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Shiv Sena smears black paint on Sudheendra Kulkarni's face to protest Pakistan politician's book lau

You are still the joker.

Permission was granted by the police, and the Chief Minister assured that there would be no disturbance.
lol i was asking the same ! why police which comes under Home Ministry gave consent for the function. Also why visa was given to a pakistani to release his book in India.
Those who support Pakistan better apply for Pakistani citizenship and settle there. India doesn't need burden of such people.
lol i was asking the same ! why police which comes under Home Ministry gave consent for the function. Also why visa was given to a pakistani to release his book in India.

You were hardly asking the same.

You asked clearly if anyone, any Pakistani, could release a book without permission from the concerned authorities.

The answer is 'yes'; no permission is required to hold a meeting and release a book.

As it happens, the organisers, including Kulkarni, sought police protection, not permission. Look it up. They were assured of protection. They did not get it.

You ask why the police should give permission, considering that it is under the Home Ministry.

What being under the Home Ministry has to do with it is not clear, unless you want us to know that you know these very important things about public life. As for the permission that they did not give, the question that should be asked is, why should they not give permission? The follow on question is, why should they come into the picture at all, other than as a possibility of something becoming a law and order matter?

You need to finish school first before participating in these discussions. Like several others.
lol i was asking the same ! why police which comes under Home Ministry gave consent for the function. Also why visa was given to a pakistani to release his book in India.

Evil Modi.....always the culprit....but what to do? That chap won't brook any such nonsense, anyone trying this stunt with him will be wearing their testicles around their ears. The goons always value their only indication of manhood, that is why they gang up on a guy like Sudheendra Kulkarni.
Those who support Pakistan better apply for Pakistani citizenship and settle there. India doesn't need burden of such people.

In my opinion, India does not need the burden of parasites like you. But then, the problem is, nobody is likely to give fringe elements like you shelter.

Evil Modi.....always the culprit....but what to do? That chap won't brook any such nonsense, anyone trying this stunt with him will be wearing their testicles around their ears. The goons always value their only indication of manhood, that is why they gang up on a guy like Sudheendra Kulkarni.

I am not at all sure whether to take a positive view or a negative view of your post. Mission accomplished, I suppose.
Sad day, Doc.

Sorry to hear that Joe.

That said, both of us cannot go through life being sad every time our respective moral compasses do not show the same North.

There are the inherently decent and there are the little nunnis.

Equally, there are different generations in India, and you and I just happen to be from different times, and different perspectives.

As I feel with the 20 and 30 year old puppies here.

At the end of the day what counts is what your heart beats for.

And may I take the liberty to posit that what Calcutta needs today is a bong Shiv Sena.

And no, neither Didi's goons nor the Commie ones come close to their efficiency in cleaning a place and keeping the essentials running at full steam.

Cheers, Doc

Jai Hind, Jai Maharashtra.
I am not at all sure whether to take a positive view or a negative view of your post. Mission accomplished, I suppose.

This is not about Sudheendra Kulkarni, the Shiv Sena hardly cares. They are against Modi, someone who doesn't seem to give them either love or even a modicum of respect. That attitude seems to have seeped down to the local BJP guys in Maharashtra. The Shiv Sena is struggling for an identity, this is all they can do. They would have loved to do to Modi what they did with S.Kulkarni but cannot & Modi does not even bother acknowledging their antics.

Who gave the visa? Who is allowing this book release in Mumbai, among other places? Who has sent a message that the function will go on not withstanding the protests of the Shiv Sena? Kasuri didn't slip through the cracks & suddenly end up here. Not that sort of a government in Delhi. There is a message & the Shiv Sena gets it & hopes to try & make some mileage while also posing some uncomfortable questions to the BJP. Unfortunately, no one is buying their message. Sudheendra Kulkarni was the only target available for the Shiv Sena to vent its frustrations..
Except those that matter. Maharashtrians.

Not just the marathi manoos either. But the ones with the machinery and the lube.

