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shall the burqa be banned??

shall the burqa be banned by the governments ?

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Still none of them are covering their faces.:lol:
I am talking about general...those cultural dresses are very much different in colour, shapes and sizes as compared to the casual wear in todays West
I am talking about general...those cultural dresses are very much different in colour, shapes and sizes as compared to the casual wear in todays West

Yes they are. I personally like them. But times have changed. Although I too disagree with many of the current dresses which show too much but I cannot force my view on anyone. Also its their country after all.
after seeing an article on this forum about how muslims are seeking to get the burqa banned…. it just kinda of got me thinking… do muslims really want to get it banned? after reading some some the responses it just kinda opened my eyes on the hypocrisy of some people so i want to do a poll and ask if it should be banned…

Well, if you are talking about PDF, then to most of the intellectuals here are supporters of Secularism. So, don't take what PDF thinks. Just go and ask this question on the road, I am sure you will never ask this question again ;)

My take, everyone should be free to wear what ever he/she wants. Only Extremists will go for banning such thing .

Yes they are. I personally like them. But times have changed. Although I too disagree with many of the current dresses which show too much but I cannot force my view on anyone. Also its their country after all.

Yes time is changed but it doesn't means you through your religious and culture values yourself out.
Well Muslim women who are oppressed in their own countries enjoy the freedom of choice in the West...

Most of who cover are usually converts ...I know a handful myself and I was shocked....I asked why they said the same as the lady in the interview in post 2....Its fighting against the forces which tell them what to wear (fashion)

That's a very noble cause if I may say. To cover up like that in protest and for reasons other than self is commendable. But the problem of it's place in society is still questionable. Now, I am not saying that deviation from societal norms is bad. It is the sole reason of social change in fact, most of social change came not from reformists, but first from deviants.

Suffragettes for women's rights were considered clinically insane by some and criminals by others. The civil right's movements was not popular even in the Black community in it's early days, it seemed alien and threatening to a well established order of life.

But never were any of those things I mentioned so strongly related to other problems we face globally, most people don't admit it but the burqa is associated wrongly with all sorts of separate issues.
Yes they are. I personally like them. But times have changed. Although I too disagree with many of the current dresses which show too much but I cannot force my view on anyone. Also its their country after all.

Exactly ! I am not the skimpy women outfits biggest fan and i thought i made that pretty clear in my time here but the burqa takes it to a whole new level of creepyness.I don't understand why Europeand should just accept everything,can't there be a little room for negociations ?.They've opened up their countries,some of them give out generous welfare packages,VChristian,Atheist values are not forced on anyone.God forbid they ask a little something in return like not wearing a particular 8th century piece of cloth........Racists!!!!
Again proving my point...The men remember the women and their encounter based on what she looked like so an ugly woman just coz she isnt good looking is discriminated? Why no one voices out for her? Where is the equality gang then?

I'm not sure what exactly you're asking there, because the response I got in my head was too complex and overly philosophical. :P
The only logical reason I get about the ban of burqa is the security risk

Now I have not heard of security risk of burqa anywhere in Europe. No incident has ever taken place under the veil so it is illogical to think like that. It is just a personal agenda to impose your own version of liberalism by snatching away the freedom of those who wear burqa as part of their attire.

This is about GROUP PRESSURE. If people are serious about personal freedom, then the first focus
would be laws in Muslim Countries that forces Women to wear Burqa or even veils.

Even if there are no laws like in Western Europe, there is harrassment by fellow Muslims,
of women not covering themselves. That is limiting personal freedom.
A law that bans harassment of women without a veil would work for me.

If women wear burqa to reduce risk of harassment, then it is not out of free choice either.
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I completely agree with ALL that you are implying. My only objection to the burqa is the way in which it is worn in the west, and the fact that is scares people and it is a culture shock for them. I am not again the burqa itself or women wanting to cover up.
Well I am sure it was a cultural shock not many years back when women didnt use to use jeans and some started using them...eventually they were accepted...

I can understand why Pakistani women want to wear it, I know them well enough and I've known a lady or two who wears it when she leaves her home. But the fact of the matter is, here in the West, it may not be wise to wear it when reasons other than it's own purposes are considered.
I dont mind speaking against other reasons! Seriously I would never side a force for Burqa like I will never side the other side of the coin of banning it!

