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Saudi parking lot harassment video goes viral

naveen mishra

Mar 1, 2013
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Videos reportedly out of Saudi Arabia are circulating online showing men harassing a group of women in a mall parking lot said to be in the eastern city of Dhahran. The men heckle and follow the women, one of whom responds by kicking a man who grabbed her.


The incident touched a nerve online. Many condemned the men's behaviour, while others debated if the women could have avoided harassment.


Saudis online are using the hashtag #تحرش_شباب_بفتيات_بالشرقية ("Youth harassment of girls in Eastern province"), which was mentioned more than60,000 times in a day.
Bunch of stupid illiterate mofos harassing women! Its a shame that others were just watching and filming on mobile.

That was just his sister and he was telling her to go home.
That's disgusting that people like this pretend to be the purest people and try to impose their democracy in Syria
Why the hell does such news even deserve a thread? I forgot a few people on this forum are really obsessed about Saudi Arabians, Arabs and Muslims.o_O (someone change those smileys)

Shout Saudi Arabia and a bunch of degenerates will come and flock around that word like honey bees around nectar.

It's not the first or last time that you will see some men harassaing women. That's a favorite past time for a lot of men since the stone age. You can find similar and MUCH, MUCH worse incidents from all the other countries of the world.

At least those incidents are very rare in KSA and compared to most other countries in that department then KSA is very well off. Visit Cairo for example with a female relative and then come back. Or India. Or all the other countries of the region.

Why is this thread even worthy of existing? Should we post threads from each country every time such incidents happen? Then we would not be doing anything else.

Oh, and I am of course strongly against such behavior. Should be punished. That is not how you treat our wonderful women. Or women in general. Whether Muslim or non-Muslim.
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Women beeing oppressed just for beeing women has nothing normal

At least those incidents are very rare in KSA and compared to most other countries in that department then KSA is very well off. Visit Cairo for example with a female relative and then come back. Or India. Or all the other countries of the region.
It's rare because they wear the hijab, and even with that some people find reasons to agress them. What do they want? Hold them with leash?
Last of Dhahran harassment suspects nabbed in Asir


Two unidentified suspects are shown in this screenshot from a video posted on YouTube of young men harassing women outside the Dhahran Mall last week.

Published — Wednesday 30 October 2013
Last update 30 October 2013 6:39 pm

The last of seven suspects involved in last week's Dhahran Mall harassment incident were arrested in the western province of Asir, police said Tuesday.
An official of the Asir police, who asked not to be named, said the two suspects will be sent to the Eastern Province to face investigation.
Five of their cohorts who were arrested earlier are already in the custody of the Eastern Province.
The suspects have been on the run since a video showing them verbally and physically harassing young women outside a mall in Dhahran was posted on YouTube.
Amid an outrage, Eastern Province Gov. Prince Saud bin Naif ordered an investigation into the case and investigators were able to identify the suspects through the video clip and mall surveillance camera videos plus testimony from witnesses.
Police had said the suspects, who are in their 30s, are students and employees.
Lt. Col. Ziyad Al-Ruqaiti, spokesman of the Eastern Province Police, earlier told Arab News that the suspects will be referred to the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution for further investigation and legal procedures.
At least two of the suspects reportedly tried to flee from the Kingdom through a border point after the harassment video clip had gone viral on social media networks and news outlets.


The last one of the seven suspects found harassing those innocent and brave women in Dhahran (Eastern Province) have been caught in Asir province 1500 km away! He probably tried to seek refugee in the mountains. But he forgot that he was in KSA and not the "Wild Wild West", LOL. Such behavior will not be tolerated in KSA.

Asir region South Saudi Arabia KSA
by Life-Style, on Flickr

Asir region South Saudi Arabia KSA
by Life-Style, on Flickr

Asir region South Saudi Arabia KSA
by Life-Style, on Flickr

Asir region South Saudi Arabia KSA
by Life-Style, on Flickr

Asir region South Saudi Arabia KSA
by Life-Style, on Flickr

Asir region South Saudi Arabia KSA
by Life-Style, on Flickr

أنورت سودة عسير بطلعتك
by Thamer Al-Thumairy, on Flickr

مرتفعات عسير 2010
by alkodair, on Flickr

جبال عسير
by Khalid Yousef, on Flickr
That's disgusting that people like this pretend to be the purest people and try to impose their democracy in Syria

No! The Saudis want to free the Sunnis in Syria bro! :rofl: Otherwise the Saudis don't preach democracy, as a matter of fact, they don't believe in it.

Why not trying to check spelling before jumping into your wishful thinking idiocy :lol:
Women beeing oppressed just for beeing women has nothing normal

It's rare because they wear the hijab, and even with that some people find reasons to agress them. What do they want? Hold them with leash?

They pray at your house doors, asking to be set free :lol:

I think i saw a man making a pass at a woman at the mall last week.I know now that i should have filmed it and post it on PDF.Apparently it's news worthy.
I think i saw a man making a pass at a woman at the mall last week.I know now that i should have filmed it and post it on PDF.Apparently it's news worthy.

I agree that this thread is not particular newsworthy otherwise this forum would not be doing anything else than create similar topics but in our Islamic and Arab culture such behavior as displayed in that video, although it in some Western eyes or others can seem as little, is very unacceptable. Especially since were are dealing with women.

Also sexual advancements are not accepted in the open towards women that you do not know. Especially not if you are married as I expect many of those individuals to be since they were all apparently in their 30's according to the article I posted in post number 8 in this thread.

I was insulted by watching this video for example and I know that many other Saudi Arabians felt the same and this also explains all the comments on social medias (Facebook, Twitter) etc. People cannot accept something like this happening or go unpunished.

Remember that KSA is one of the most conservative countries in the world and probably the most Islamic country and the cradle of Islam despite the fact that societies are not static and change like the world does too.
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I haven't been to Saudi Arabia but I don't believe it's this common and I have cousins there. Overall, I don't think it's a widespread issue.

Although these guys need to be punished harshly.

Where it is a widespread issue is in Egypt. It happens too much in Egypt and something needs to be done about it.
I haven't been to Saudi Arabia but I don't believe it's this common and I have cousins there. Overall, I don't think it's a widespread issue.

Although these guys need to be punished harshly.

Where it is a widespread issue is in Egypt. It happens too much in Egypt and something needs to be done about it.

Of course such incidents are not widespread in KSA of all the countries in the world. It is not accepted by either the religion or local culture. Of course you always have people that are willing to cross the line but they will get severely punished and are a tiny minority.

If such mesassures were taken in many other Muslim or Arab countries then half of their population would be in jail right now. Imagine Cairo for example. I was in Cairo with one of my elder sisters and some other family members a few years back and my sister was approached maybe 4-5 times in 1 hour or so. Despite us keeping her close to us. Talk about feeling uncomfortable. At one point I and 1 of my elder brothers let alone my father were close to teaching some of them a lesson. But we kept our cool.

Such scenes are not seen in KSA at all.
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