians are pulling big bluffs.
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