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Unisex dormitories in Norwegian army help prevent sexual harassment

Yes put the women behind strict veils and limit their freedom to just the four walls of a house.
Why not???? :coffee:
Well so by this u mean that, then yr welcome in yr own world. But the fact of the matter is that the problem starts from the mentioned area.
The Norwegian Army is full of pansies (gays)!! So it's pretty safe having a unisex dorm!! :p::D:
I oppose this - Imagine sharing the same dorm as @levina & being made to listen to her Family Politics from back home, that irritating Justin Bieber fellow she listens to, her loud snores & her eating habits where she eats everything & I do mean everything that the rest of us have kept in the dorm's refrigerator ! :hitwall:
Imagine sharing a dorm with @Armstrong ,a lil lemming and a stinky creature,who doesnt cut his nails regularly, who would love to grow a pony tail just because he is way too lazy to get a hair cut done, and who loves to listen to Selena Golmes ,Justin Bieber's GF.(I am dedicating a song of hers to you soon :p:)
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Yap, especially from other guys, because he knows how men are in general!!
So I guess you mean its not possible.

DRAY said:
Nobody understand me like you in this forum!! :D
You bet!!!
The amount of time, energy, resource spent to keep men and women separate from each other in our society, prevent sexual violence and punish the perpetrators can then be spent on things which are actually necessary....
Good take on this topic.Yes some countries even go to the extent of creating separate gardens and parks for men and women.

Or its all the women's fault
That video was a shocker.Somehow to me the country that I am living in felt safe.I lived in a paracosm believing that I had to raise a finger at a man to put him behind bars.But I guess I was wrong.
This case stands out where the woman was blamed and punished for the rape.

Well so by this u mean that, then yr welcome in yr own world. But the fact of the matter is that the problem starts from the mentioned area.

mentioned area???
Wrongly harbored notions :coffee:
So I guess you mean its not possible.

No, it is very much possible, even in India students studying in other cities share the same rented house if not rooms, in some cases they live together also, but this is not officially possible in India at this moment because of social prejudices. Here people of smaller cities and villages will have problem even if a boy & girl talk to each other, here boys are still concerned about virgin girlfriend/wife, even though they themselves may not be virgins.

Things are different in most western societies, pre-marital sex is hardly a taboo there, in fact people consider it very normal, nobody will care if the men & women soldiers are sharing rooms and what they are doing inside the rooms.
If men and women astronauts can live together in space stations for months then why not on earth???


Astronauts, even if they are from India, they mostly belong to an educated and relatively liberal class where people won't bother about if their daughter or husband is sharing the same capsule with some member of opposite sex in space, and because of their social & financial status they don't really need to bother even if some people think in that manner. But soldiers come from mostly middle and lower-middle classes, they come from small towns and villages, it will become a major issue back in their societies.

Even my wife would make a nice handbag out of my ripped off skin if I try to share a room with any girl. :D

And I think even in Norway this sharing dorm would be limited to unmarried soldiers only, otherwise their marriages will be at stake.
That video was a shocker.Somehow to me the country that I am living in felt safe.I lived in a paracosm believing that I had to raise a finger at a man to put him behind bars.But I guess I was wrong.
This case stands out where the woman was blamed and punished for the rape.

Yes, that is sad but true. The current system in UAE actually encourages rape as victims will not be able to come forward out of fear of punishment, but the problem with some of GCC countries is not only limited to get out of jail free card for rapers, in these countries slavery also exists for example when a foreign worker gets into one of these countries his/her identification documents are confiscated by the employer aka slavemaster, they're not able to leave the country, and they will live in extremely bad conditions.

The Slaves of Dubai | VICE United States

Slavery doesn't end there, they buy and sell women in Dubai too.

