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“As a man is, so he sees...”

Those annoying guys in the photo, although that is common it usually doesn't get farther than that. Being raised in the land your Prophet lived how could you not be ashamed knowing his tomb is right around the corner.

I hate guys like this. I advocate beating them and threatening them. I've seen someone in Gaza pull a gun a two perverts harassing girls and it was the best thing ever.
threatening and beating? I think the girls should call the police if the feel threatened. Most of the time they can take care of the situation.
What are they even looking at? Only the eyes of the woman is visible and the guys are still acting like a perv. What would happen if the woman revealed more?
These kinds of things happen in all societies, and specially in developing countries, unfortunately.

You can see half of the face and the body very clearly and notice the revealing clothes they wear under their veil. Enough for most men to see. You can just from the face, figure of the body and style of her see if she is good looking or not or something for you. And eyes are in general very revealing.

Once again the number of "sexual harassment cases" in Saudi Arabia is extremely low compared to almost every other country in the world. Especially other Muslim countries. Both in terms of sheer numbers and percentage wise. And 40% of all offenders are non-nationals.

I would like to see definete sources though or a list - like homicide rate per country to be completely source. Until now I have just seen reports claiming what I wrote above without giving numbers of other countries.


Haha, so it turned out I was right, ah @GoodOlBoy?

Never underestimate my investigation skills and reason. I am a clever person when not engaged in trolling due to trolls.

English might not be my first language but never underestimate your opponent.

I always knew that you were @Therealtruth and @Mr. Justice


I wonder how many other users you have made. Probably well over 10.

Pathetic troll. You will never make any harm to us 500 million Arabs and nearly 2 billion Muslims anyway or Saudi Arabians in particular. Clown. I will be back hunting for you if you ever reappear again.


Levina: Are you angry because two of us Saudi Arabians totally dismannered your poor argumentation skills and told you to go back to India if UAE was a bad country in that other debate? Haha. Now you have relied to using Wikipedia as your source. Say what? Anybody and his cat can edit it.

So much wrong claims that it is even pathetic to reply to.

Anyway let us just take one of the false claims. Women cannot participate in sports in school? Really? Is that why women teams are present in every age group in nearly every sport?


I know that many people here are obsessed about KSA and spread false propaganda because their hatred for the land of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (saws), all the Prophets before him, the Shahaba, Sahaba, Ahl-al-Bayt etc. but do it better next time.

Always love when non-locals and non-Arabs are trying to act wiser than us natives. Problems exist yes. Big and small yes. But no need to make false propaganda.

Male hormones makes this behavior natural amongst the youth. These are 2 young men on the bike. They seem to be admiring two beautiful young ladies. Even though the ladies are practically covered from head to toe, they clearly are two very attractive ladies. The boys don't seem to be harassing the ladies just admiring them. How can that be immoral ?

Not acceptable behavior in our culture, mate. The poor young women will feel uncomfortable and probably frightened which must not happen. Women must be protected in a good way.
Would you like if two complete strangers looked at your daughter, sister, mother etc in a sexual way making them uncomfortable? I doubt so.
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I don't know how they are dressed underneath but they are in hijab and still the men can't help ogling and staring. I agree with @Serpentine
I don't know how they are dressed underneath but they are in hijab and still the men can't help ogling and staring. I agree with @Serpentine

Revealing as I said. Notice the jeans underneath the traditional veil. Notice the modern and beautiful shoes and their bags. Clearly women cautious about their look and clothes. Like most young Saudi Arabian women in Riyadh. Don't let the traditional veils fool you although they can be colorful and beautiful too. Most women wear "revealing clothes underneath". Don't know this from personal experience - not a pervert, but from my sisters who told me. Both older and younger sisters. Cousins too.:D

A beautiful women becomes twice as beautiful if her appearance is modest and thus she also keeps the secret of her beauty to those that have access to her beauty - her husband.

Just iike the two men who are well dressed. At least compared to the standard I witness here in Copenhagen, LOL.

You can also see half of their face and notice they are attractive like other users wrote in this thread. You can see their body figure. Also eyes are very revealing in general.

The point is that there is enough to make those two poor women uncomfortable which is not any good. I am sure that you would not like to be looked at this in such a way. Am I right dear?

