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india receives first of 4 new 15b class destroyers

I will believe it when I see it on a Pak vessel.

Same old shtil with semi active radar homing & illuminator radars & probably a better motor. We had that stuff for ages now.
I recommend you take a look at the Babur class corvette
Also please do tell me how the range you quoted will help when you want to target a sea skimming missile over the horizon. Please be aware that the Earth is round.

346b is a 4-band radar that can detect far and near. In addition, there are CIWS system (H / PJ-11 proximity gun) and fl3000n missile. H / PJ-11 has a firing rate of 11000 rounds / min, ranking first in the world.
The MK15 of the USA has a firing rate of 6000 rounds / min.
Calcutta AK-630 close range gun has a firing rate of 5000 rounds / min.


I recommend you take a look at the Babur class corvette

I know of the vessel, I was talking about whether the system will be delivered. You know what happened to the T-129 deal with western components.
publications have mentioned the low placement of the 055’s main Type 346B arrays as a limitation or flaw in its design, which warrants some consideration. Warships such as the Royal Navy’s Type 45 and Indian Kolkata-class mount S band arrays atop a high mast, to provide greater radar horizon detection range against low flying targets. However, mounting arrays in a higher position also limits the size of the array, meaning the absolute power of the radar system is also reduced.

The Type 055, Type 052C/D, and Burke class adopt a “lower mounted” configuration. Some ships such as the Japanese Kongo/Atago-class, and the Spanish F100 and Australian Hobart-classes mount their main radar arrays at a slightly higher level than Burkes, Type 052C/D or Type 055 but lower than Type 45 or Indian Kolkata-class destroyers.

Super first class type 36

@SMX 3.0

Nice to see you left the word "Some" out of the beginning of the sentence. You wanted to convince people as if its all publications. Another online Indian trick.

This is the exact paragraph from the article.

" Some publications have mentioned the low placement of the 055’s main Type 346B arrays as a limitation or flaw in its design, which warrants some consideration. Warships such as the Royal Navy’s Type 45 and Indian Kolkata-class mount S band arrays atop a high mast, to provide greater radar horizon detection range against low flying targets. However, mounting arrays in a higher position also limits the size of the array, meaning the absolute power of the radar system is also reduced. "
HHQ16 has a speed of 4 Mach. And 054A has a high-speed data link, it can use 052D fire control radar through CEC, so HHQ16 does not need illuminator radars in armada operations

It's still not ARH eh? That's the point.

Datalink always exist in SAMs, even command guided ones. What's novel about it?

346b is a 4-band radar that can detect far and near. In addition, there are CIWS system (H / PJ-11 proximity gun) and fl3000n missile. H / PJ-11 has a firing rate of 11000 rounds / min, ranking first in the world. The MK15 of the USA has a firing rate of 6000 rounds / min. Calcutta AK-630 close range gun has a firing rate of 5000 rounds / min.

How is it related to what I said?

The question was how can the higher ranges you quoted help I'm defending against typical seaskimming supersonic AShMs. Not about the firing rate of CIWS.

Also, thanks to @Kingdom come

Some publications have mentioned the low placement of the 055’s main Type 346B arrays as a limitation or flaw in its design, which warrants some consideration. Warships such as the Royal Navy’s Type 45 and Indian Kolkata-class mount S band arrays atop a high mast, to provide greater radar horizon detection range against low flying targets

Physics do not work differently for the Chinese, AFAIK.
Delusional Indian idiots online think the HQ-9 is a joke and their Barak is better.

" The HQ-9 system also reportedly tested well, exhibiting a capability to engage cruise missiles on a par with that of the Raytheon/Lockheed Martin Patriot system, and potentially a longer range for conventional air targets than the Patriot and Eurosam Aster 30 systems. Chinese media sources also reported that although the HQ-9 system has a shorter range than the Russian system, it has a faster response time (15 seconds) and it hit all nine of its targets in trials. "

The question was how can the higher ranges you quoted help I'm defending against typical seaskimming supersonic AShMs. Not about the firing rate of CIWS.

Also, thanks to @Kingdom come

Some publications have mentioned the low placement of the 055’s main Type 346B arrays as a limitation or flaw in its design, which warrants some consideration. Warships such as the Royal Navy’s Type 45 and Indian Kolkata-class mount S band arrays atop a high mast, to provide greater radar horizon detection range against low flying targets

Physics do not work differently for the Chinese, AFAIK.

4-band radar can better detect sea skimming missiles, and China's near gun defense system is the first in the world. Although Brahmos has good performance, it still has many shortcomings. It is not the strongest anti-ship missile.
1. Brahmos adopts nose cone air inlet, and the internal space of the projectile is compressed, so it is impossible to install large search radar. The radar field of view is very narrow, which can be regarded as a semi blind projectile.
2. The missile body is too long, which makes it impossible to conduct snake maneuver, and the terminal lacks penetration capability.
3. The 300 km range is a high altitude ballistic range, not a low altitude ballistic range. Brahmos is too big and has obvious heat source characteristics. If high-altitude trajectory is used, it is easy to intercept. If it uses a low altitude trajectory, it has no range of 300 km.
4. India's early warning platform capability is very poor, and the missiles lacking detection capability lack lethality. India lacks the ability to find enemies 300 km away.
5. Brahmos adopts GPS and inertial guidance. With China's electronic warfare capability, we can interfere with such a missile in the launch phase and middle section, resulting in its yaw.

