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india receives first of 4 new 15b class destroyers

Every thing including MF radar, missiles, sea surface surveillance radar, missile, CIWS, main gun, propulsion system.

Missiles: Barak 8 -JV
Brahmos- JV, Made by Brahmos Aerospace
Volume search radar- LW- 08 Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
SONAR: Humsa NG, Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
CIWS- AK 630- Manufactured by OFB
Main Gun- Manufactured by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Hull & design- Indian
Torpedo Launchers- Indian, Manufactured by L&T
CMS, Datalink- Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
EW suite: Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
ASW rocket system: Indian, Manufactured by L&T

I guess the point has been made.

Who else they can they compare? Lol. Poster here claims its world class lmao so ppl has every right to make fun.

Please do tell me why isn't. I am interested to hear the POV of the fishing- boat- Navy- fleet country.
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Yet certain country tried hard to import Phalcon AWACS from them.

Instrumented Range: >250 Km & >450 Km

Please go learn how an interceptor works. Also Mach what exactly??

China is definitely not worlds most technologically advanced, definitely not with copied Fregat radars and copied S-300 SAMs. Stop cheast-beating everywhere.

China imported Phalcon AWACS in 1998. Do you think China in 2021 is equal to China in 1998?
Have you ever heard of quantum radar? Go to Google to find out who is the country with the largest number of long-range radar exports in recent years.

Barak 8 this 2 Mach rubbish, I'm not interested in talking about it. HQ16b of 054A has 4 Mach.

For the performance of HQ9, you can refer to the results of HQ9's participation in the Turkish bidding.

As for the data you said, you Indians made it up. Indians like to lie to themselves. You should look at the country of origin data.
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Did you read what your source said? Here is it for you again.

The sector has two major segments: namely commercial and naval segments. Presently commercial shipbuilding sectors are dominated by China, Japan, Korea, European Countries; whereas naval shipbuilding sector is dominated by USA, China, EC, Russia, Japan, India.

It means that Naval shipbuilding in India has a major share in Global naval shipbuilding industry. That says a lot about Indian Naval shipbuilding capabilities

What does commercial shipbuilding have to do with this?
Do you comprehend what you read?

All nations purchase naval ships with taxpayers' money from their own shipbuilders with local workers wherever available, tell us an exception? That's how your shipbuilders got a big fat cheque from your government, that's how they "dominate" your own money, but do they "dominate" anything outside India in the global naval shipbuilding market? The only objective way to tell how good are your shipbuilders is in global commercial market, where there's no government purchase, where ship buyers make pure business decision not political, where all shipbuilders are competing on a level playing field, tell us how Indian shipbuilders score here? Zero?
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Missiles: Barak 8 -JV
Brahmos- JV, Made by Brahmos Aerospace
Volume search radar- LW- 08 Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
SONAR: Humsa NG, Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
CIWS- AK 630- Manufactured by OFB
Main Gun- Manufactured by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Hull & design- Indian
Torpedo Launchers- Indian, Manufactured by L&T
CMS, Datalink- Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
EW suite: Manufactured by BEL Bangalore.
ASW rocket system: Indian, Manufactured by L&T

I guess the point has been made.

Please do tell me why isn't. I am interested to hear the POV of the fishing- boat- Navy- fleet country.
Learn the meaning of world class.
world class

Worldclass **

Learn the meaning of world class.

Why don't you explain? Interested in a Bangladeshi POV. :lol:
Barak 8 this 2 Mach rubbish, I'm not interested in talking about it. HQ16b of 054A has 4 Mach.

No comments about MF-STAR now. Okay.

Not interested in talking about Barak 8 as well, since it has proved itself against the Iskander.

Wants me to refer to what Pariah state Turkey thought about HHQ or whatever.

Ok, dear. I guess you have earned your day's wage & social credit points now.
Worldclass **

this is actually interesting , they didn't bother to remove the dust covers from the exhaust ? causing overheat.
You know the things that have REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT written on them. Their maintenance crews deserve some of the blame for the f ups. Then again, the pilots should have spotted this in pre-flight checks.
Those Barak 8's are no bueno for us . We need hypersonic anti ship missiles with longer range then the existing ones .Maybe we should start a JV with China to develop them
And what was this thread about? Building bulk carriers?

Stop deflecting kid. The point here is Naval shipbuilding capabilities.
What's this thread about, how "world-class" is Indian shipbuilding?

This thread was already deflected by you folks to conclude India is "world-class" shipbuilder by merely building an Indian naval ship, where in reality all shipbuilders are protected by their own governments yours included, and your protected shipbuilder is a proven failure in open commercial market world-wide where your government protection no longer applies. Yes, you stop defecting the thread to tell us "world-class" joke aka your utterly incompetitive shipbuilding industry with zero presence in rest-of-the-world, if you're not a kid.
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