It is not about punishing or giving warnings. It is about decent behavior. You can look at a woman and a man in respectful way. And if you think that he or she is beautiful depending on your sex then think that for yourself at first. Further it might develop into a marriage if you are lucky.

But certain rules and obligations, both Islamic and normal decency, must be followed. Many individuals lack this sadly.
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Revealing as I said. Notice the jeans underneath the traditional veil. Notice the modern and beautiful shoes and their bags. Clearly women cautious about their look and clothes. Like most young Saudi Arabian women in Riyadh. Don't let the traditional veils fool you although they can be colorful and beautiful too. Most women wear "revealing clothes underneath". Don't know this from personal experience - not a pervert, but from my sisters who told me. But older and younger sisters. Cousins too.:D

A beautiful women becomes twice as beautiful if her appearance is modest and thus she also keeps the secret of her beauty to those that have access to her beauty - her husband.

Just iike the two men who are well dressed. At least compared to the standard I witness here in Copenhagen, LOL.

You can also see half of their face and notice they are attractive like other users wrote in this thread. You can see their body figure. Also eyes are very revealing in general.

The point is that there is enough to make those two poor women uncomfortable which is not any good. I am sure that you would not like to be looked at this in such a way. Am I right dear?

It is not about punishing or giving warnings. It is about decent behavior. You can look at a woman and a man in respectful way. And if you think that he or she is beautiful depending on your sex then think that for yourself at first. Further it might develop into a marriage if you are lucky.

But certain rules and obligations, both Islamic and normal decency, must be followed. Many individuals lack this sadly.

No i agree with that part you can obviously look at a man or woman in a respectful way that isn't uncomfortable for anybody. Its only when a man is ogling and staring when it gets irritating. Yes, some of my relatives do live in Qatar so i do know that women might wear modern clothes underneath their hijab but its not just related to Saudi Arabia it happens in most developing countries and here in Pakistan as well and i know the general attire of women here thats why i agreed with the statement that if not showing off makes perverts out of men what would happen if they did show off? And no i would never like to be looked at in such a manner i doubt anyone would like that in fact.
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No i agree with that part you can obviously look at a man or woman in a respectful way that isn't uncomfortable for anybody. Its only when a man is ogling and staring when it gets irritating. Yes, some of my relatives do live in Qatar so i do know that women might wear modern clothes underneath their hijab but its not just related to Saudi Arabia it happens in most developing countries and here in Pakistan as well and i know the general attire of women here thats why i agreed with the statement that if not showing off makes perverts out of men what would happen if they did show off? And no i would never like to looked at in such a manner i doubt anyone would like that in fact.

Then we very much agree.

I will now tell you something. Here in Denmark many women wear really revealing clothes and it seems they love the attention so I think it depends very much on your upbringing, culture, religion and manners. Some people have no inhibitions.

But hey, that is apparently human rights some say.
Then we very much agree.

I will now tell you something. Here in Denmark many women wear really revealing clothes and it seems they love the attention so I think it depends very much on your upbringing, culture, religion and manners. Some people have no inhibitions.

But hey, that is apparently human rights some say.

Yeah its mainly about the culture of the society and whats considered out of the norm and what isn't. I can only speak about Muslim societies and as much as most people like to paint that women are oppressed here its very much the opposite. Since wearing revealing clothes is in no way an acceptable thing in Pakistani society yet we get to see such cases of harassment and abuse. Though every woman should be respected no matter where she is from but it baffles me when i see women wearing hijab having to face such things even here and elsewhere. But yes as long as one is comfortable carrying themselves around the way they want to while not causing any harm to others, its their right.
What are they even looking at? Only the eyes of the woman is visible and the guys are still acting like a perv. What would happen if the woman revealed more?
These kinds of things happen in all societies, and specially in developing countries, unfortunately.
LOL! the more you repress human behavior, more you will see incidents like this. Go to a beach in a western country and try to find anyone staring at even a girl wearing bikini.
LOL! the more you repress human behavior, more you will see incidents like this. Go to a beach in a western country and try to find anyone staring at even a girl wearing bikini.


What nonsense. Are you telling me that men in the West on beaches of all places, don't make sexual advancements? Really?

FFS sex on the beach is very common in most Western countries. Naked bathing too. You are telling me that both men and woman will not show any sexual advancements for that reason? Or because that is considered normal. So I guess nobody has sex because well that is normal in all countries, with that logic….

