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shall the burqa be banned??

shall the burqa be banned by the governments ?

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I don't know which west you are talking about, never seen anything like that in Europe.
lol, how long have you lived in the west???
ex lovers, rejected lovers act do fucked up shit al the time in europe and america…
my exgirlfriend was british pakistani, her mother was born in uk as well….
the family was very very conservative… they still carried some of the traditions we had forgotten about in pakistan….
like they still chose "pirs" act…. i tried really hard to get her less radicalized but she wouldn't.
i was born in pakistan and lived there and went to school there till 7 then moved to america ad had a conservative up bringing but I'm nothing like uk pakistanis… they are radicalized… or something…
her uncle even was one of the founders of so channel called the ummah channel or something…

I've seen Pakistani communities everywhere, here, USA, Canada, France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway. All of them are completely different to British Pakstanis, your observation is absolutely correct.

In London, its a different story, the more radical communities tend to be up north in places like Luton, mostly Mirpuri folk.
Lately, here we had a case in the news of some teachers in Birmingham, some teachers brining in their ideology in to schools and teaching children. Google it to find the news. Here are some posts made on the forum, quite useful regarding these issues:

In UK schools Islamists says to Children, lucky to be Muslims and not ignorant like Christaians

Harder lines in Londonistan

Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to 'wake up | Page 2

Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to 'wake up
My jordanian and egyptian arab friends consider full covering of face by women (burkha) not compulsary in Islam. They said Hijaq where face is still visible fulfils islamic compulsions.

yes, niqaab is not compulsory.

What is compulsory is the AWRAA of a woman. According to Shariat, it includes the whole body except the hands, face, and feet. It includes having loose clothes. Tight jeans at the bottom but a colourful hijab on the head is NOT hijaab at all.

The Awraa of a man is the area from his belly button down to his knees, which is must to cover according to Shairat [ Hanafi School of Islamic jurisprudence, which is the school followed by the overwhelming majority of the Sunni Muslims of Pakistan ]

And this is the case with the Shia schools as well, and the Salafi school
@Akheilos .
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lol, how long have you lived in the west???
ex lovers, rejected lovers act do fucked up shit al the time in europe and america

Contrary to what they tell you in USA, after living for many years in europe I can confirm you that there is a bit difference in the behavior and attitude of Europeans as compared to americans, Europeans are much more sophisticated and law abiding people from my experience.

German Police Fired 85 Bullets All Year, US Police Use 90 on 1 Person

I don't know which west you are talking about, never seen anything like that in Europe.

In amercia they tend to generalize europeans under the banner of western not knowing that there are fundamental differences in the societies of the americans and europeans. From my experience europeans are much more sophisticated in their behavior and law abiding people, crime rate in europe is not even one hundredth of that in america.
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In amercia they tend to generalize europeans under the banner of western not knowing that there are fundamental differences in the societies of the americans and europeans. From my experience europeans are much more sophisticated in their behavior and law abiding people, crime rate in europe is not even one hundredth of that in america.

We should stick with classical difinition of west which is western europe lol
I can't vote on the iPhone app but yes it should be either banned or discouraged from being worn by family/imams. There's no need for it it's not compulsory. Head scarf is enough, too much risk with niqab, random people robbing banks and shops wearing them in the uk. My cousin wears it and even then sometimes it feels weird when I'm talking to her and watching her struggle to eat lol.
There is actually no roper mention of feet...The hadith claims face and hands ....rest I agree

In the Hanafi School, feet are included.

In the Shafii School, feet are part of Awraa' of a woman, and need to be covered.
Even many muslims here says that there is nothing Islamic about Burka. So I guess there is nothing wrong in banning it for security reasons.
In the Hanafi School, feet are included.

In the Shafii School, feet are part of Awraa' of a woman, and need to be covered.
Yes coz the hadith didnt mention the feet and both imams assumed 1 saying its part of the covering based on this reasoning other said it is not coz it wasnt mentioned....

In my opinion since it wasnt mentioned I dont think we need to mention it...It probably means it is not a must...if you wanna ahlan wa sahlan if you dont then you cant be held against it coz its not mentioned...Just my thinking

@qamar1990 I chose wrong...I voted yes...but I think it should be a no..why?
Coz govt should be separate from mingling into religion...plus democracy states everyone has their freedom of rights so how can State violate it?

post 2 by @RazPaK makes complete sense....Who the hell are govts to ban it? The lady in burqa said security reasons she does take off the veil...but it is 100% her choice to wear it otherwise....
Yes coz the hadith didnt mention the feet and both imams assumed 1 saying its part of the covering based on this reasoning other said it is not coz it wasnt mentioned....

In my opinion since it wasnt mentioned I dont think we need to mention it...It probably means it is not a must...if you wanna ahlan wa sahlan if you dont then you cant be held against it coz its not mentioned...Just my thinking

fiqh rulings are not merely made on hadith shareef. They are done by qualified Mujtahids, and one condition is that they have references from the scholars of this Ummat that attest to their qualification, such as having memorized more than 100,000 ahadith with their chains of sanad, in addition to a complete understanding of the Quranic sciences.
It shouldn't be banned, but Muslim women should know better than to wear it here in the West.
Well Muslim women who are oppressed in their own countries enjoy the freedom of choice in the West...

Most of who cover are usually converts ...I know a handful myself and I was shocked....I asked why they said the same as the lady in the interview in post 2....Its fighting against the forces which tell them what to wear (fashion)
Their country,their rules. If people don't like it ,then they can leave.
fiqh rulings are not merely made on hadith shareef. They are done by qualified Mujtahids, and one condition is that they have references from the scholars of this Ummat that attest to their qualification, such as having memorized more than 100,000 ahadith with their chains of sanad, in addition to a complete understanding of the Quranic sciences.
Fiqh believes I wouldnt know coz I basically dont bother much about Fiqh I dont get how even hadith are out in front of you even if an incomplete one like where the feet are not mentioned....then which human has the rights to say anything more?

We all know some human are not nice people...some educated men are also not nice people some Quran hafiz arent nice people so how can you conclude that some scholar is? I am talking about their mindset/ thinking...

I read everyones say and I decide...why? Coz Everyone can bring up a backing like in post 2 we can see the lady without hijab trying to justify her reasoning so everyone can...For this ALLAH says in the Quran, ponder on ALLAH's laws and words!

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