I'm not going to even talk about the security and all sorts which are all valid concerns, not just the security of other people, but the security of the women themselves.
It is due to intolerance and lack of understanding that such security issues happen.The very fact many are afraid out of ignorance is crazy!
I don't ever see a day where this would be welcomed in the UK, you expressed your shock at a barrel shape woman wearing tight clothes, I can relate to that sort of shock, but the same kind of shock, in fact a worse and more scary shock is experienced by locals who see women in large groups wearing this. These are troubled times we live in anyway.
I wouldnt be shocked as it was the woman's choice but that was an example....

Now this worse shock and scary thing is because people have actually started believing they can put pressure on their government and call a 4th generation European a foreigner with ideas that dont belong in Europe! That mindset is disgusting! 4th generation still being called foreigners! How many generations should pass for the person to be called European...its not like when a fresh Pakistani, Turk or Saudi gets out of their land and starts wearing Western clothes she is still a Asian not European!

This is one of the reasons I think it should not be banned, but women who wear it should consider not to. If my wife, mother, daughter or sister wanted to wear this, (obviously I would not force anything) I would definitely say that it is not necessary given the place we live, given the people around, it will ultimately be their decision.
That is the problem people are more afraid of human beings than or their relationship with God....if in their interpretation they are being humble and doing the will of god who are we to impose our thoughts?

The problem I observe with many Pakistanis is the lack of willingness to accept or comply rules and way of life that are outside of their own, sometimes it's condemnation of anything alien, some Brits do it too, it's natural. But just because we have a freedom to do something and perhaps something to be gained, should we do it.
Many Westerners do it everytime....I have heard alot of racism but in hushed voices....from a large number of Europeans though many dont care at all about such thins!

It is the human natural way to not accept something new....however to ban it coz you dont accept is nothing less than intolerance!

Some Sikhs are free to wear kirpan (a dagger in compliance with religion) but even the most devout probably don't wear it on them in the streets of London, especially not in view, it would scare the crap out of people and make them worried.
The only ones worried are those who dont know....but how is wearing a burqa equate to a dagger?

Sometimes it's wise not to take advantage of your freedoms for the sake of others, that's truly what a multicultural society is. If Brits can accommodate Muslim women covering up, maybe we should also keep in mind the customs of the places we live and the concerns of the people.
We do...No burqa wearing woman goes over to a half naked one and orders her to cover up! So if she can stand watching the half naked one why not the other way round? just my 2 cents!
For those wearing the Burqa they dont need to face this type of discrimination she could be as ugly as possible but if she has knowledge or good stuff to talk about, why not?

If one is pretty but has the mindset of some freak...whats the use? You get attracted to the face and yet cant tolerate her :rofl:

Happens all the time

:lol: My objection to it's wear is only the effect it has on others, not what the woman gains, undoubtedly the woman gains something or perceives gaining something, otherwise she'd never do it, maybe other people learn to respect women more, they might gain something to.

However, there is undoubtedly a large chunk of people who won't like it and won't like seeing it, and who won't dare admit it, a smaller chunk who will openly voice their concern, some of these people happen to be the right wing extremists parties such as the BNP/EDL.
many Muslims oppose it under the garb of personal freedom and secularism, the two terms they themselves loath a lot.
Thats their right the same way it is the right of the other end to want to wear it and oppose the bans!
@Akheilos btw,i saw a japanese guy and his Romanian wife dressed in kimonos the other.Just like the burqa "incident" i had a "wtf ? moment" but unlike the burqa it was a pleasant "wtf moment" and it had me smiling instantly.Diversity is good when it's beautifull.
Who spread it? Just coz I wanna be half naked everyone has to be so?

No, I said it's common knowledge that the burqa in the west is associated (by others) with a more strict and conservative brand of Islam.

A good way to prove what I'm saying, ask a few children, children are brutal, theirs honesty in what they say which makes it brutal. Ask them to name the words that come in to their mind when they see a woman in a burqa, the majority of them would say something that we would find offensive had an adult said it, or maybe they laughed because they find it funny and uncommon, I am sure that there would be a few of those kids who might mention the word 'terrorist' or something that implies this.

It's a sad fact of human nature and the times we live in.
but unlike the burqa it was a pleasant "wtf moment" and it had me smiling instantly.
Yea coz the media gave made you associate a WTF to anything religious ....

Mind you the Korean traditional dress looks like a tent too but its lovely!


it's common knowledge that the burqa in the west is associated (by others) with a more strict and conservative brand of Islam.
Who spread this "common knowledge" ...sorry cant make proper sentences :(
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