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Shiv Sena smears black paint on Sudheendra Kulkarni's face to protest Pakistan politician's book lau

lol i was asking the same ! why police which comes under Home Ministry gave consent for the function. Also why visa was given to a pakistani to release his book in India.

Those who support Pakistan better apply for Pakistani citizenship and settle there. India doesn't need burden of such people.

These two must be the biggest clowns ever on the internet .:rofl::partay:
Burning & screaming as if there chuddis caught fire :blah::blah:'Why is a Pakistani allowed in India ':blah::blah:

yet there logged in on a Pakistani forum from India :wave: Life must be empty & shit :bad:
These two must be the biggest clowns ever on the internet .:rofl::partay:
Burning & screaming as if there chuddis caught fire :blah::blah:'Why is a Pakistani allowed in India ':blah::blah:

yet there logged in on a Pakistani forum from India :wave: Life must be empty & shit :bad:

Losers with no social acceptance in real life.

Seriously? This was a party that was involved in rioting in the earlier "secular" times, now that they have advanced to ink throwing in these "communal" times, you are getting all despondent?

Have been reading your recent posts. Me thinks that your perspective meter is a little out of whack. May need a reboot.

I'm glad to see that you find the SS becoming gentrified. They're still our equivalent of trailer trash.

another batch of honor ! thanks grandpa!

hahaha .. thanks for the comic relief !

Batch of honour? You're the most unlikely cupcake I've seen.
Silent majority like me support such acts. I repeat we will do it again and again till Pakistani stop knocking our doors for work and their @sslickers like @Joe Shearer are thrown out of the country. Zero tolerance for Pakistani or Pakistani @sslickers in my country.

Pakistani are only welcome in India as Tourists and that's it.

Jai Hind

@Bang Galore You see now why i am getting irritated with this boy and usually go off on a tangent. these so called self proclaimed orators of the masses.

@Joe Shearer dobn't feed the trolls
@Bang Galore You see now why i am getting irritated with this boy and usually go off on a tangent. these so called self proclaimed orators of the masses.
Too much of anger not good for health, it leads to high blood pressure and anxiety that cud cause heart failure and you may end up in Indian hospitals, paying our hospital bills, which would go as tax money to the government of India and will be utilized in purchasing defense equipment against Pakistan.

So if you love your country don't loose your temper :lol:
@Joe Shearer

Firstly, I think you have the genesis of the Shiv Sena wrong?

The sugar barons you keep repeating? Sharad Pawar. Difficult to fight a more militant Maratha, and old Maratha, in terms of his lineage. The quintessential Maratha strongman and sugar baron. NCP. And originally the staunch Congressi.

So put the proletariat shoe where it fits please.

The Shiv Sena were always urban. Even today they largely are. Hardly any traction in rural areas or hinterland. Built on the sweat and blood (mainly blood) Mumbai of the mill lands and labor unions.

But make no mistake. When it comes to the Hindu Maha Rashtra, Maratha or Bahman are all alike, and will all come together. This squabbling is internal. But eually it stops them from ever rising to national level. Which is a pet peeve of the Marathi Manoos of course when one looks back and sees Deve Snoring Gowda and Gujral types.

I have a lot of faith in Hindu goodness Joe. And open mindedness. And big heartedness.

I am equally disgusted by the fringe. Not because they are Hindu. But because they are little nunnis.

The Shiv Sena has been anything but. They have always been around. Through all Congress regimes. And they have been in your face. Not just in Maharashtra, but across the country.

So they are goons. Big deal. I'd rather have a goon on my side when I go to war.

Than a pseudo-intellectual with a "pen" and a chip on his shoulder, having his millennial orgasm in the sun .....

Cheers, Doc

So I am now below the salt.

Too bad.
Have you seen me argue anything else? Maybe the end of the world is around the corner or maybe it isn't. This however does not qualify.

One of these days, we'll sit down and talk things through and figure out what precisely your position is. I get confused from time to time. As far as I can see it, it is pro-Modi as a man who can get things done, and who might be excused a killing or two for the greater good of the nation, and it is also hostile to the fringe that surrounds him, being confident that he is with them and not of them.

