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Unisex dormitories in Norwegian army help prevent sexual harassment

Frankly i think you guys misunderstand yourself or have a wrong concept about this.
I think guys turn more protective about the gals around them.
Wont you be protective about a gal who travels with you in a train,even without having a crush on her?
Actually i don't think so. Everyone's not the same, everyone is different in physical as well as mental behavior. Those guys who rape and molest girls are not even close to kind you mentioned. So as @chak de INDIA said majority of parents specifically in India would rather protest against this decision.

Our society has to stop being so conservative.
True. And people's perception in India is changing gradually, which is a good thing. But misbehavior against females is the main reason of people being so conservative i mean who would push their child in a well.

Do IIMs allow unisex dormitories??
i wonder, why are you asking this question?? May i know?:what:
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If a decision lessens discrimination against women soldiers what else could be better than this. It will in turn motivate women to join armed force. What i am skeptic about is that, is there any discrimination incident in Indian Armed force against female soldiers? AFAIK i haven't seen any such news regarding discrimination, @levina have you come across any such news?
Other than what gets reported in newspapers I have met lady officers who have talked of discrimination that they face.(Not harassment)
I know a lady who was the first lady officer to be posted in Siachen. This lady was my dad's junior and a close family friend.
She used to often tell us about stories how difficult it was to command respect from the soldiers (officers excluded).
Not just her, many officers like her had only one thing to complain that they get treated neither as a man nor as a woman. Issues begin when they work just as much as their male counterparts and still are looked down with no or little respect.

Reviewer21 said:
BTW this method would have contradicting results in India least to say. Specially because of feminine nature of females here so they would feel uncomfortable in unisex dorms.
Just as I mentioned above of about the ladyOfficer who got posted to siachen where no other females were there,she had to share most of her time with her male colleagues.She wasnt sharing the same room.But working 16-18hours with men comes as close.

Reviewer21 said:
Army join karne ka mann kr rha h yr. Specifically saying Norwegian :p:

Reviwer21 said:
i wonder, why are you asking this question?? May i know

I had read it in Chetan Bhagat's "2 states" . And once I guess JNU came very close to introducing one such hostel....if I am not wrong.
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Other than what gets reported in newspapers I have met lady officers who have talked of discrimination that they face.(Not harassment)
I know a lady who was the first lady officer to be posted in Siachen. This lady was my dad's junior and a close family friend.
She used to often tell us about stories how difficult it was to command respect from the soldiers (officers excluded).
Not just her, many officers like her had only one thing to complain that they get treated neither as a man nor as a woman. Issues begin when they work just as much as their male counterparts and still are looked down with no or little respect.

This is sad. Woman officers should report about it to higher level officers or should try to make a friendly relation, this is the best way to eradicate discrimination if the discrimination is done by same level officers. And for juniors women should teach them the hard way.

Just as I mentioned above of the ladyOfficer who got posted to siachen where no other females were there,she had to share most of her time with her male colleagues.She wasnt sharing the same room.But working 16-18hours with men comes as close.
If they work whole day together, then i believe she won't feel that uncomfortable, but then it depends on how she feel about it. And if the relation between male counterpart is friendly, then there is least to feel uncomfortable about anything. Indian Army should conduct a survey amongst Female soldiers about how they feel being and sharing dorm rooms with male counterparts.


I had read it in Chetan Bhagat's "2 states" . And once I guess JNU came very close to introducing one such hostel....if I am not wrong.
Ohk, i thought you are planning for MBA from IIM. And BTW which JNU are you talking about, there are plenty of 'em.
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People who change AFTER the change-will SURVIVE.....people who change WITH change- will succeed....... people who CAUSE the change- will LEAD.

ahh.... nice one......:-)
so, which category u belong.......:D:D
Unisex dormitories in Norwegian army help prevent sexual harassment

Photo: EPA

The Norwegian Army has introduced unisex dormitories, which means that now women soldiers have started to share unisex bedrooms with their male colleagues in a bold, or as it may seem to some people, dangerous experiment. What has come as a result is the fact that a decrease in sexual harassment was registered as soon as the experiment started, as women reported.

A military base in northern Norway was equipped with new unisex dormitories, with each room putting two women with four men.

According to Ulla-Britt Lilleaas, the co-author of the report "The Army: the vanguard, rear guard and battlefield of equality", the women reported that sharing bedrooms with their male colleagues helped them feel "one of the boys".

One woman soldier was surprised to see that rather than accentuate gender differences, sharing a room helped make them less relevant.

This move is the latest initiative coming from the Norwegian Armed Forces. In November the Norwegian Army announced that Norway's Armed Forces would "serve soldiers vegetarian-only food one day a week in an effort to combat climate change". In August the country unveiled a new initiative saying that male recruits "would be permitted to grow their hair long, so long as they kept it in pony –tails or braids, as is required for female recruits.

Comparing the unisex camp with a training centre for the Royal Norwegian Navy, where women and men have separate rooms, Lilleaas' co-author Dag Ellingsen said though the problem with girls' rooms is that in some cases they are characterized by conflicts and cliques.

@Dem!god @DRAY @chak de INDIA @Indischer @Parul @illusion8 @Reviewer21 @OrionHunter

I was a little taken aback at the this decision first and then I thought why not???
Lady officers face a lot of discrimination in armed forces from soldiers not saluting to not getting same treatment as their male counterparts.
The article says it reduces the discrimination and the cases of harassment.But what about male recruits growing pony tails and introducing vegetarian food once a a week??? :-)
This is a product of some radical thinking!!
Its more of a cultural thing,in certain countries this would never work.
Women are inducted in the capacity of officers mostly.And officers in the armed forces are educated and intelligent.So the men and women we are talking here are eduated.
Officers have separate dorms, one officer per room is the general trend, if they are talking about ''dorms'' it, more likely than not, means the soldier recruits.....
Officers have separate dorms, one officer per room is the general trend, if they are talking about ''dorms'' it, more likely than not, means the soldier recruits.....
Though newly inducted officers arent as lucky.:)

Its more of a cultural thing,in certain countries this would never work.

Yes and no.
No, because we have put a psychological block to it.

i hope they beat the shit out of him, if he is
Good to see guys like you strongly opposing it. :-)

Reviewer21 said:
And BTW which JNU are you talking about, there are plenty of 'em.
Jawaharlal nehru university....i know only one JNU.Which are the other ones???
Though newly inducted officers arent as lucky.:)

Yes and no.
No, because we have put a psychological block to it.

Good to see guys like you strongly opposing it. :-)

Jawaharlal nehru university....i know only one JNU.Which are the other ones???
i will oppose whatever these people make up themselves and make part of religion
Though newly inducted officers arent as lucky.:)

Yes and no.
No, because we have put a psychological block to it.

Good to see guys like you strongly opposing it. :-)

Jawaharlal nehru university....i know only one JNU.Which are the other ones???
Why yes,why no?
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