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Saudi Arabia wants 2 battalions Army from Bangladesh

"যে কোন সশস্ত্র বাহিনীর মূল দায়িত্ব হলো যুদ্ধের প্রস্তুতি নেয়া। কিন্তু বাংলাদেশের সেনাবাহিনী স্বাধীনতার পর তেমন কোন যুদ্ধের অভিজ্ঞতা পায় নি। এক দিক থেকে এটা সুসংবাদ যে তাদের যুদ্ধ করতে হয়নি, তবে যে কোন পেশাদারী বাহিনীকেই যুদ্ধের প্রস্তুতি নিতে হয়।"

"শান্তিকালীন প্রস্তুতি যতটাই ভালো হোক না কেন - তার সাথে সত্যিকার বাস্তব যুদ্ধের অভিজ্ঞতার কোন তুলনা হয় না।"

"সে কারণেই প্রকৃত যুদ্ধ বা রণাঙ্গনের আশেপাশে থেকেও যদি একটা 'অপারেশনাল' বা 'প্রায়-যুদ্ধ পরিস্থিতি'র অভিজ্ঞতা হয় - সেটাও সেনাবাহিনীর প্রশিক্ষণের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।
Yes exactly this is the point I also believe . Our military need real battle field experience.
This remind me movie

The land of mines

Anyone remember ?​
According to this report minesweeping operation will be carried out in Yemen not in Saudi Arabia as many has assumed!!! Which is indeed going to be risky!! :mad:

Army to send 1,600 minesweepers to KSA

Security experts caution against getting involved in proxy war
Shakhawat Hossain | Published: 00:15, Feb 05,2019


Bangladesh Army decided to send 1,600 minesweepers to Najran and Jizan to sweep landmines in the southern provinces of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The country’s security experts cautioned the Bangladesh Army not to get involved in proxy wars.

Army officials told New Age that in July two Bangladesh Army contingents were expected to reach Saudi states bordering Yemen under a memorandum of understanding to be signed by Bangladesh and the KSA in February envisaging military cooperation.

Bangladesh ambassador in Riyadh Golam Moshi told New Age Monday that the two sides would sign another MoU under which Bangladesh army’s minesweepers would participate in sweeping mines reportedly laid by Houthis in Yemen between 2014 and 2016 killing over 1,500 and leaving 3,000 other injured until June.

The KSA which heads the Arab Coalition against the Iran-backed rebels in Yemen took the minesweeping project in liberated areas in Yemen bordering Saudi Arabia.

Under UN Peacekeeping Mission, Bangladesh Army’s minesweepers won international acclaim for clearing landmines from war torn countries in Asia and Africa.

But it would be for the 1st time that the Bangladesh Army would participate in any minesweeping operation under a bilateral framework.

Retired Major General Shahidul Hoque said Monday minesweeping by Bangladesh Army would look nice so long it only sweeps mines in Najran and Jizan.

But if the Bangladeshi soldiers cross the borders to sweep mines in Yemen it would grossly flout the foreign policy of Bangladesh as it would tantamount to involving Bangladesh in ‘proxy war’ between Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

In May 2017, following KSA’s request Bangladesh agreed to send its army to Saudi Arabia only if Makkah and Madinah came under attack.

of the Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies president retired major general ANM Muniruzzaman said it would be too early to comment on the issue before knowing the pros and cons of the proposed MoUs from the Bangladesh Army.

While talking on the proposed MoUs, Inter Services Public Relations director Lieutenant Colonel Abdullah Ibn Zaid said that the army would definitely keep the public informed if needed in due course.

He told New Age that the ISPR had nothing to share ‘right now’.

Ambassador Moshi said that the proposed MoUs would be ‘big, big breakthroughs’ in the Bangladesh-KSA ties, especially in terms of military cooperation that could be forged due to the ongoing visit to the KSA by Army chief of staff General Aziz Ahmed.

ISPR officials said that Bangladesh Army peacekeepers earned international acclaim by sweeping landmines from Kuwait after 1991.

During the demining process in Kuwait 270 Bangladeshi soldiers lost their lives and 56 others were wounded, according to a Kuwait Times report on Kuwaiti-Bangladeshi military ties distinctive: Senior officer’ published on November 22, 2016.

As the Army was highly trained in minesweeping Brig General Mohamamd Turki Al-Gaml, defence attaché in Saudi Embassy in Dhaka requested the Armed Forced Division in October to send troops under specific instruments.
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The thing is this is an ultimate fact check in the end for BAL projection of how rosy everything is on domestic front economically.....if they indulge in this kind of crap. Because if things were going as good as they say it was...whats the need to bend over like this sending ppl (maids and grunts) so cheap like this to do cruel taskmaster's bidding?

