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shall the burqa be banned??

shall the burqa be banned by the governments ?

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Well you are being Europe's Mullah!

Europe where the law doesnt stop one from practicing nor does it dictate what religion should do...welcome to secular West...get used to it!!

And mind you you are making the West intolerant just as the East is intolerant to Western ideas...

I am yet to meet a Muslim who has got problem with Islamic Theocracy but will defend secularism and plurality in places where Muslims are in minority with tooth and nail. Why such hypocrisy?
After reading this article, I am sure that world is not free of desperate people. A simple question to answer, will you be buying a mobile just with buttons without cover ? or complete covered with lamination in order to protect against dirt, scratches and other dangerous things.
Your loss of not experiencing diversity not theirs

Oh well,win some,loose some.I'll just have to live with it.What matters though is that my mindset is the majority in Europe,burq will be banned across the continent in the next years.It is the only logical thing to do.

Shouldn't you guys have other priorities though ? like earning the right to fast in China ? You always seem to pick on Europeans for the most trivial things while ignoring the elephant in the room.
Not sure when you last lived in Pakistan...My mom used it and it wasnt even forced....

Why not in Europe? Is Europe on Mars? Oh yea they are fake democratic and their freedom shit only stretches as far as hypocrisy! :agree:

Because Europe specially UK has given us Muslims a lot of freedom. Isn't it about time we give something back to them? I can tell you honestly that many burka wearing women here in the UK wear it to make some sort of a statement some are even forced. Police never even ask a burka wearing woman if she is facing domestic violence at home because of fear of backlash from the Muslim community. A part of Muslim community is acting like bunch of gangs rather then decent citizens.

The Islamic principle of covering is for perseverance of chastity right? So can't it be done with scarf and moderate clothing. It doesn't have to be full piece of cloth from medieval Arabia. What's hilarious is that Muslim men who force it on their women they themselves are involved in questionable behaviour. I smell hypocrisy every where.
Ok lets skip revealing clothes but what does an average Western lady wear?


Ok lets type experiment 1:

I typed casual wear:





Now tell me for each lady when you saw the pix what did you see first and what did you think?

Lets say these ladies passed by and each gave you a talk on something or another...how much of the talk and how much of the details of how the ladies look will you remember?

I dont expect everyone to be a wolf but vast majorities are....

Didn't think much because in Europe summer girls wear even short/less cloths then the one you posted. I keep saying taliban burqa is for mullah society not Europe.

I agree wolf types are in plenty in 3rd world countries like Pakistan. Anyway by wolf you mean those who harass woman on street right?
I am yet to meet a Muslim who has got problem with Islamic Theocracy but will defend secularism and plurality in places where Muslims are in minority with tooth and nail. Why such hypocrisy?
Ask such a person....they already dont tolerate Islamic govt....then they have a problem with secularism....ask that very group...the thread is not about such group...thank you!

Didn't think much because in Europe summer girls wear even short/less cloths then the one you posted.
Yea.. Either you didnt understand the post or you just jump around while reading!

I keep saying taliban burqa is for mullah society not Europe.
And I am asking why?

I agree wolf types are in plenty in 3rd world countries like Pakistan. Anyway by wolf you mean those who harass woman on street right?
You wanna bet? Didnt India have a particular word attached to their capital? They exist everywhere, right?
After reading this article, I am sure that world is not free of desperate people. A simple question to answer, will you be buying a mobile just with buttons without cover ? or complete covered with lamination in order to protect against dirt, scratches and other dangerous things.
wah,,kya baat kahi,,,:D
my mindset is the majority in Europe,burq will be banned across the continent in the next years.It is the only logical thing to do.
Pry do explain your logic?

If tomorrow someone bans the Jewish Kippa?


Or the nun's clothes:


Shouldnt it be fair and logical to do so too?
Shouldn't you guys have other priorities though ? like earning the right to fast in China ? You always seem to pick on Europeans for the most trivial things while ignoring the elephant in the room.
Am I the one to pick? I didnt start the thread but I am contributing and I did voice out in the Chinese thread....Pry dont be soo judgmental and dont pick and choose my posts...I post where I know about...I am living in the West not in China
Pry do explain your logic?

If tomorrow someone bans the Jewish Kippa?


Or the nun's clothes:


Shouldnt it be fair and logical to do so too?

We've through this,these items don't cover the entire face,plus the nuns are a special,organised religious order not house wifes.You don't see me having problems with headscarves,just that horrible tent.
Ok lets skip revealing clothes but what does an average Western lady wear?
Depends on the day/occasion/weather and depends on the woman.


Ok lets type experiment 1:

I typed casual wear:





Now tell me for each lady when you saw the pix what did you see first and what did you think?

First pic: middle
Second pic: middle
Third pic: left
Fourth pic: right

I didn't think much, it was just observing what this was about. But I suppose if I go for the least covered up woman on most turn, it's a perfectly natural man's reaction.

Lets say these ladies passed by and each gave you a talk on something or another...how much of the talk and how much of the details of how the ladies look will you remember?

With all honesty, the one that is probably the most attractive OR if there is a very unattractive one that gives off such a vibe, maybe her too. This is something I accept is hard-wired into people especially men. I've seen experiments in the past where random men in public areas were approached by different women and had a chat with them, the men almost always remembered the attractive and/or youngest woman best, they best described their encounter.

I dont expect everyone to be a wolf but vast majorities are....

Don't expect anything else from anyone. We're all human and had human instincts before we developed morals and ideas, we will have human instinct even if we lose the other things. The subconscious mind is a bastard, it's the truth and it's all instinct.
I did and got warning from a mod for expressing my views on China.

Says a lot,doesn't it ?

Btw,don't you guys get it why so many muslims want these outlawed in the West ? It's because they've fled this shit back home and they're appaled to rediscover it on western streets.
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