I'm not so sure though I will defer to your superior local knowledge. The Shiv Sena had its time, not as easy to rail away at the BJP on such issues as it was against the Congress. Low traction.
Sorry to hear that Joe.

That said, both of us cannot go through life being sad every time our respective moral compasses do not show the same North.

There are the inherently decent and there are the little nunnis.

Equally, there are different generations in India, and you and I just happen to be from different times, and different perspectives.

As I feel with the 20 and 30 year old puppies here.

At the end of the day what counts is what your heart beats for.

And may I take the liberty to posit that what Calcutta needs today is a bong Shiv Sena.

And no, neither Didi's goons nor the Commie ones come close to their efficiency in cleaning a place and keeping the essentials running at full steam.

Cheers, Doc

Jai Hind, Jai Maharashtra.

True, Doc.

I had for some reason counted you among the inherently decent. I still do, actually; silly of me, isn't it?

The last thing that Calcutta needs today is a Bong Shiv Sena. You got your equations wrong. It was the Islamic Shiv Sena equivalent of the time that sent your people away from home in a quest for shelter. It was the tolerant of the foreign and the exotic, the opposite poles of the Shiv Sena, who gave you welcome shelter and took you into their hearts. Not these scum, not the @SarthakGanguly / @Speed / @punit kind of cretin.

You scored a same-side, Doc. Pity, that.

Pakistani @ss lickers like you need to be thrown out of the country. It is you who should have been painted black and given a donkey ride across the city :lol:

At the moment, it is you on a donkey back, painted pink. But then, you are the sort of social misfit who seeks attention through notoriety, since you cannot get attention any other way.
I'm not so sure though I will defer to your superior local knowledge. The Shiv Sena had its time, not as easy to rail away at the BJP on such issues as it was against the Congress. Low traction.

Not so superior, living as I do in Pune. But yes, I have my links. Unapologetically. Its a genteel urbane party which uses goons as its strong arm. Not a novelty.

The thing is, the BJP is Brahmin. The SS and MNS Maratha. The BJP does not "belong" in Mumbai. The BJP remains in Mumbai and came to Mumbai flying piggyback on our PM's broad back.

But we did not get our PM.

We got pudgy gut bahman.

Got the nuance?
At the moment, it is you on a donkey back, painted pink. But then, you are the sort of social misfit who seeks attention through notoriety, since you cannot get attention any other way.
Enjoy your professional title in pakistan @ss liking forum cuz I am sure your social life here in India sucks...we don't tolerate @sslickers like you in our country :lol:
This is not about Sudheendra Kulkarni, the Shiv Sena hardly cares. They are against Modi, someone who doesn't seem to give them either love or even a modicum of respect. That attitude seems to have seeped down to the local BJP guys in Maharashtra. The Shiv Sena is struggling for an identity, this is all they can do. They would have loved to do to Modi what they did with S.Kulkarni but cannot & Modi does not even bother acknowledging their antics.

Who gave the visa? Who is allowing this book release in Mumbai, among other places? Who has sent a message that the function will go on not withstanding the protests of the Shiv Sena? Kasuri didn't slip through the cracks & suddenly end up here. Not that sort of a government in Delhi. There is a message & the Shiv Sena gets it & hopes to try & make some mileage while also posing some uncomfortable questions to the BJP. Unfortunately, no one is buying their message. Sudheendra Kulkarni was the only target available for the Shiv Sena to vent its frustrations..

Got it.

Favourable impression it is.

Enjoy your professional title in pakistan @ss liking forum cuz I am sure your social life here in India sucks...we don't tolerate @sslickers like you in our country :lol:

Actually, my social life in India is going through a - dare I say it? - red patch. I am pretty nicely tolerated, thank you very much for asking. :enjoy:

Enjoy your professional title in pakistan @ss liking forum cuz I am sure your social life here in India sucks...we don't tolerate @sslickers like you in our country :lol:

Oh, I have a pretty OK reputation in Indian sites as well. Do you, you loser?
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