The optics (forget reasoning) do not make sense at all (great economy + sending ppl to such abuse for desperate buck)...so something clearly is being suppressed/hidden from BD population discourse more broadly.

No, mate. AL is full on trying to make every buck possible from everywhere, including sending workers to middle east. Remember, a significant portion of our foreign currency comes from the ME. The only way workers going to ME will stop is when the money made in ME will not be worth it.

Presently BD workers on average probably earn about 20-25k Taka per month in ME, I don't have stats for this but that's what I hear from people in BD who work in ME. In another probably 10, max 15 years, it won't be worth going to ME for this kind of money, our incomes locally is increasing. The other factor that will play out is the ME arab countries will become poorer, at least to the point where they can't afford to pay millions of foreign workers to wipe their butts after themselves.
According to this report minesweeping operation will be carried out in Yemen not in Saudi Arabia as many has assumed!!! Which is indeed going to be risky!! :mad:
F*ck this sh!t. Cancel the deal. Let Saudis take care of their own mess.
According to this report minesweeping operation will be carried out in Yemen not in Saudi Arabia as many has assumed!!! Which is indeed going to be risky!! :mad:
I stated this in the other thread too. Its just not as simple as clearing mines. There will be repercussions if we dont handle this with care. But some of us were happy as our Army was going to earn money.

I lived in UAE for more than a decade and trust me, I know Arab mentality better than most of you here. Should really stay outta this ME village politics.
I stated this in the other thread too. Its just not as simple as clearing mines. There will be repercussions if we dont handle this with care. But some of us were happy as our Army was going to earn money.

I lived in UAE for more than a decade and trust me, I know Arab mentality better than most of you here. Should really stay outta this ME village politics.

I never lived in the ME but I have seen Arabs here in Aus, they are in their best behavior in western countries cuz they will be kicked in the balls if they go out of line. Yet one with good eyes and ears can work out what kind of animals they are.
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I never lived in the ME but I have seen Arabs here in Aus, they are in their best behavior in western countries cuz they will be kicked in the balls if they go out of line. Yet one with good eyes and ears can work what kind of animals they are.

The gulf ones tend to carry a stereotypical & obnoxious behavior, people from Levant and Maghreb can be and are usually decent.
The gulf ones tend to carry a stereotypical & obnoxious behavior, people from Levant and Maghreb can be and are usually decent.

Levantine ones are no different. Only difference I have seen are the algerians, moroccans an Tunisians.
Levantine ones are no different. Only difference I have seen are the algerians, moroccans an Tunisians.

How are the Lebos in Oz. Also met an Australian couple in Moroc who said Bangladeshis there are referred to as "Bangers" lol.
How are the Lebos in Oz. Also met an Australian couple in Moroc who said Bangladeshis there are referred to as "Bangers" lol.

Lebs are some of the worst in Aus. They are drug kingpins of Australia, they run criminal bikie gangs,
run prostitution rings, do contract killings and all the rest of it. Majority have little concern about education. Their men most of them are club goers and zina committers. Their women majority of them wear the token headscarves, but many of then are involved in zina with kafir guys. There are some good people though but they are few.

I have one observation, in the whole Islamic world, Muslims of the Indian subcontinent are the most religiously observant and Muslim women of the subcontinent are the best in character.
Lebs are some of the worst in Aus. They are drug kingpins of Australia, they run criminal bikie gangs,
run prostitution rings, do contract killings and all the rest of it. Majority have little concern about education. Their men most of them are club goers and zina committers. Their women majority of them wear the token headscarves, but many of then are involved in zina with kafir guys. There are some good people though but they are few.

Really? Sh-t sounds very familiar to a certain community here LOL!

I have one observation, in the whole Islamic world, Muslims of the Indian subcontinent are the most religiously observant and Muslim women of the subcontinent are the best in character.

South Asian culture is more conservative even with Islam out of the equation.
Really? Sh-t sounds very familiar to a certain community here LOL!

South Asian culture is more conservative even with Islam out of the equation.

Exactly, in the subcontinent you will rarely see Afghan style buka clad women with extreme views. Majority will be content with a simple dupatta/urna but they are generally good and chaste women. They are neither super conservative nor the type who will give you a naked dance. It's the consistency in the middle ground in south Asian practice of Islam that makes them best in my eyes.
Exactly, in the subcontinent you will rarely see Afghan style buka clad women with extreme views. Majority will be content with a simple dupatta/urna but they are generally good and chaste women. They are neither super conservative nor the type who will give you a naked dance. It's the consistency in the middle ground in south Asian practice of Islam that makes them best in my eyes.

If we look closer to home, it's already there in our culture that Mohila shouldn't be in the Bazar/Markets or be on a motorbike with a man. For example a Mohila serves meman in her household she loosely draped her head and avoids as much mingling with the male guest. Pretty much applicable to all patriarchal societies.

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