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india receives first of 4 new 15b class destroyers

What kind of a name is "Wiz-ugga-fart-numb" ?
it is named after a god. https://visakhapatnam.ap.gov.in/history/ your post is a religious insult against a hindu sect. since you people are beloved of the PDF staff nothing will be done. on the other hand I can get 2 warning points for 1 post by Foxtrot Alpha and WebMaster for saying (in a heated argument) indians stink (insulting a nation/being racist)
in love it when Pakistanis and Bangladeshi posters slate Indian destroyers carriers.nuke subs .

their only answer is ha ha

their navies are fishing boats in comparison... but they mock Indians over massive warships inducted designed in India


I know you Pakistanis swear by chinease equipment

but the highly advanced sensors missles are superior on Indian warships
we have access to israeli technology which is huge advantage.

after reading the above the ha ha a d lol.will.
...turn to begrudging respect and fear.

I know you Pakistanis swear by chinease equipment

but the highly advanced sensors missles are superior on Indian warships
we have access to israeli technology which is huge advantage.

after reading the above the ha ha a d lol.will.
...turn to begrudging respect and fear.
what a proud Indian, laughing at Pakistanis, Bangladeshi but when it comes to west/iserali, you instantly lost your knee and kneel down.

I know you Pakistanis swear by chinease equipment

but the highly advanced sensors missles are superior on Indian warships
we have access to israeli technology which is huge advantage.

after reading the above the ha ha a d lol.will.
...turn to begrudging respect and fear.

There are too many mistakes in this article.
First, Israel's radar technology is only second rate in the world. El / m-2248 mf-star has a detection range of 250km for high-altitude aircraft and 25km for low-altitude missiles. This is only half the performance of similar products in China and the USA.
Secondly, Barak 8 is only Mach 2 garbage. Except F18&F35, any 4G plane is faster than it. But Indians actually compare it withHQ9. The Indian media are shameless.
I'm too lazy to read the rest of the articles. They are all Indian lies and boasting.
Calcutta is not even as good as 052C. If it fights in a large naval formation, it may not win 054A.
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Indians have a funny definition indigenous. Every thing including MF radar, missiles, sea surface surveillance radar, missile, CIWS, main gun, propulsion system. I mean everything imported from 10 different sources and labeled as indigenous. I am not criticising bcz it is a good approach but calling it a local product is nothing short of a joke.
This is a very nice photo.

India's warship building capabilities have really improved a lot.

But this capability is still very weak, as you can see by looking at this warship.


According to the Nature Index, India's overall research capacity is now among the highest in the world

India has surpassed Russia

First, Israel's radar technology is only second rate in the world

Yet certain country tried hard to import Phalcon AWACS from them.

El / m-2248 mf-star has a detection range of 250km for high-altitude aircraft and 25km for low-altitude missiles.

Instrumented Range: >250 Km & >450 Km

Secondly, Barak 8 is only Mach 2 garbage. Except F18&F35, any 4G plane is faster than it

Please go learn how an interceptor works. Also Mach what exactly??

China is definitely not worlds most technologically advanced, definitely not with copied Fregat radars and copied S-300 SAMs. Stop cheast-beating everywhere.
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what a proud Indian, laughing at Pakistanis, Bangladeshi but when it comes to west/iserali, you instantly lost your knee and kneel down.
Who else they can they compare? Lol. Poster here claims its world class lmao so ppl has every right to make fun.

There army keep crying china is the real threats...all over the internet bhakts keep crying over it...but look at the response of supa pawa ppl here..cant even reply to any Chinese posters...and these ppl think they can fight two front war lmao.

Compare them self with bangladesh lol country of one eight the size ha ha to feel better.
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