Dubai's Promised Land of Luxury Lures Women Into Sexual Slavery - Bloomberg
The shocking fate of Eastern European sex trafficking victims revealed | Mail Online
Yes, that is sad but true. The current system in UAE actually encourages rape as victims will not be able to come forward out of fear of punishment, but the problem with some of GCC countries is not only limited to get out of jail free card for rapers, in these countries slavery also exists for example when a foreign worker gets into one of these countries his/her identification documents are confiscated by the employer aka slavemaster, they're not able to leave the country, and they will live in extremely bad conditions.
Frankly by law no employer is supposed to take away passport and other documents from employee.And if employer does that then employee has the right to register a complain.From what I know this law was introduced some 5 years back.

Sam1980 said:
I know this part of the story.
Somehow hypocrisy goes hand in hand with Conservativeness.
If men and women astronauts can live together in space stations for months then why not on earth???


There is a huge difference between astronauts and soldiers, soldiers are alot grittier, uneducated and rash than the latter, I would elaborate but I would rather not.....

Khan Sahib baaaz aa jaiiin ! :lol:

I am serious mate, countries pay soldiers to fight not to have orgies in the dorms......:mad:
There is a huge difference between astronauts and soldiers, soldiers are alot grittier, uneducated and rash than the latter, I would elaborate but I would rather not.....
Women are inducted in the capacity of officers mostly.And officers in the armed forces are educated and intelligent.So the men and women we are talking here are eduated.
Women are inducted in the capacity of officers mostly.And officers in the armed forces are educated and intelligent.So the men and women we are talking here are eduated.
That may be true in the South Asia and the likes but in the west I dont think so, more women are joining up as recruits....
Unisex dormitories in Norwegian army help prevent sexual harassment

Photo: EPA

The Norwegian Army has introduced unisex dormitories, which means that now women soldiers have started to share unisex bedrooms with their male colleagues in a bold, or as it may seem to some people, dangerous experiment. What has come as a result is the fact that a decrease in sexual harassment was registered as soon as the experiment started, as women reported.

A military base in northern Norway was equipped with new unisex dormitories, with each room putting two women with four men.

According to Ulla-Britt Lilleaas, the co-author of the report "The Army: the vanguard, rear guard and battlefield of equality", the women reported that sharing bedrooms with their male colleagues helped them feel "one of the boys".

One woman soldier was surprised to see that rather than accentuate gender differences, sharing a room helped make them less relevant.

This move is the latest initiative coming from the Norwegian Armed Forces. In November the Norwegian Army announced that Norway's Armed Forces would "serve soldiers vegetarian-only food one day a week in an effort to combat climate change". In August the country unveiled a new initiative saying that male recruits "would be permitted to grow their hair long, so long as they kept it in pony –tails or braids, as is required for female recruits.

Comparing the unisex camp with a training centre for the Royal Norwegian Navy, where women and men have separate rooms, Lilleaas' co-author Dag Ellingsen said though the problem with girls' rooms is that in some cases they are characterized by conflicts and cliques.

If a decision lessens discrimination against women soldiers what else could be better than this. It will in turn motivate women to join armed force. What i am skeptic about is that, is there any discrimination incident in Indian Armed force against female soldiers? AFAIK i haven't seen any such news regarding discrimination, @levina have you come across any such news? BTW this method would have contradicting results in India least to say. Specially because of feminine nature of females here so they would feel uncomfortable in unisex dorms.

I was a little taken aback at the this decision first and then I thought why not???
Lady officers face a lot of discrimination in armed forces from soldiers not saluting to not getting same treatment as their male counterparts.
The article says it reduces the discrimination and the cases of harassment.But what about male recruits growing pony tails and introducing vegetarian food once a a week??? :-)
This is a product of some radical thinking!!

If the soldiers themselves feel more comfortable in unisex dormitories then yes, why not. And about allowing male soldiers to grow hair as much as long they want, i think it is a sort of freedom to their personalization. And about veg-food they've given this reason as per the article - "serve soldiers vegetarian-only food one day a week in an effort to combat climate change".

Army join karne ka mann kr rha h yr. Specifically saying Norwegian :p:
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