Or maybe you are trying to say something different. Not sure.

What nonsense. Are you telling me that men in the West on beaches of all places, don't make sexual advancements? Really?

FFS sex on the beach is very common in most Western countries. Naked bathing too. You are telling me that both men and woman will not show any sexual advancements for that reason? Or because that is considered normal. So I guess nobody has sex because well that is normal in all countries, with that logic….

Or maybe you are trying to say something different. Not sure.
Did you read my post backwards? Sexual advancements are common but incidents of harassment are not because of the strong law system. That's my point. I've never seen anyone who's belonged to a western culture staring at women as if they have seen aliens. Also note that staring uncomfortably is considered as a sexual harassment here.

To prove my point I once knew an Afghan from Laghman. I am pretty sure the place is ultra conservative and he was the biggest pervert I've ever seen in life. Even a finger was enough to provoke his sexual intentions.
Did you read my post backwards? Sexual advancements are common but incidents of harassment are not because of the strong law system. That's my point. I've never seen anyone who's belonged to a western culture staring at women as if they have seen aliens. Also note that staring uncomfortably is considered as a sexual harassment here.

To prove my point I once knew an Afghan from Laghman. I am pretty sure the place is ultra conservative and he was the biggest pervert I've ever seen in life. Even a finger was enough to provoke his sexual intentions.

How do you know that they are not common? I see what is considered as sexual harassment back home happening all the time here in Copenhagen. Before I saw the same in Paris when I lived there and before in the US where I studied for 1 year.

Do you have statistics that prove that? And are you referring to KSA? We have a very low number of sexual harassments of which 40% are made by non-nationals as seen in the article I posted in this thread. Are you not from South Asia? Is that not the region must affected by such behavior?

Nor is that common place in KSA. That picture posted in this thread is not "starring like" animals. Such a stare I see CONSTANTLY in the metro here in Copenhagen from men to women. I might even myself be guilty of such a stare once in a while. A innocent smile. It is a bad stare but animals would be going overboard and touching, making comments etc.

The thing is that sexual attraction is natural. Has nothing to do with culture or religion. A gay of a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, Christian, Jewish etc. background is the same gay like all those others. He will have the same lusts. Similar thing with a straight person.

The only difference is how you control those urges and how you thus behave. Some people cannot control themselves and are behaving badly - according to our Islamic culture. Regardless of origin, religion etc.

While others have no problems.

I don't think it is smart to say that some regions have more perverts than others. A pervert is a pervert and can be anyone regardless of origin. As I said sexual urges and religion and culture are two distinct things.

The religion can either, depending on its teachings, hold that urge down or even promote it, but at the end of the day it is the person and his sexual behavior that really matters.

Do you agree or not?
How do you know that they are not common. Do you have statistics that prove that? And are you referring to KSA? We have a very low number of sexual harassment's. Are you not from South Asia? Is that not the region must affected by such behavior?

Nor is that common place in KSA. That picture posted in this thread is not "starring like" animals. Such a stare I see CONSTANTLY in the metro here in Copenhagen from men to women. I might even myself be guilty of such a stare once in a while. A innocent smile.

The thing is that sexual attraction is natural. Has nothing to do with culture or religion. A gay of a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, Christian, Jewish etc. background is the same guy like all those others. He will have the same lusts. Similar thing with a straight person.

The only difference is how you control those urges and how you thus behave. Some people cannot control themselves and are behaving badly - according to our Islamic culture.

While others have no problems.

I don't think it is smart to say that some regions have more perverts than others. A pervert is a pervert and can be anyone regardless of origin. As I said sexual urges and religion and culture are two distinct things.

The religion can either, depending on its teachings, hold that urge down or even promote it, but at the end of the day it is the person and his sexual behavior that really matters.

Do you agree or not?
Of course I agree. I never insulted a particular country or religion. What I am saying is that if you put heavy restrictions on basic human behavior such as choice of clothes, it wouldn't be a surprise to see abnormal human behavior. As in the picture you posted, if a trouser is enough for them to stare like that, just imagine what would happen if they see a girl in bikini. I based the my assumption of that Afghan guy as such was because he was very noticeable among any other pervert I've seen. His behavior was so bad that every single girl tried to ignore him.

