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india receives first of 4 new 15b class destroyers


Looks like Sanghi got triggered, nipping at my heels now with useless irrelevant topics. These people have no himmat to come face-to-face, just keyboard warrior stupid f*cks spewing made up stats all day. Big Mouth Sanghis winning the war with mouth even before any shots are fired. :rofl:

Forming committees at Bharat Ratshack, a la IT coolie code-f*ckup meetings, so maybe five of them can come up with some "sollee-shun" to tackle me together.

What I speak is fact, that's why Sanghis have issues with me. But instead of shooting the messenger, they should correct their fuckups first and improve their economy. Modi's fakery of made up economic numbers is nothing we in Bangladesh can match.

Sanghis trump everyone in fraud and cheatery...including this Indian shipbuilding this Sanghi above was boasting about, aankh kholkey dekh,

" Today, while China, along with Japan and South Korea, accounts for almost 90 per cent of world shipbuilding capacity, the output of Indian shipyards adds up to a minuscule 0.045 per cent. Even domestically, only 10 per cent of Indian-flagged ships are built in our shipyards because of higher costs, lengthy delivery periods and indifferent quality. The dramatic success of our Asian neighbours only serves to highlight the absence of a ‘maritime vision’ in India. This is manifest in our failure to leverage early advantages and demographic assets and create a dynamic and competitive shipbuilding and ship-repair industry."

This Sanghi gadha comes to boast about Indian shipbuilding....another sad f*ckup blind to facts....read and weep about what your own media wrote,

How does a country like Bangladesh born 24 years later (and which had half India's nominal GDP per capita ten years ago), exceed them in that respect? Indians have no answer.

These Sanghis have nothing to do with their impotent pathetic lives than munch on bland food and spew hate all day.

I pity them fools....


I was shocked to see how these dumb slumdogs keep taking screen shots your post to discuss on the gay hind forum.

You should read how they discuss supa pawa wet dreams lmao...all endian posters no opposing views ha ha...excessively self jerking.....bad mouthing china pak bd.
I was shocked to see how these dumb slumdogs keep taking screen shots your post to discuss on the gay hind forum.

You should read how they discuss supa pawa wet dreams lmao...all endian posters no opposing views ha ha...excessively self jerking.....bad mouthing china pak bd.

Yup shows where India and Indians are headed, led by these slumdogs.

All fantasy and past glory as Hindus and Hindutva, nothing real. If you doubt it even for one second, you are "deshdrohi" and a seditionist.

I feel really sorry about the quiet, educated and sane Indians, they had their country hijacked by these half-educated Sanghi political goondas and IT coolies. India is and will be spiralling downward, there is no hope with Modi at the controls, their economy is headed for ruination by any measure....
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The main gun is sadly again oto melara 76 mm rapid gun instead of 127 mm mk45 gun , which may be added later.

I completely agree , project 18 may rectify some issues .
Four project 15b class will be built .
Named as

View attachment 789278
This is for you , so your teeth will not fall .
Now speak with me mettuppalaiyam.
A place in Tamil nadu

Why no 130mm Russian auto canons?
This is a very nice photo.

India's warship building capabilities have really improved a lot.

But this capability is still very weak, as you can see by looking at this warship.

View attachment 789322

According to the Nature Index, India's overall research capacity is now among the highest in the world

India has surpassed Russia

View attachment 789323

I am sorry - not impressed with the weapons fitted - unless they have plans to upgrade them later, Smerch 2 for ASROCs?? These are 60's era weapons. Indians are at least 50 years behind the Chinese in ASROC tech, forget other stuff.

And research wise, writing volumes of research papers and filing patents are one thing, but coming up with actual workable solutions is something else entirely.

My experience is Indians (how few educated ones there are) are great at theory but their entire govt. and industry suck at execution. The better and smarter Indians who could, have already left for the West in disgust. In Defence tech, just as in Industry, India is falling farther and farther behind.