For me, it is the same as it always has been. It is the rule of law. And it is reason, not faith.

C'mon.. it's the latest trend.. one needs to go with the flow! Have you not been noticing all those awardees returning their awards.. 'cause India has suddenly changed from being a land of honey, milk, hope & glory to pain & misery, overnight?

Whatever this profound post meant......
They're the future of India.

We Indians know how to decide our own future. That is our strength.A nation that faced military rule in half of her history cant understand that strength .So you dont need concern about that.
[naveed]Super. Very nice story.

Why do Maharashtrans vote for Shiv Sena/BJP? It's at odds with the cosmopolitan nature of Mumbai.


[sabyasachi]Why do Maharashtrans vote for Shiv Sena/BJP?
Actually, they dont. They have voted for the fascists on only two ocassions (1994 and in 2014) . Before the current lot of fascists came to power in Maha, secular folks had been running the state for 15 years. These guys spent some Rs. 70 K crores on various irrigation projects while increasing the total irrigated area in the state by some 1% or so and made this state the farmer suicide capital of India. Perhaps this might have contributed to the state of affairs......

[fingolfin]The BJP got voted in only now because there was severe anti-incumbency against the Congress in Maharashtra which had been ruling the roost for a long time there. Some time back Naveed, I think you had posted a political map of India with large parts of it colored saffron representing the BJP ruled states. Well, only months before that, that entire area was blue for the Congress. They voted in the BJP because they really are the only alternative in many states and aligning yourself with the center is considered prudent politics although my state(Karnataka) for some reason thinks the opposite.

Why the Shiv Sena has a strong presence in Mumbai is also puzzling given how cosmopolitan the city is. They thrive on the politics of hatred and negativity. just for some context, their target in the 70's were South Indians(of all shades, but especially Tamilians) who were doing well there in white collar jobs as well as in the Mumbai underworld. Varadarajan Mudaliar comes to mind. if you can, do watch Kamal Hasan's film based on his life with subtitles called "Nayagan". It is now considered a cult classic and was nominated as one of the 100 best movies of all time across the world by TIME magazine.

Anyway, then, it shifted to UPites and Biharis who take care of all the manual labor of the city. And the Shiv Sena has the gall to say that they are taking away jobs from the Marathi Manoos(local Maharashtrians) when in fact those are jobs that local Maharashtrians will not do. If they did, the Biharis would not be able to fill up the vacuum in the first place. The Shiv Sena has tried to spread it's word to other parts of the state but has failed. It succeeds in Mumbai because in the civic body elections, nobody else turns out to vote other than the core Marathi vote bank of the Sena. Voter turnout ranges from 20% to a maximum of 45% generally speaking.

It is also true that the Sena, by and large, does not meddle too much with what keeps Mumbai ticking because that would mean that the rest would start voting in these civic polls just to make sure that the Sena is not a nuisance anymore. They frequently make anti-Pakistan noises, get their thugs to bully some unfortunate UPite here or there and talk about cab drivers having to learn Marathi to get a license but this time, by popular consent, they have gone one step too far.

[Sabyasachi]The Sena's traditional vote base has been in Mumbai and in the Konkan area. They also have pockets of support among OBCs in Western Maha, Vidarbha and Marathwada, mainly as a reaction of the support of the dominant Kunbi-Marathas to the INC and NCP. In a way, their support comes from some segments who were economically and politically losing out to some "others". Their vote base outside the Mumbai-Konkan belt is being cannibalised by the BJP.

[fingolfin]Right, although never significant enough to threaten government formation on their own in Maharashtra. For a party that speaks only for Maharashtrians, this has to be an existential problem, especially since as you say, the BJP is slowly but surely swallowing their vote bank. The BJP, Congress-NCP always do better.