YJ12 has a high-altitude trajectory of 400km and a terminal speed of 4 Mach, and it has satellite guidance and terminal active radar guidance.
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India is not in the same class yet of the Rafale Slayers AKA Jf-17s, HQ 9s, F-35 killers, etc.

We quietly want to add to our capabilities within our means. No need to waste your time over 6 pages with rubbish guys. You have better weapons and India is toast. Now stop giving people interested in this new system headaches with your garbage. Go celebrate your weapons systems that you think are better.
Delusional Indian idiots online think the HQ-9 is a joke and their Barak is better.

" The HQ-9 system also reportedly tested well, exhibiting a capability to engage cruise missiles on a par with that of the Raytheon/Lockheed Martin Patriot system, and potentially a longer range for conventional air targets than the Patriot and Eurosam Aster 30 systems. Chinese media sources also reported that although the HQ-9 system has a shorter range than the Russian system, it has a faster response time (15 seconds) and it hit all nine of its targets in trials. "

Although China and Turkey have a bad relationship because of the Xinjiang issue. However, in the Turkish bidding, China's HQ9 (all 9 shots hit) still defeated the American Patriot system, European asters 30 and Russian S300, and was selected by Turkey. However, Turkey subsequently put forward requirements for the transfer of technology and the modification of the system to be compatible with the NATO system, resulting in the suspension of the transaction. In 2018, Turkey re selected the Russian S400.
Missiles: Barak 8 -JV
Brahmos- JV, Made by Brahmos Aerospace
Volume search radar- LW- 08 Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
SONAR: Humsa NG, Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
CIWS- AK 630- Manufactured by OFB
Main Gun- Manufactured by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Hull & design- Indian
Torpedo Launchers- Indian, Manufactured by L&T
CMS, Datalink- Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
EW suite: Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
ASW rocket system: Indian, Manufactured by L&T

I guess the point has been made.

Please do tell me why isn't. I am interested to hear the POV of the fishing- boat- Navy- fleet country.
Yes you did 🤣.
4-band radar can better detect sea skimming missiles

When the radar array itself is located low? Physics do not work that way & your statement belies the very definition of radar horizons

Brahmos adopts nose cone air inlet, and the internal space of the projectile is compressed, so it is impossible to install large search radar.

The nose cone itself is large, and the missile diameter is larger at 0.67m.

Here are the specs of Brahmos seeker. Please do note the steerability of the same in elevation & azimuth.

DRDL-ECIL-developed & Data Patterns-built X-band Monopulse Seeker for BrahMos-NG-1.jpg

The missile body is too long, which makes it impossible to conduct snake maneuver, and the terminal lacks penetration capability.

Brahmos have already demonstrated S maneuver & steep dive capabilities. So your statement makes no sense.

As for penetration capabilities, the capability of a 2.5 tonne Missile at Mach 3 is pretty much known. It's called Physics.

3. The 300 km range is a high altitude ballistic range, not a low altitude ballistic range.

Brahmos is not a Ballistic but a cruise missile, so your statement falls flat. The range of Brahmos in high- high flight profile has already gone up to 450 & is now being increased to 600 km. So your argument, once again holds no water.

India's early warning platform capability is very poor, and the missiles lacking detection capability lack lethality. India lacks the ability to find enemies 300 km away.

That's your speculation, not based in reality. India has numerous platforms including the P-8 & high resolution satellites for such purposes.

5. Brahmos adopts GPS and inertial guidance. With China's electronic warfare capability, we can interfere with such a missile in the launch phase and middle section, resulting in its yaw.

And India don't have EW capabilities on its ships? Do Google up Shakti EW system. I guess you know why we decided to go with it instead of any imported versions.

YJ12 has a high-altitude trajectory of 400km and a terminal speed of 4 Mach, and it has satellite guidance and terminal active radar guidance

I guess you have answered yourself here. Those capabilities are subpar in comparison with something like the Brahmos.
When the radar array itself is located low? Physics do not work that way & your statement belies the very definition of radar horizons

The nose cone itself is large, and the missile diameter is larger at 0.67m.

Here are the specs of Brahmos seeker. Please do note the steerability of the same in elevation & azimuth.

View attachment 789408

Brahmos have already demonstrated S maneuver & steep dive capabilities. So your statement makes no sense.

As for penetration capabilities, the capability of a 2.5 tonne Missile at Mach 3 is pretty much known. It's called Physics.

Brahmos is not a Ballistic but a cruise missile, so your statement falls flat. The range of Brahmos in high- high flight profile has already gone up to 450 & is now being increased to 600 km. So your argument, once again holds no water.

That's your speculation, not based in reality. India has numerous platforms including the P-8 & high resolution satellites for such purposes.

And India don't have EW capabilities on its ships? Do Google up Shakti EW system. I guess you know why we decided to go with it instead of any imported versions.

I guess you have answered yourself here. Those capabilities are subpar in comparison with something like the Brahmos.

The designers of 055 understand the influence of radar position better than you. The performance of the 346B determines that it does not need to be so high.

Of course I know that Brahmos is not a ballistic missile, so I compare it with YJ12 instead of DF21D.

Mach 3's terminal speed is not fast, and it is not difficult to intercept Brahmos. The terminal speed of YJ12 is Mach 4.
I know of the vessel, I was talking about whether the system will be delivered. You know what happened to the T-129 deal with western components.
Italy is a reliable partner. T129 deal was put on hold due to US influence. Camm ER has no US influence. Everything we ordered from Italy has arrived in Pakistan. Spaada 2000 or m109L they all arrived
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