On your comment of South Asia, I have to bring your own argument. Just like you can't generalize whole Arab region based on one or two countries, you can't generalize South Asia. Sri Lanka has done better than most Asian countries when it comes to gender equality. First female ruler of Asia was a Sri Lankan and first elected female leader of a modern government in the world was also a Sri Lankan. Here's global gender gap report 2012.


source:Global Gender Gap Report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also I can apply the same logic even in my own country. Vast majority of perverts are concentrated in conservative areas rather than main cities. Well, after all this is what I have observed so I can't be certain about its credibility.
Levina: Are you angry because two of us Saudi Arabians totally dismannered your poor argumentation skills and told you to go back to India if UAE was a bad country in that other debate? Haha.
Why should i be angry???
Its just your denial of accepting the truth as it is which surprises me each time.
And seriously personal attacks are all some can resort to when they start loosing their ground.

al-Hasani said:
Now you have relied to using Wikipedia as your source
. Say what? Anybody and his cat can edit it.
Say what?
I pasted the screen shot and the link.
I do that so that those who are lazy enough to open the link can atleast take a look at the screen shot.But again denying has become your habit even when the truth stares at you.:coffee:

al-Hasani said:
Anyway let us just take one of the false claims. Women cannot participate in sports in school? Really? Is that why women teams are present in every age group in nearly every sport?

Try this .....

This report came on may 05 2013

Saudi Arabia to Start Letting Girls Play Sports
Pasting a part of the report.....because i know you are lazy and might not open the link.

"As part of incremental progress towards more freedom for women in the incredibly conservative kingdom of Saudi Arabia, women in private schools will now be allowed to play sports.

Saudi Arabia's official press agency said that the schools are now allowed to hold sport activities in accordance with sharia law, and the girls must wear "decent dress" at all times.
"It's about time," said Aziza Youssef, a professor at King Saud University told the Guardian. "Everything is being held back in Saudi Arabia as far as women's rights."

Saudi education ministry spokesman, Mohammed al-Dakhini, told reporters that the decision "stems from the teachings of our religion, which allow women such activities in accordance with sharia".

That clearly means it was allowed only recently....just 6-7 months back.

Another report on may 08 2013

Saudi Arabia: Let All Girls Play Sports | Human Rights Watch

Are you still in a denial mode???:coffee:

al-Hasani said:
I know that many people here are obsessed about KSA and spread false propaganda because their hatred for the land of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (saws), all the Prophets before him, the Shahaba, Sahaba, Ahl-al-Bayt etc. but do it better next time.

Ohh babbbyyy
You're talking to the wrong person about it.
I can read " La-ilaha-iLLaLLah- Muhammadur-Rasululla" in the same breath as i chant "om bhurv bhuvasah"....i had said it earlier on another thread but saying it once again for you.
From my childhood i was never taught to disrespect a nationality...or any religion.
Sorry spreading propaganda is not my style ....

I believe every religion brings discipline in one's life.So i respect every religion.

al-Hasani said:
Always love when non-locals and non-Arabs are trying to act wiser than us natives.
Sorry i dont have any such ego.

al-Hasani said:
Problems exist yes. Big and small yes.
Good that you know about it....and have accepted it to an extent.

al-Hasani said:
Women must be protected in a good way.
Who wants the protection???
Women need to be respected.Once men learn to do that then theres hardly a need for so called "protection"...which often becomes "over protection".
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You are a simple troll. "I respect religions" while yesterday you had a avatar that said ban religion. Just :lol:

Can't take your nonsense seriously. Not after seeing you in action in that past debate where I and @Yzd Khalifa put your arguments apart and now this.

Just a advice. Don't comment on issues that you have no clue about and where you rely on Wikipedia. Nor are those issues impacting you, your people or country. I have no business or desire to discuss all the millions of problems there are in India starting from having the highest number of poor people in the world and all those many problems that follow with such a thing. Or women rights there.

@Azizam Good that we are mostly in agreement then. I agree with most of your post. Some smaller parts where we differ though.
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You are a simple troll. "I respect religions" while yesterday you had a avatar that said ban religion. Just :lol:

Ban religion???
It meant "No religion" and my signature said this
"If i do good,i feel good
If i do bad , i feel bad....thats my religion"
-Abraham Lincoln

Get your eyes tested @al-Hasani :haha:

Now you sound like a juvenile troll to me.....:rofl:

This was my profile pic.

And keep your unsolicited advices to yourself :coffee:

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