Compare that to the success other regional parties enjoy. AIADMK and DMK in Tamil Nadu, BJD in Odisha, TMC in West Bengal, TDP in Andhra, TRS in Telangana etc. Folk that are powerful satraps and who regularly form government in their own states having a much less divisive agenda.
One of these days, we'll sit down and talk things through and figure out what precisely your position is. I get confused from time to time. As far as I can see it, it is pro-Modi as a man who can get things done, and who might be excused a killing or two for the greater good of the nation, and it is also hostile to the fringe that surrounds him, being confident that he is with them and not of them.

Is that what you see? That I don't mind a killing now & then? Shouldn't be surprised, not the first time that you have read me wrong but wrong it is, most certainly.

I'm pro-nobody as a rule. My support will depend on my opinion on the issue at hand. It's how I have always approached it. Do I wish Modi to succeed? Yes I do, just like I would wish any other PM belonging to any party to succeed. I will never wish India to fail because I don't like the persona of the PM. That does not mean that I will ever wear blinkers, I will always say it as I see it. I'm not consumed by ideology as many others are. Either pro or anti.

Modi gets a pass from me for now.Till he fails in my eyes. I'm not blind to history (a quick read of my posts over the years will certainly affirm that) but I'm not going to be a prisoner to history either. Modi earned his shot. Anyone calling themselves a democrat should respect that basic reality.

For me, it is the same as it always has been. It is the rule of law. And it is reason, not faith.

That is how it has always been for me too. Which is why you will not find a single post of mine saying differently.
Is that what you see? That I don't mind a killing now & then? Shouldn't be surprised, not the first time that you have read me wrong but wrong it is, most certainly.

I'm pro-nobody as a rule. My support will depend on my opinion on the issue at hand. It's how I have always approached it. Do I wish Modi to succeed? Yes I do, just like I would wish any other PM belonging to any party to succeed. I will never wish India to fail because I don't like the persona of the PM. That does not mean that I will ever wear blinkers, I will always say it as I see it. I'm not consumed by ideology as many others are. Either pro or anti.

Modi gets a pass from me for now.Till he fails in my eyes. I'm not blind to history (a quick read of my posts over the years will certainly affirm that) but I'm not going to be a prisoner to history either. Modi earned his shot. Anyone calling themselves a democrat should respect that basic reality.

That is how it has always been for me too. Which is why you will not find a single post of mine saying differently.

You've made your point.
another batch of honor ! thanks grandpa!
Ignore vulgar name calling. You are not privileged enough to get away with that.

So they are goons. Big deal. I'd rather have a goon on my side when I go to war.

Than a pseudo-intellectual with a "pen" and a chip on his shoulder, having his millennial orgasm in the sun .....

For all my differences with Shiv Sena, this is something I totally agree with.
I think I have some questions for which I would like to know the answers.

1. Why did Kasuri choose Mumbai as venue for book releasing? I know he answered it on TV, but I am not convinced.:D
2. Why on earth BJP Govt. gave him VISA knowing fully that he will be opposed by Shiv Sena??o_O
3. Why did Kasuri choose Mr. Kulkarni to be with him for book release?
4. Do Indian authors release their books in Karachi or Islamabad? I don't know, but if yes then kindly throw some light on it!!
5. Who will benefit must from this incident? Any Idea?
6. And who will lose most?

@Bang Galore @JanjaWeed
Lol no man. Not you. My little tete a tete with pink chaddi sankranti last evening. Beating down on a Kahmir Pandit boy for not being worthy of being conferred Indian status since his dad"s generation did not fight back.

I let myself go a bit ....

LOL......... are you still carrying me on your shoulder ? :P

After making a strong defence of shiv senas bullying, you are now commenting on my style ? :cheesy: ...... truly a bawa.:lol:

I call it Tough Love. His dad's generation fought back a lot more than him. He has just given up the fight without even throwing a punch. No hope, no courage, no faith. Is this the kind of kids you want growing up to speak for India ? work for India ?

Complete emasculation. (phantom nunnis in bawa lingo). There is nothing worse. You can recover from a physical amputation, what do you do with mental castration ?

Such kind drift into PDF a lot more than other forums. Effects of Stockholm syndrome.

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