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shall the burqa be banned??

shall the burqa be banned by the governments ?

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Have you seen their dresses, it is not about Burqa the westerners criticize Muslim women dressess as well scarf, headcover, hijab, burqa you name I they have problem with Muslim women and tagged entire Muslims women as oppressed.

That is inevitable given the times we live in. But the burqa in accordance with common knowledge is known to be of a more conservative brand of Islam, which is often associated with media coverage of some groups and people such as this.



I wonder if these women would dare to hold these signs if their identities and faces were visible.

Anyway, the average EDL, Islamophobic yob doesn't know the difference between hijab, burqa and oppressed Muslim women.
Not really, there is huge difference how some guys in Pak can behave compared to in west. Please don't compare western society with jahil Pak society. I can see some sense in burqa in Pak. Thats why i said only western countries.
please care to explain??
what do men in pakistan do that men in europe don'T?

@Jungibaaz @RazPaK any of you want to comment on it??
forget westerners ….. ask the pakistanis lol
i literally 10 pakistanis supporting a ban on burqa… look at the results on this poll besides that japanese kid the others are pakistanis lol

I don't care burqa or not we Pakistanis mostly are uncivilized lol...now reminds me of that Ali Gul Pir song Taroo Maroo.
please care to explain??
what do men in pakistan do that men in europe don'T?

@Jungibaaz @RazPaK any of you want to comment on it??

No difference. Men are the same in Pakistan as they are here.

But want to know a breed of men that are different? British Pakistanis, cross of cultures, confused youth, they are very different.

We nearly killed this guy that tried to pour acid on my cousin's face. He was at the point of death, when his mother came and begged for his life.

You got some strong will power and control for not killing him.
please care to explain??
what do men in pakistan do that men in europe don'T?

@Jungibaaz @RazPaK any of you want to comment on it??

As you grew up mostly in USA since you were 7 years old, you don't have a real good idea about the creepy nature of many boys in every lower middle class neighborhood of pakistan. They harass the girls just for fun and have very immoral views about sex and such stuff. Western men are angels compared to the types that one encounters in paksitan as for as general behavior towards girls is concerned. It is changing with more people getting educated but back in 80s and 90s it was worst situation, it was often the theme of many PTV dramas to expose such creepy behavior of boys in middle class neighborhoods of paksitan particularly in punjab.

Watch this clip from Andhera ujala series on PTV (80s) and believe me it was exactly the case in my childhood and teenage during 80s and 90s, the action starts from 1:00 onwards
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That is inevitable given the times we live in. But the burqa in accordance with common knowledge is known to be of a more conservative brand of Islam, which is often associated with media coverage of some groups and people such as this.



I wonder if these women would dare to hold these signs if their identities and faces were visible.

Anyway, the average EDL, Islamophobic yob doesn't know the difference between hijab, burqa and oppressed Muslim women.

Well I agree in the west these Muslim women just go extreme and because western men know indian/Pakistani/arab women and their society they keep away from them my observation I think modest dress would be fine with headscarf/hijab and medium/small chadar, but what I want to discuss west so called intellectuals should stop considering every women as being oppressed. Another observation most arab women who lands in west get sense of liberation married or not i have seen they are as good as westerners in dress very few families/women would you see covered in arabic dresses.
We nearly killed this guy that tried to pour acid on my cousin's face. He was at the point of death, when his mother came and begged for his life.

Another practice which Pakistanis don't seem to be getting rid of anytime soon. Your cousin was not hurt? Otherwise it could have been very difficult to not kill him.
No difference. Men are the same in Pakistan as they are here.

But want to know a breed of men that are different? British Pakistanis, cross of cultures, confused youth, they are very different.

whats up with them??? lol
you born in uk?
pronto yeah ! symbolic of tribal origins of islam !
Since you grew up mostly in USA since you were 7 years old, you don't have a real good idea about the creepy nature of many boys in every lower middle class neighborhood of pakistan. They harass the girls just for fun and have very immoral views about sex and such stuff. Western men are angels compared to the types that one encounters in paksitan as for as general behavior towards girls is concerned. It is changing with more people getting educated but back in 80s and 90s it was worst situation, it was often the theme of many PTV dramas to expose such creepy behavior of boys in middle class neighborhoods of paksitan particularly in punjab.

Watch this clip from Andhera ujala series on PTV (80s) and believe me it was exactly the case in my childhood and teenage during 80s and 90s, the action starts from 1:00 onwards
one yard i know pakistani culture very well lol, i know men harass women in pakistan… go to schools ect. or throw letters ito their houses and all that… its not much different here…
Another practice which Pakistanis don't seem to be getting rid of anytime soon. Your cousin was not hurt? Otherwise it could have been very difficult to not kill him.

No cousin was in a bus going to school and the guy was on a 125. He missed and the guys at our basti dragged him off the bike. Our entire village stomped this guy out. I broke a pepsi bottle on his head and got him bleeding.

Only when his mother came and said Allah de vastay, we stopped because my grandfather was like enough.
We nearly killed this guy that tried to pour acid on my cousin's face. He was at the point of death, when his mother came and begged for his life.
thats not unique to pakistani… there are jilted lovers in the west as well, they might not throw acid but they find other ways..
one yard i know pakistani culture very well lol, i know men harass women in pakistan… go to schools ect. or throw letters ito their houses and all that… its not much different here

I never saw any such thing while living in germany or other places in europe, so have no idea about USA.
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