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Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to 'wake up

There is an actual task force that is trying to solve the problem with a partiuclar Pakistani community. Their entire basis of existence is on benefits and they rarely contribute much to the economy. Infact, the many changes to the VISA rules in the UK(and other western countries) is due to Pakistanis engaging in finding loopholes and indulging in corrupt practices.
for e.g. If one man managed to get a UK citizen ship.. he sponsors his wife, his children.. his cousin(as his wife) her children(as his own) his parents and others.. and so on. They come there, at maximum sit at some store for 8 hours..have no formal education and spend most of their time on unemployment benefits. Seeing these people in operation made me ashamed of being a Pakistani in the UK.

They do this for the US as well. And unfortunately, one particular community stands out and they ar notorious even among other Pakistanis who choose not to interact with them as such.

3. The Children follow suit. Its a basic rule of thumb.. if you know you are being taken care of..and your monetary needs are being met by inter community trading and small focused businesses..then you have no need to study or progress in life. If you were ok with the bidet and find that you are satisfied with the level of cleanliness you achieve.. why upgrade to a proper loo so to speak.
This part makes little sense to me. And here is why..
Living on benefits automatically implies a poor standard of living - relative to Britain ofcourse. And while the first generation immigrants might be happy remembering the even worse conditions they faced back home, their children on the other hand would have very many great aspirations looking at all those above them socio-economically, like a bigger house, a better car, a better phone. And Pakistani's have been there in UK for decades now. That means they have plenty of youth and young ones.

Consequently it is almost certain that they would want greater riches for themselves and their family. Kind of how the kids of farmers look at the rich city folks in India and Pakistan - with a lot of aspiration and hope.
So how then are they failing to enter the University system and churning out successful and high wagers. Because even if one kid in a family makes it big with studies - automatically the rest of the family starts copying this person. This becomes a chain reaction.

What is the chink in the armour in this case. What is stopping/preventing this natural progression?

This formula is almost universal.
Kids of educated pakistanis are as successful as kids of educated indians or whites. The problem is too many pakistani and bangladeshis in UK are not skilled, unlike the Indian diaspora there.

As to business ethics, not sure but I have similar observations. The loan default rate of pakistanis in UAE is many times higher than average, for indians its below average. The largest bank the region had stopped giving loans to Pakistanis completely three years ago, because far too many people just ran away.

@Oscar not many mirpuris in UAE.

That has a lot of reasons involved..but primarily the Pakistani diaspora in the UAE goes to earn for themselves regardless of the green passport they carry. Secondly..the UAE is/was a lot more accessible to Pakistanis than Indians. The Pakistanis that took out loans were doing it primarily to steal it, the Indian wanted to settle.

But to give you an example of Pakistani capacity for corruption... Years ago..a Pakistani lady was caught at the immigration for Hajj after she brought in a dead baby on her shoulder whose stomach had been cut out and the internals replaced with Heroin. She put the baby on her shoulder...and was merrily walking through the process with "Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik.. " . It was only after a Shurta caught the babys head slopped that he raised the alarm.

Please, they are well fed and financed by the UK government and dont need to exploit loopholes at all.
There is an actual task force that is trying to solve the problem with a partiuclar Pakistani community. Their entire basis of existence is on benefits and they rarely contribute much to the economy. Infact, the many changes to the VISA rules in the UK(and other western countries) is due to Pakistanis engaging in finding loopholes and indulging in corrupt practices.
lol, isnt that being smart ????
They do this for the US as well. And unfortunately, one particular community stands out and they ar notorious even among other Pakistanis who choose not to interact with them as such.
is that community pakistani or otherwise ???

overall , its unfortunate that a few ppl bring the whole country's name to gutters. Ppl of our region should get their heads out of their behinds and become more responsible.
my take on this is that, "these" ppl ---- "good for nothing kiranewaalas" just got lucky to lead a life of parasites in a better place than ours (good for us). and the blame squarely goes to the ppl sitting in the high commission of those countries (including the UK n the states), who permit such parasites to pass thru and get to their own countries.
after all, the colonialists have to look after their erstwhile subjects.:smitten::smitten:
Questions for you @Oscar and @Jungibaaz .

1.Is it a British Govt task force? Or a task force by the Pakistani community themselves for self reform?

2. Secondly, I understand that you mean the Mirpuri's here. Tons of Pakistani's on the forum have bad mouthed them. However arent the majority of Pakistani's in UK, mirpuris? If so then they are the majority community of Pakistani's in UK and defacto representatives of Pakistan there.

