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shall the burqa be banned??

shall the burqa be banned by the governments ?

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Because Europe specially UK has given us Muslims a lot of freedom. Isn't it about time we give something back to them?
Is the thread about UK? no even France is questioned for their stupidity!

Look if you want democracy you have to live like a democrat not a partial who accepts and wants a country based on your rules..democrat accommodates everyone not just you!

I can tell you honestly that many burka wearing women here in the UK wear it to make some sort of a statement some are even forced. Police never even ask a burka wearing woman if she is facing domestic violence at home because of fear of backlash from the Muslim community.
Myabe you should meet more of the ones who are fighting against this...Not the ones who are forced..I am not supporting forced burqa...I am saying that it should be their choice by banning it you take away the choice!
A part of Muslim community is acting like bunch of gangs rather then decent citizens.
How does one become a gangster from wearing a burqa is beyond me

The Islamic principle of covering is for perseverance of chastity right? So can't it be done with scarf and moderate clothing. It doesn't have to be full piece of cloth from medieval Arabia. What's hilarious is that Muslim men who force it on their women they themselves are involved in questionable behaviour. I smell hypocrisy every where.
1stly, Medieval Arabia didnt do it...Had they done it the verse for covering their bosoms wouldnt be revealed! Coz burqa already covers the bosom!

I didn't think much, it was just observing what this was about. But I suppose if I go for the least covered up woman on most turn, it's a perfectly natural man's reaction.
Thats my point! Its natural!
unless you guys want to stick practising medieval arabic practices, ban it !
With all honesty, the one that is probably the most attractive OR if there is a very unattractive one that gives off such a vibe, maybe her too. This is something I accept is hard-wired into people especially men. I've seen experiments in the past where random men in public areas were approached by different women and had a chat with them, the men almost always remembered the attractive and/or youngest woman best, they best described their encounter.
Again proving my point...The men remember the women and their encounter based on what she looked like so an ugly woman just coz she isnt good looking is discriminated? Why no one voices out for her? Where is the equality gang then?
Is the thread about UK? no even France is questioned for their stupidity!
Look if you want democracy you have to live like a democrat not a partial who accepts and wants a country based on your rules..democrat accommodates everyone not just you!

European Court of Justice upheld the french decision,so there you have it,the democratic process in action all the way to the High Courts of Justice.And the "Blind Lady" has spoken.
Says a lot,doesn't it ?

Btw,don't you guys get it why so many muslims want these outlawed in the West ? It's because they've fled this shit back home and they're appaled to rediscover it on western streets.

British Pakistanis are more extremists then the Muslims in Pakistan. I have lived there and was born there. Many large cities of Pakistan are pretty modern and people tend to get along with different religions and sects. Many educated Pakistanis make fun of and look down upon Mullahs. Most of the rioters in Pakistan are usually poor folks being brainwashed to become ''warriors'' for Islam. They can't feed themselves properly but killing someone for blasphemy is more important for such illiterate fools.
We're all human and had human instincts before we developed morals and ideas, we will have human instinct even if we lose the other things. The subconscious mind is a bastard, it's the truth and it's all instinct.
For those wearing the Burqa they dont need to face this type of discrimination she could be as ugly as possible but if she has knowledge or good stuff to talk about, why not?

If one is pretty but has the mindset of some freak...whats the use? You get attracted to the face and yet cant tolerate her :rofl:

Happens all the time
Again proving my point...The men remember the women and their encounter based on what she looked like so an ugly woman just coz she isnt good looking is discriminated? Why no one voices out for her? Where is the equality gang then?

Its evolutionary reaction. That's why Islam has guidelines how to handle attraction towards the opposite gender. Nothing to do with the ''equality gang''.
Oh well,win some,loose some.I'll just have to live with it.What matters though is that my mindset is the majority in Europe,burq will be banned across the continent in the next years.It is the only logical thing to do.

Shouldn't you guys have other priorities though ? like earning the right to fast in China ? You always seem to pick on Europeans for the most trivial things while ignoring the elephant in the room.

Yes western Europe is pretty much perfect society, muslims shouldn't complain about tribial things like burqa ban which is very rare to see in EU anyway. Especially hypocrates muslims should never complain.
European Court of Justice upheld the french decision,so there you have it,the democratic process in action all the way to the High Courts of Justice.And the "Blind Lady" has spoken.
Yes they did and how many Muslims represent the European court? How diverse were the people making the decisions? Of course all these are irrelevant when it comes to Europe but god forbid an Islamic country having 100% Muslim law makers do something similar! And the personal remark was not necessary...
Burkas shouldn't be banned....it is akin to trespassing on personal/private rights....freedom to wear.

There shouldn't be ban on clothing.
Ask such a person....they already dont tolerate Islamic govt....then they have a problem with secularism....ask that very group...the thread is not about such group...thank you!

My question is extremely relevant in this thread because Burqa ban is symbolic. That is why many Muslims oppose it under the garb of personal freedom and secularism, the two terms they themselves loath a lot.
That's why Islam has guidelines how to handle attraction towards the opposite gender.
Yes it does....and if 1 interprets them as burqa...who are we to object? esp when that is our part to do while the bastard male dont lower their gaze as their part...

nuns are a special,organised religious order
The nuns also wear a tent...and mind you if you call a nun a pious woman...then why not the attempt by a Burqa woman? Hypocrisy?
The only logical reason I get about the ban of burqa is the security risk

Now I have not heard of security risk of burqa anywhere in Europe. No incident has ever taken place under the veil so it is illogical to think like that. It is just a personal agenda to impose your own version of liberalism by snatching away the freedom of those who wear burqa as part of their attire.
Yes they did and how many Muslims represent the European court? How diverse were the people making the decisions? Of course all these are irrelevant when it comes to Europe but god forbid an Islamic country having 100% Muslim law makers do something similar! And the personal remark was not necessary...

What personal remark ?!?

Many muslim countries treat religious minorities far worse than Europeans,let's not go there pls.
After reading this article, I am sure that world is not free of desperate people. A simple question to answer, will you be buying a mobile just with buttons without cover ? or complete covered with lamination in order to protect against dirt, scratches and other dangerous things.
awesome post!
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