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Shiv Sena smears black paint on Sudheendra Kulkarni's face to protest Pakistan politician's book lau

Why can't Pakistanis stop garnering support in India? we insult their artists every time but still they keep coming back shamelessly. Ghulam Ali was given a tight slap in Mumbai but he still shamelessly performed in Delhi. No self respect these people have.
This is about the most basic of freedoms accorded to a citizen of India - the right to have an opinion different from another. What next? Lynched because you didn't vote for the Shiv Sena?
People are somehow jubilant that they took away those basic rights from a fellow citizen.Quite the citizens of the biggest democracy,aye!
Supporting a terrorist country who have been sponsoring terrorism in India is not a basic right.
If he was a terrorist or a supporter ? Why was he issued a visa ?

Let go of the drug!
There are two things I fail to understand:

1) Knowing fully that India is being ruled by fanatic hindus (aka hindu Taliban), why the hell do Pakistani artists or players go there? Please have some self respect and boycott this extremely insecure country for minorities.

2) Why the hell do we allow any Indian movies or dramas being screened in Pakistan?

I personally think those Pakistani artists, players, writers who visit this fanatical country fully deserve to be humiliated. Why the §$%$ do you go there???

There should be no contacts with this hostile country at any level, let it go down the gutters of history. And the way they are allowing all those hindu fanatics becoming their rulers, it will surely follow that path!
He was issued a Visa because sickular like you exist in the gvernment
Not sure if I'm secular or not but you can relax as I have no allegiance to India. :close_tema:

I'm here because I'm just waiting for my rice cooker to go off! :rofl:
Not sure if I'm secular or not but you can relax as I have no allegiance to India. :close_tema:

I'm here because I'm just waiting for my rice cooker to go off! :rofl:
good for you. Don't comment on India's internal matter then
If he was a terrorist or a supporter ? Why was he issued a visa ?

Let go of the drug!

Easier to go after a Sudheendra Kulkarni than to go after Modi. Trying a stunt like this against Modi would be a sure shot guarantee for the detesticulation of the Shiv Sena.
good for you. Don't comment on India's internal matter then
Welcome to the Interwebs!

It is disappointing to see a diplomat of a supposed to be modern civilized democracy being abused just for being associated with a book written by a Pakistani; What is more disappointing to see is the immediate interpretation of this hooliganism in the op. What exactly has secularism to do with a discussion on a book written by a Pakistani?

What can you expect from some retarded 'sons of soil ' morons?
A few years ago their target was Biharis and other North Indians.
Decades ago it was South Indians.
They dont know to protest in civilized manner.
Easier to go after a Sudheendra Kulkarni than to go after Modi. Trying a stunt like this against Modi would be a sure shot guarantee for the detesticulation of the Shiv Sena.
Somehow this petty local politics is spilling on the national level these days.
Maybe the PM needs a stick to tame all these fringe elements from within his allies because they are making every effort that he won't be re-elected.They know that even if something goes wrong in some freaking remote village it will be tagged to Mr. PM and the perpetrators will get free airtime.Just like what the Gau Rakshak Dal pulled with all that beef conspiracy.
What can you expect from some retarded 'sons of soil ' morons?
A few years ago their target was Biharis and other North Indians.
Decades ago it was South Indians.
They dont know to protest in civilized manner.

They're the future of India.
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