3. Thirdly, I can understand that the first generation immigrants are not productive, use benefits and/or remain limited to low wage jobs. But why are their children not succeeding? All this trash about 'sharia zones' and what not showed clearly that its the youth who is indulging in all this.
Why is the Pakistani youth like this?
Why are they not succeeding in school(another thread shows that their school average is even below the natives there), like the other immigrant communities there?

Looks like 1 and 2 are already covered. Good question on the third.

I've always maintained that Pakistanis are lazy people, some of the laziest on earth, wont do anything until compelled to. But I do see some differences within the Pakistani community.

In London, I know folks that live in large Asian communities and some that live withinn proximity to these communities, but I observe a difference between the Londoners and those up North. They came from Pak just like anyone else, but the started work in the wider world, got their children well integrated into the outside world, which a lot of Pakistani parents I see are afraid to do because of the clash of British culture and conservative Pakistani culture. However, what does happen is, that these people then work hard and work honestly most of the time, there are still bad eggs in the mix, but the situation is much better here. And it is these communities and households I see that have children going off to various different universities.

Now in the problem communities, children observe their parents, barely moving a muscle and living like slobs. The easy life, who wouldn't want it? Which time type of environment a child grows up in has a huge effect on what they do in later life. Watch a few documentaries, the children of drug addicts end up worse than their parents, the rich man's children are given every opportunity on the face of the earth, he's learnt howto be successful and hard working, he passes it on to his children.

In our community, children learn to be lazy, to disrespect the law and values held outside their own closed and conservative communities. They are often barred from childhood from venturing away from their parent's ideal, which is to encourage them to stay within their own communities, live amongst their own people and don't take up the British culture. These kids grow up having no contacts outside their own communities, no moral compass beyond their religion (their understanding of it) and what's right within their own community. They grow up, not knowing the importance of education and hard work, their parents cruised through it without any of that.

It's a vicious circle.
i think he is talking about mirpuris but frankly is there such data to suggest that they do benefit fraud? (Ahmedis are generally well off community.) becase quite many white people also do it.

The pakistani specific issues are forced marriage, honour killings, radicalization of young and probably slavery. Indian specific issues are same (except radicalization) possibly to lesser extent.
That has a lot of reasons involved..but primarily the Pakistani diaspora in the UAE goes to earn for themselves regardless of the green passport they carry. Secondly..the UAE is/was a lot more accessible to Pakistanis than Indians. The Pakistanis that took out loans were doing it primarily to steal it, the Indian wanted to settle.

But to give you an example of Pakistani capacity for corruption... Years ago..a Pakistani lady was caught at the immigration for Hajj after she brought in a dead baby on her shoulder whose stomach had been cut out and the internals replaced with Heroin. She put the baby on her shoulder...and was merrily walking through the process with "Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik.. " . It was only after a Shurta caught the babys head slopped that he raised the alarm.

Please, they are well fed and financed by the UK government and dont need to exploit loopholes at all.

Eww man that isn't corruption...that is a crime against humanity. I hope that she got her butt in a slammer for life !
Why the 'outrage' in Pakistan? I thought the whole world knew this? So, are the LeT and the JeM a figment of our imagination? :rolleyes:

This is same as someone says "Indian Smell bad", then the other person who was just almost as smart as you are replied "so tell me now you think I was lying about cyber hindus"

i think he is talking about mirpuris but frankly is there such data to suggest that they do benefit fraud? (Ahmedis are generally well off community.) becase quite many white people also do it.

The pakistani specific issues are forced marriage, honour killings, radicalization of young and probably slavery. Indian specific issues are same (except radicalization) possibly to lesser extent.

yes but British govt offcials are very careful opening their mouth against Indians because Indian govt is there to protect its citizen, we Pakistani have ball less govt, yet you can easily take what gora is saying about Pakistani he/she meant it for both communities. or you can dig your head in the sand and say ahhhhh we Indian are so respected in England.
Pakistanis are doing same here in Canada. they have 5-6 kids and they live of child tax benefit and employment insurance and they boast about it without any shame.
Throw them the **** out !! You can make your own donuts and pump your own gas. One day the U.S. will smarten up, too.

Come on i have hardly come across ahmadis in britain although i think they do exist on the landscape of britain.I think someone was trying to blame mirpuris for corruption in the UK.You might know that mirpuris make up majority of british pakistani population.
It's mainly to please India, nothing more.
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