"Trying" (outwardly) to spend money to compete in defence tech, and provide a counterpoint to China is only a tool to,

a) Line the pockets of Hindutva politicians in India, and,

b) Raise the wave of Rah Rah jingoism so Modi can keep winning successive elections, broadening the road for more Hindutva politicians looting from the Indian cash till...
Why no 130mm Russian auto canons?

If you are talking 30mm CIWS autocannon (Gatling gun), it has those (AK-630 X 4).
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It's equal to Type-54P or Babur class in terms of firepower?
Asides from the number of Brahmos cells yes, and the LR SAM it more or less is the same firepower as our type 054a frigates.
Asides from the number of Brahmos cells yes, and the LR SAM it more or less is the same firepower as our type 054a frigates.

typical ridiculous comment.
its like saying f22 raptor had same number of missles as a su30mki or mig29 ...

you have totally disregarded
radar tech
missle type
stealth shaping

I put money on the Israelis radar sensors and Barak 8 being far more effective than any chinease system.on your frigates.

Brahmos is the most lethal.cruise missles In large scale service.

but if it makes,you sleep we'll
typical ridiculous comment.
its like saying f22 raptor had same number of missles as a su30mki or mig29 ...

you have totally disregarded
radar tech
missle type
stealth shaping

I put money on the Israelis radar sensors and Barak 8 being far more effective than any chinease system.on your frigates.

Brahmos is the most lethal.cruise missles In large scale service.

but if it makes,you sleep we'll
For a destroyer its shit. It has less range than our 054ap frigates, its speed is more or less the same, VLS it has the exact same amount. Brahmos is a discount p800 onyx. The cm302 on our type 054a frigates out range the brahmos.

Also your faith in Israeli equipment...maybe a bit misplaced... Didnt work out last time it was used
For a destroyer its shit. It has less range than our 054ap frigates, its speed is more or less the same, VLS it has the exact same amount. Brahmos is a discount p800 onyx. The cm302 on our type 054a frigates out range the brahmos.

Also your faith in Israeli equipment...maybe a bit misplaced... Didnt work out last time it was used

brahmos brahmos brahmos , a downgraded Russian p800, is all sangris can say
Yup shows where India and Indians are headed, led by these slumdogs.

All fantasy and past glory as Hindus and Hindutva, nothing real. If you doubt it even for one second, you are "deshdrohi" and a seditionist.

I feel really sorry about the quiet, educated and sane Indians, they had their country hijacked by these half-educated Sanghi political goondas and IT coolies. India is and will be spiralling downward, there is no hope with Modi at the controls, their economy is headed for ruination by any measure....

India is British made product, hundreds of kingdoms with different people, culture, language and writing system, conquered and conquered again by foreign invaders

I don’t see any past glory hinduvta can claim
India is British made product, hundreds of kingdoms with different people, culture, language and writing system, conquered and conquered again by foreign invaders

I don’t see any past glory hinduvta can claim

All made up stories, just to make people feel good...

If your present is $hit, then you have to 'invent' a glorious past, just to claim someone stole it from you.

Pointing fingers is a weak habit common in India - always someone else's fault. Never taking responsibility for one's own self....
For a destroyer its shit. It has less range than our 054ap frigates, its speed is more or less the same, VLS it has the exact same amount. Brahmos is a discount p800 onyx. The cm302 on our type 054a frigates out range the brahmos.

Also your faith in Israeli equipment...maybe a bit misplaced... Didnt work out last time it was used

You hit the nail on the head - "Discount" is the exact word I'd use.

Look at the ASROCs, reminded me of 70's era Soviet Frigates....

Kanjoosi Destroyer.... :lol:
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brahmos brahmos brahmos , a downgraded Russian p800, is all sangris can say

When you have almost zero to boast, you only clutch at straws.

The only thing Indian in a P800 ONYX supplied to India is the paint and name "Brahmos" painted on.

Lies, cheatery and fraud is all Sanghis have....
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